发动机测试平台原理图,Engine test
上传时间: 2013-12-28
Space-Time Processing for CDMA Mobile Communications.Written for research students and design Engineers, this book addresses many basic questions related to the use of space-time processing in CDMA-based third-generation systems
标签: Communications Space-Time Processing for
上传时间: 2014-01-13
OBPM是一个开源,轻量级的BPM系统。它的目标是让非IT人员也可以轻松构建IT业务处理流程。OBPM内建工作流引擎(Workflow Engine), Form构建器,Report设计器。
上传时间: 2016-08-08
Atmel’s AT91SAM7FP105 is a low pincount FingerChip processor based on the 32-bit ARM RISC processor. It features a on-chip biometric Engine performing enrollment verification and identification, an internal record cache of up to 25 records and a secure command protocol over USB, SPI, UART. This protocol enables an external host system or processor to control the onchip bioEngine functions, manipulate the record cache, and securely export record cache records for external storage. Together with the FingerChip sensor device AT77C104B, it forms an embedded, secured biometric turnkey solution.
标签: processor FingerChip pincount Atmel
上传时间: 2013-12-26
ADM6993F/FXFiber to Fast Ethernet Converter (TS1000 CPE Complied) The ADM6993F/FX is a single chip integrating two 10/100 Mbps MDIX TX/FX transceivers, a three-port 10/100M Ethernet L2 switch controller, and one OAM Engine to meet demanding applications, including Fiber-to-Ethernet media converters, especially the fiber to the home (FTTH) media converters. The ADM6993F/FX feature set includes link pass through (LPT), TS1000 OAM frame receiving/processing/transmitting, programmable link status LED display, various loop-back modes, and one configurable MII ports for snooping/inserting OAM frame from/to 100Fx. The ADM6993FX is the environmentally friendly “green” package version.
标签: 6993 ADM Converter Ethernet
上传时间: 2014-01-01
是“MATLAB混合编程与工程应用”一书的源码,该书高洁和孙新德编著 清华大学出版社出版 2008年5月 本书以MATLAB最新版本R2006a为蓝本,系统介绍了MATLAB混合编程的最新技术。全书共分11章,第1和第2章概述了 MATLAB混合编程的发展状况及基本方法,第3至10章分别介绍了几种典型的混合编程方法,包括使用MEX、MATLAB Engine、MATLAB ACTIVEX、Mideva、MATLAB Builder for .NET、MATLAB Web Server进行混合编程,以及MATLAB和Visual Basic、Excel等混合编程。第11章以数字水印技术为例介绍了MATLAB混合编程在工程中的典型应用。 本书按照混合编程常用方法进行编写,第3至10章的每章都为一个独立单元,读者可以任选其中一章或几章进行学习,每章重点阐述一种混合编程方法的实质和要点,实例描述贯穿始终。 本书不仅具有理论深度与广度,而且注重实用,实例丰富,特别是通过作者在数字水印方面的研究成果,提供了理论分析与应用案例。 本书可以作为高等院校计算机及信息相关专业的教材或参考书,也可供广大科技工作者参考。
上传时间: 2014-01-13
SQLite is a small, fast, embeddable database. What makes it popular is the combination of the database Engine and interface into a single library as well as the ability to store all the data in a single file. Its functionality lies between MySQL and PostgreSQL, however it is faster than both databases.
标签: combination embeddable the database
上传时间: 2014-01-19
这是达芬奇开发下的一个例程,可以借此熟悉codec Engine的运行机制。
标签: 达芬奇
上传时间: 2016-10-16
Joomla收费插件。建立商业登记,商品,广告,房地产,文件目录 Mosets Tree is the only directory component for Joomla! that allows you to run large directory website with customizable templates, user ratings, Search Engine Friendly URLs and more. Fast, Simple and Flexible. Price: $110 USD
上传时间: 2016-10-20
Semantic analysis of multimedia content is an on going research area that has gained a lot of attention over the last few years. Additionally, machine learning techniques are widely used for multimedia analysis with great success. This work presents a combined approach to semantic adaptation of neural network classifiers in multimedia framework. It is based on a fuzzy reasoning Engine which is able to evaluate the outputs and the confidence levels of the neural network classifier, using a knowledge base. Improved image segmentation results are obtained, which are used for adaptation of the network classifier, further increasing its ability to provide accurate classification of the specific content.
标签: multimedia Semantic analysis research
上传时间: 2016-11-24