When a system designer specifies a nonisolated dc/dc powermodule, considering the needed input voltage range isequally as important as considering the required performanceattributes and features. Generally, nonisolated moduleshave either a narrow or a wide input voltage range. Narrowinputmodules typically have a nominal input voltage of3.3, 5, or 12 V. For systems that operate from a tightlyregulated input bus—such as those that do not use batterybackup—a narrow-input module is often adequate sincethe input remains fairly stable.Offering greater flexibility, wide-input modules operatewithin a range of 7 to 36 V, which includes the popular12- or 24-V industrial bus. This enables a single module tobe used for generating multiple voltages. These modulesare ideal for industrial controls, HVAC systems, vehicles,medical instrumentation, and other applications that usea loosely regulated distribution bus. In addition, systemspowered by a rectifier/battery charger with lead-acidbattery backup almost always require wide-input modules.System designers who choose power supplies may wantto take a close look at the latest generation of wide-inputdc/dc modules.
标签: Wide-input modules offer dc
上传时间: 2014-12-24
Apress - Managing Enterprise Systems With The Windows Script Host Source Code
标签: Enterprise Managing Systems Windows
上传时间: 2015-01-15
Enterprise javabeans的电子书籍,有些具体的指导
标签: Enterprise javabeans 电子 书籍
上传时间: 2015-02-07
Enterprise Java For Linux - HOWTO
标签: Enterprise HOWTO Linux Java
上传时间: 2013-12-11
Applying Enterprise Java Beans 2nd Edition.
标签: Enterprise Applying Edition Beans
上传时间: 2014-01-27
The practice of enterprise application development has benefited from the emergence of many new enabling technologies. Multi-tiered object-oriented platforms, such as Java and .NET, have become commonplace.
标签: application development enterprise benefited
上传时间: 2015-03-11
SUN SCJP经典认证系列:(PDF) Prentice Hall - Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology Study Guide.zip
标签: Enterprise Technology Certified Architect
上传时间: 2015-03-19
前一阵子和朋友一起参与了一个实际的EJB(Enterprise JavaBean) 应用 系统开发,在其中学习到了许多有用的技术和经验。虽然目前的市面上已经有许 多讨论EJB 技术的书籍和文章,但是似乎尚未有以实际案例做为讨论内容。鉴 于目前许多公司和系统都开始采用Java 和EJB 的技术,因此笔者在此野人献 曝,希望以一个简化的范例来说明在开发EJB 应用系统时会遭遇到的技术问题 以及一些设计上的取舍。当然对于J2EE 有兴趣的读者也可以依据文章讨论的内 容跟随作者一起开发这个范例EJB 系统。
标签: Enterprise JavaBean EJB 系统开发
上传时间: 2015-03-25
本教程介绍了 Enterprise JavaBean 技术,特别关注于在分布式计算方案中 Enterprise JavaBean 组件的角色、体系结构、扩展 API 以及使用 EJB 技术的基本知识。
标签: Enterprise JavaBean 教程
上传时间: 2014-11-15
本教程介绍了 Enterprise JavaBean 技术,特别关注于在分布式计算方案中 Enterprise JavaBean 组件的角色、体系结构、扩展 API 以及使用 EJB 技术的基本知识。
标签: Enterprise JavaBean 教程
上传时间: 2013-12-18