基于AM335x的工业自动化应用 etherCAT , EtherNET/ip
上传时间: 2019-10-18
A decade ago, I first wrote that people moved, and networks needed to adapt to the reality that people worked on the go. Of course, in those days, wireless LANs came with a trade-off. Yes, you could use them while moving, but you had to trade a great deal of throughput to get the mobility. Although it was possible to get bits anywhere, even while in motion, those bits came slower. As one of the network engineers I worked with put it, “We’ve installed switched gigabit EtherNET everywhere on campus, so I don’t understand why you’d want to go back to what is a 25-megabit hub.” He un- derestimated the allure of working on the go.
上传时间: 2020-05-26
This book addresses two aspects of network operation quality; namely, resource management and fault management. Network operation quality is among the functions to be fulfilled in order to offer quality of service, QoS, to the end user. It is characterized by four parameters: – packet loss; – delay; – jitter, or the variation of delay over time; – availability. Resource management employs mechanisms that enable the first three parameters to be guaranteed or optimized. Fault management aims to ensure continuity of service.
标签: EtherNET Networks MPLS and IP
上传时间: 2020-05-27
标签: rtl8201cp
上传时间: 2022-01-13
上传时间: 2022-03-06
本实验将实现 FPGA 芯片和 PC 之间进行千兆以太网数据通信, 通信协议采用 EtherNET UDP 通信协议。 FPGA 通过 GMII 总线和开发板上的 Gigabit PHY 芯片通信, Gigabit PHY芯片把数据通过网线发给 PC
上传时间: 2022-06-03
第 1 章,系统概述,包括原理、选型、安装和接线第 2 章,编程入门,实现用最简单的程序控制一套硬件。第 3 章, TwinCAT 开发环境的深入介绍,不做练习,仅供查询。第 4 章,操作系统和硬件,包括系统备份、桌面接管等工具。第 5 章,常用功能:包括掉电保持、数据存储、配方功能等第 6 章, TwinCAT 库文件,重点介绍温控、 PID、 OS 功能扩展、 EtherCAT 诊断和配置第 7 章, 连接 IO 模块,介绍各种 IO 模块的特殊用法。第 8 章, 连接其它 TwinCAT 系统,包括 ADS 通讯和 Realtime EtherNET第 9 章, 连接第三方设备 ,包括与仪表、驱动、触摸屏、视觉系统的各种通讯。第 10 章, 连接第三方 PLC , TwinCAT 作为现场总从站集成到其它 PLC 中。第 11 章, HMI 解决方案,包括触摸屏、组态软件、高级语言程序和 TwinCAT HMI第 12 章, 连接企业数据库,通过 Tc Database Server 实现 PLC 与数据库的通讯。第 13 章, 特殊 IO 模块(待填充)第 14 章,从 TwinCAT 2 到 TwinCAT 3。讲解 Tc 3.0 与 Tc 2.0 的区别。第 15 章,附录,包括 PLC 编程手册、 简明安装指南、 Codesys 中文帮助
标签: twincat
上传时间: 2022-06-13
Chapter 1:Introduction and Overview Chapter 2:Switches,Buttons,and Knob 开关按钮Chapter 3:Clock Sources 时钟脉冲源Chapter 4:FPGA Configuration Options 配置Chapter 5:Character LCD Screen LCD显示屏特性Chapter 6:VGA Display Port VGA接口——接到显示器上Chapter 7:RS-232 Serial Ports RS-232接口——接器件Chapter 8:PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port PS/2鼠标键盘接口Chapter 9:Digital to Analog Converter(DAC)D/A接口Chapter 10:Analog Capture Circuit 模拟捕获电路Chapter 11:Intel StrataFlash Parallel NOR Flash PROM Chapter 12:SPI Serial Flash 串行外围接口系列闪存Chapter 13:DDR SDRAM 内存Chapter 14:10/100 EtherNET Physical Layer Interface以太网物理层接口Chapter 15:Expansion Connectors 扩展接口Chapter 16:XC2C64A CoolRunner-II CPLDChapter 17:DS2432 1-Wire SHA-1 EEPROMSpartan-3E入门实验板使设计人员能够即时利用Spartan-3E系列的完整平台性能。设备支持:Spartan-3E、CoolRunner-ll关键特性:Xilinx器件:Spartan-3E(50万门,XC3S500E-4FG320C),CoolRunnerTM-lI与Platform Flash时钟:50MHz晶体时钟振荡器存储器:128Mbit 并行Flash,16 Mbit SPI Flash,64MByte DDR SDRAM连接器与接口:以太网10/100Phy,JTAG USB下载,两个9管脚RS-232串行端口,PS/2类型鼠标/键盘端口,带按钮的旋转编码器,四个滑动开关,八个单独的LED输出
标签: Spartan-3E
上传时间: 2022-06-19
以太网供电(POE)概述POE(Power Over EtherNET)指的是在现有的以太网 Cat.5布线基础架构不作做何改动的情况下,在为一些基于IP的终端(如IP电话机、无线局域网接入点AP、网络摄像机等)传输数据信号的同时,还能为此类设备提供直流供电的技术。POE技术能在确保现有结构化布线安全的同时保证现有网络的正常运作,最大限度地降低成本。POE也被称为基于局域网的供电系统(POL,Power overLAN)或有源以太网(Active EtherNET),有时也被简称为以太网供电,这是利用现存标准以太网传输电缆的同时传送数据和电功率的最新标准规范,并保持了与现存以太网系统和用户的兼容性。IEEE802.3af标准是基于以太网供电系统POE的新标准,它在IEEE802.3的基础上增加了通过网线直接供电的相关标准,是现有以太网标准的扩展,也是第一个关于电源分配的国际标准。IEEE在1999年开始制定该标准,最早参与的厂商有3Com,Intel,PowerDsine,Nortel,Mitel和National Semiconductor。但是,该标准的缺点一直制约着市场的扩大。直到2003年6月,IEEE批准了802.3af标准,它明确规定了远程系统中的电力检测和控制事项,并对路由器、交换机和集线器通过以太网电缆向IP电话、安全系统以及无线LAN接入点等设备供电的方式进行了规定。IEEE802.3af的发展包含了许多公司专家的努力,这也使得该标准可以在各方面得到检验。
标签: POE
上传时间: 2022-06-25
Overview The MT7628 router-on-a-chip includes an 802.11n MAC and baseband,a 2.4 GHz radio and FEM,a 575/580MHz MIPS? 24K% CPU core,a 5-port 10/100 fast EtherNET switch. The MT7628 includes everything needed to build an AP router from a single chip. The embedded high performance CPU can process advanced applications effortlessly, such as routing, security and VolP. The MT7628 also includes a selection of interfaces to support a variety of applications, such as a USB port for accessing external storage.Features· Embedded MIPS24KEc(575/580 MHz) with 64KBl-Cache and 32 KB D-Cache·2T2R 2.4 GHz with 300 Mbps PHY data rate· Legacy 802.11b/g and HT 802.11n modes·20/40 MHz channel bandwidth· Reverse Data Grant(RDG)· Maximal Ratio Combining(MRC)· Space Time Block Coding(STBC)· MCM 8 Mbytes DDR1 KGD(MT7628KN)
标签: mt7628
上传时间: 2022-07-18