Huffman codes 1.In telecommunication, how do we represent a set of messages, each with an access frequency, by a sequence of 0 s and 1 s? 2.To minimize the transmission and decoding costs, we may use short strings to represent more frequently used messages. 3.This problem can be solved by using an Extended binary tree which is used in the 2-way merging problem. the sourse code is to encode and decode the Huffman.
标签: telecommunication represent messages Huffman
上传时间: 2013-12-22
A simulated lexical analyser for HLL like C,PASCAL etc. I have given a sample text file from which the source code reads the dummy program n analyses it. The program can be Extended by adding more.
标签: simulated analyser lexical PASCAL
上传时间: 2017-07-19
Rotation tool, totates a single image contained in HANDLE.HANDLE can be a handle to figure, axes, or image object. This GUI is a pure imitation of ROTATEGUI from Birju Patel and uses some code from that function. However, it has Extended functionalities and was re-writen using R13 syntax. Which means that it can be compiled with the V3.x compiler.
标签: HANDLE contained Rotation totates
上传时间: 2017-07-28
Why do People Program? Each person can have his own reason for programming but I can tell you that programming is one of the best ways to gain a deep understanding of computers and computer technology. Learning to program makes you understand why computers and computer programs work the way they do. It also puts some sense into you about how hard it is to create software. 1.2. What is C++ & OOP? C++ is an Extended version C. C was developed at Bell Labs. in 1978.
标签: programming can Program People
上传时间: 2013-12-07
X-MAC, a low power MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Standard MAC protocols developed for duty-cycled WSNs such as BMAC, which is the default MAC protocol for TinyOS, employ an Extended preamble and preamble sampling.
标签: MAC protocols Standard networks
上传时间: 2014-01-13
DESCRIPTION The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultra-low-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, combined with five low-power modes, is optimized to achieve Extended battery life in portable measurement applications. The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency. The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 1 μs. The MSP430G2x13 and MSP430G2x53 series are ultra-low-power mixed signal microcontrollers with built-in 16- bit timers, up to 24 I/O capacitive-touch enabled pins, a versatile analog comparator, and built-in communication capability using the universal serial communication interface. In addition the MSP430G2x53 family members have a 10-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. For configuration details see Table 1. Typical applications include low-cost sensor systems that capture analog signals, convert them to digital values, and then process the data for display or for transmission to a host system.
上传时间: 2018-12-25
When joining Siemens in 2001, I also Extended my research interest towards radio net- work planning methodologies. This area of research brought together my personal interest in mobile communications and in the design of efficient algorithms and data structures. Between 2001 and 2003, I participated in the EU project Momentum, which was target- ing the performance evaluation and optimization of UMTS radio networks. I
标签: Efficient Methods WCDMA for
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) networks have become mainstream over the last few years. What started out as cable replacement for static desktops in indoor networks has been Extended to fully mobile broadband applications involving moving vehicles, high-speed trains, and even airplanes.
标签: Technologies Emerging Wireless Theory LANs in
上传时间: 2020-05-27
The insinuation of telecommunications into the daily fabric of our lives has been arguably the most important and surprising development of the last 25 years. Before this revolution, telephone service and its place in our lives had been largely stable for more than a generation. The growth was, so to speak, lateral, as the global reach of telecommunications Extended and more people got telephone service. The distinction between oversea and domestic calls blurred with the advances in switching and transmission, undersea cable, and communication satellites. Traffic on the network remained overwhelmingly voice, largely in analog format with facsimile (Fax) beginning to make inroads.
标签: Telecommunications Modeling Analysis and of
上传时间: 2020-05-31
It was only a few years ago that “ubiquitous connectivity” was recognized as the future of wireless communication systems. In the era of ubiquitous connectivity, it was expected that the broadband mobile Internet experience would be pervasive, and seamless connectivity on a global scale would be no surprise at all. The quality of service would be guaranteed no matter when/where/what the users wanted with the connectivity. Connectivity would even be Extended to object-to-object communication, where no human intervention was required. All objects would become capable of autonomous communication.
标签: Protocols Radio LTE-A LTE for and
上传时间: 2020-06-01