This program Encodes and decodes a character using the Vigenere Square method
标签: character Vigenere program Encodes
上传时间: 2015-03-28
qr code encoder that Encodes and decodes the data
标签: encoder decodes Encodes code
上传时间: 2017-03-29
Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation
标签: and notation Encodes decodes
上传时间: 2017-09-12
The LZW compression class i mplemented as a fixed length code which you can specify, the huffman algorithm implementation Encodes a byte into a variable length bit array. Both of them can work with streams
标签: compression mplemented huffman specify
上传时间: 2013-12-03
Library and command line program for Huffman encoding and decoding both files and chunks of memory. The encoder is a 2 pass encoder. The first pass scans the data and builds the Huffman tree. The second pass Encodes the data. The decoder is one pa
标签: and encoding decoding Library
上传时间: 2016-06-01
KML is an XML grammar used to encode and transport representations of geographic data for display in an earth browser. Put simply: KML Encodes what to show in an earth browser, and how to show it. KML uses a tag-based structure with nested elements and attributes and is based on the XML standard.
标签: representations geographic transport grammar
上传时间: 2014-01-12
We introduce a novel data mining technique for the analysis of gene expression. Gene expression is the effective production of the protein that a gene Encodes.
标签: expression introduce technique analysis
上传时间: 2014-01-09