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  • FIBPlus is a component suite intended for work with InterBase. It is direct, fast and flexible Inter

    FIBPlus is a component suite intended for work with InterBase. It is direct, fast and flexible InterBase connectivity for Delphi, C++ Builder, Ada and Kylix. FIBPlus supports Delphi 5-7, Delphi 2005, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2007, C++ Builder 5-6, C++ Builder 2006, C++ Builder 2007, Kylix 3, gnat-3.15p, gnat2006 GPL, and all versions of InterBase 4.x-7.x, InterBase 2007 and Firebird 1.x-2.x. Using FIBPlus in your applications you do not need to install any additional software except for InterBase Client Software. FIBPlus supports all special InterBase features such as array-fields, event alerters, BLOB-fields, etc. FIBPlus is a native component set and its evaluation versions are distributed partially in sources. Registering FIBPlus you get full sources of components and technical support

    标签: component InterBase intended flexible

    上传时间: 2013-12-01


  •  本文通过简易的表单制作, 添加表单的方法程序, 在程序中巧妙设置线条控件的L i neS2lant 、Left 、Top 、Height 及Width 属性值,同时设置计时器的Interval 属性

     本文通过简易的表单制作, 添加表单的方法程序, 在程序中巧妙设置线条控件的L i neS2lant 、Left 、Top 、Height 及Width 属性值,同时设置计时器的Interval 属性及Timer Event 方法程序改变线条的颜色,以达到动态显示效果

    标签: neS2lant Interval Height Width

    上传时间: 2013-12-31


  • This program incorporates the FV method for solving the Navier-Stokes equations using 2D, Cartesian

    This program incorporates the FV method for solving the Navier-Stokes equations using 2D, Cartesian grids and the staggered arrangement of variables. Variables are stored as 2D arrays. SIMPLE method is used for pressure calculation. UDS and CDS are implemented for the discretization of convective terms, CDS is used for the diffusive terms. The boundary conditions are set for the lid-driven cavity flow. Only steady flows are considered.

    标签: Navier-Stokes incorporates Cartesian equations

    上传时间: 2017-05-14


  • Solves the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a rectangular domain with prescribed velocities

    Solves the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a rectangular domain with prescribed velocities along the boundary. The standard setup solves a lid driven cavity problem.

    标签: incompressible Navier-Stokes rectangular prescribed

    上传时间: 2013-11-25


  • 1. 汽车轮渡口

    1. 汽车轮渡口,过江渡船每次能载10辆车过江,过江车辆分为客车类和货车类,上渡船有如下规定:同类车先到先上船,客车先于货车上渡船,且每上4辆客车,才允许上一辆货车。若等待客车不足4辆,则从货车代替,若无货车等待允许客车上船。试写一个算法模拟渡口管理。 算法设计: 1客车和货车均建立一个链式队列,初始均为空。以后来一辆车不是货车就是客车,因此可以说整个程序的事件驱动event就是这两个,客车表示1,货车表示0. 2轮船还没有到达时客车和货车均按次序排在各自队列中。 3轮船到达时,根据两个队列的情况,分别处理。处理如下: a 客车数不满4辆,则将排在前面的货车上船,但总数不能超过10,若没有货车等待,客车直接上船。 b 客车数满4,但不满8辆,客车先上,排在前面的只有一辆货车可以上船,若没有货车等待则货车不上。 c 客车满8辆但不满10,客车上船,排在前面的货车最多可以上2辆,但总数不能超过10。 d 客车满10,则全上客车,但总数不能超过10。

    标签: 汽车

    上传时间: 2014-06-28


  • javax.swing | 最常用的pachage

    javax.swing | 最常用的pachage,包含了各种swing组件的类 javax.swing.border | 包含与swing组件外框有关的类 javax..swing.colorchooser | 针对swing调色盘组件(JColorChooser)所设计的类 javax.swing.event | 处理由swing组件产生的事件,有别于AWT事件 javax.swing.filechooser | 包含针对swing文件选择对话框(JFileChooser)所设计的类

    标签: pachage javax swing

    上传时间: 2017-05-27


  • How to control the time s equence of LM3033B- 0BR3 LCD module by C51 programming was dis cus s ed i

    How to control the time s equence of LM3033B- 0BR3 LCD module by C51 programming was dis cus s ed in this paper. In this way the LCD module was driven by parallel communication and the characters and graphics could be were narrated in detail.

    标签: programming control equence module

    上传时间: 2017-05-29


  • In the last decade the processing of polygonal meshes has emerged as an active and very productive

    In the last decade the processing of polygonal meshes has emerged as an active and very productive research area. This can basically be attributed to two developments:  Modern geometry acquisition devices, like laser scanners and MRT, easily produce raw polygonal meshes of ever growing complexity  Downstream applications like analysis tools (medical imaging), computer aided manufacturing, or numerical simulations all require high quality polygonal meshes as input. The need to bridge the gap between raw triangle soup data and high-quality polygon meshes has driven the research on ecient data structures and algorithms that directly operate on polygonal meshes rather than on a (most often not feasible) intermediate CAD representation.

    标签: processing productive the polygonal

    上传时间: 2017-06-03


  • 在大多2440开发板BSP中的SMDK2440DRIVERSacklite目录下一般都有背光驱动。在注册表中添加如下函数的时候

    在大多2440开发板BSP中的SMDK2440\DRIVERS\backlite目录下一般都有背光驱动。在注册表中添加如下函数的时候,开机时确实可以打印"!!!!!!!!!!!! BACKLIGHT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!,如果没有操作大概1分钟后也可以打印!!!!!!!!!!!! BACKLIGHT OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!。但打印("!!!!!!!!!!!! BACKLIGHT OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!后,就算有触发事件(在触摸屏上点击,或者移动鼠标)也不会打印"!!!!!!!!!!!! BACKLIGHT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!。 其实这个驱动大体是正确的,只是当键盘鼠标或触摸屏输入时候gwes 发送“PowerManager/ActivityTimer/UserActivity” event,而不是原驱动中的“("UserInputEvent") ”修改后的源程序如下(SMDK2440\DRIVERS\backlite目录下bak_hw.cpp文件)。

    标签: 2440 DRIVERS acklite SMDK

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • ucosII源码分析

    ucosII源码分析,从CPU的执行顺序来看吧,这样也许清晰一些,并且我们暂时抛弃那些Event/MailBox、信号量等元素,还是先看看作为一个OS核心的Task Schedule部分内容吧。首先从main函数开始,下面是uC/OS-II main函数的大致流程:

    标签: ucosII 源码分析

    上传时间: 2017-06-19
