【实验名称】递归子程序分析器的设计与实现 【实验目的和要求】 设计、编制,调试一个典型的语法分析程序,实现对如下的递归子程序语法的分析,进一步掌握常用的语法分析方法。 【实验内容】 ① 本分析程序所分析的文法如下: G[E]: E->eBaA A->a|bAcB B->dEd|aC C->e|dC ② 针对上述文法编写一递归子程序分析程序,该程序的输入是任意符号串,输出是本次输入的符号串是否是该文法的句子的结论。 【环境】 Windows Pc 机,任何版本的c语言 其中还包括java语言实现的程序
上传时间: 2013-12-25
上传时间: 2014-12-06
This document is intended to serve as an introduction to Wavelet processing through a set of Matlab experiments. These experiments will gives an overview of three fundamental tasks in signal and image processing : signal, denoising and compression. These scripts are selfs contents (needed additional Matlab functions can be downloaded while reading the lectures). Each one of these five lectures should take between 1h and 2h in order to tests the various features of the scripts. One should copy/paste the provided code into a file names e.g. tp1.m, and launch the script directly from Matlab comand line > tp1 . Some of the scripts contains "holes" that you should try to fill on your own. I also provide the complete correction of these lectures as a set of Matlab scripts, but you should try as much as possible to avoid using them.
标签: introduction processing document intended
上传时间: 2016-03-22
掌握Prim算法的特点,学会用Prim算法构造最小生成树 如果无向连通图是一个网,那么它的所有生成树中必有一棵树的边的权值总和为最小,我们称这棵生成树为最小生成树。在Prim算法中,在图G=(V,E)(V表示顶点,E表示边)中任选一点V0,令集合U={V0}为初态,从V0出发寻找与U中顶点相邻(另一顶点在V中)且代价最小的边的另一顶点V1,并使V1加入U,即U={V0,V1},同时(V0,V1)边加入集合T中(T的初态为空),这样不断地扩大U,直到U=V,则T中即为最小生成树的边。
上传时间: 2016-03-22
上传时间: 2013-12-26
上传时间: 2016-03-28
This demonstration shows how a ZigBee coordinator can be set up. This demo allows the Demonstration Board (PICDEM Z or Explorer 16) to act as either a "Switching Load Controller" (e.g. a light) or a "Switching Remote Control" (e.g. a switch) as defined by the Home Controls, Lighting profile. It is designed to interact with a second Demonstration board programmed with the Demo RFD project
标签: This demonstration Demonstratio coordinator
上传时间: 2014-01-18
A* sudo sudo/* B* adduser script adduser C* rmuser script rmuser E* tout tout/* F* dumdum dumdum G* lostfile lostfile H* Mkfl.localsys Makefile.localsys I* spacegripe spacegripe J* sendmail.cf sendmail.cf N* remote remote.c O* distributed conrol distrib/* P* hosts and name server makerevhosts Q* xargs xargs/*
标签: adduser script rmuser sudo
上传时间: 2016-03-29
moto e2 基站定位0.1版软件,基于moto e2的sdk和使用arm-linux-g
上传时间: 2013-12-18
图的深度遍历,输出结果为(红色为键盘输入的数据,权值都置为1): 输入顶点数和弧数:8 9 输入8个顶点. 输入顶点0:a 输入顶点1:b 输入顶点2:c 输入顶点3:d 输入顶点4:e 输入顶点5:f 输入顶点6:g 输入顶点7:h 输入9条弧. 输入弧0:a b 1 输入弧1:b d 1 输入弧2:b e 1 输入弧3:d h 1 输入弧4:e h 1 输入弧5:a c 1 输入弧6:c f 1 输入弧7:c g 1 输入弧8:f g 1 深度优先遍历: a b d h e c f g 程序结束.
上传时间: 2016-04-04