Turbo C - (C) Copyright 1987, 1988 by Borland International */ #define S_IREAD 0x0100 /* from SYS\STAT.H */ #define S_IWRITE 0x0080 /* from SYS\STAT.H */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define MSGHEADER "MICROCALC - A Turbo C Demonstration Program" #define MSGKEYPRESS "Press any key to continue." #define MSGCOMMAND "Press / for the list of commands" #define MSGMEMORY "Memory Available:" #define MSGERROR "ERROR" 部分说明 #define MSGLOMEM "Not enough memory to allocate cell." #define MSGEmpty "Empty" #define MSGTEXT "Text"
标签: International Copyright Borland S_IREAD
上传时间: 2013-12-26
标签: 初学者
上传时间: 2015-12-21
使用Usb cy7c68013与DSP通信,现在已经能够很正确的传递(上传数据)了。 USB资源: 使用了Ep2,Ep6 Ep2, out auto Ep6, in auto FlagA--- PF3 FlagB--- PF6 FlagC--- PF1 需要 EP2 Empty EP6 FULL信号 因此 FlagA--- PF3 --- EP2空 --- 8 h FlagB--- PF6 --- EP6满 --- e h FlagC--- PF1 PINFLAGSAB=0xE8 极性设置: PKTEND,EPEF,EPFF high 其他的低 因此 FIFOPINPOLAR = 0x23 包结束信号接在DSP 的 PF7 上面。 以上结束06.11.28
上传时间: 2015-12-27
FIFO(先进先出队列)通常用于数据的缓存和用于容纳异步信号的频率或相位的差异。本FIFO的实现是利用 双口RAM 和读写地址产生模块来实现的.FIFO的接口信号包括异步的写时钟(wr_clk)和读时钟(rd_clk)、 与写时钟同步的写有效(wren)和写数据(wr_data) 、与读时钟同步的读有效(rden)和读数据(rd_data) 为了实现正确的读写和避免FIFO的上溢或下溢,给出与读时钟和写时钟分别同步的FIFO的空标志(Empty)和 满标志(full)以禁止读写操作。
上传时间: 2014-01-25
异步FIFO的实现,可综合,可验证] keywords:almost_full,full,almost_Empty,Empty
标签: FIFO
上传时间: 2016-11-06
Requirement ===================================================================================== python 2.4+ wxPython 2.6+ Unicode Version Installation ===================================================================================== Directly extract the tarbar into a Empty directory or overwrite the old directory, that s ok. Run ===================================================================================== Execute: python ulipad.pyw or python ulipad.py
标签: Requirement
上传时间: 2017-02-01
Use a one-dimensional array of primitive type boolean to represent the seating chart of the plane. Initialize all the elements of the array to false to indicate that all the seats are Empty. As each seat is assigned, set the corresponding elements of the array to true to indicate that the seat is no longer available.
标签: one-dimensional primitive represent the
上传时间: 2013-12-22
how to add arrays * Use of const (constant) values. * Creation of vectors. * Passing vectors as function arguments. * Reading from files of unknown size (monitoring istream status). * Repetitive structures (while and for loops). * The increment operators (++). * Selection structures (if-else statements). * Use of the .size, .Empty, .begin, .insert, .erase, .resize, .clear and .swap vector class member functions.
标签: Creation constant Passing vectors
上传时间: 2017-04-25
Specification File adjacencyListGragh class GeneralGraph: use adjacency list to implement the graph which data structure is vector Construct methods: * public GeneralGraph(): contain an Empty vector store the vertex and a boolean determines whether graph is directed or not, defaulted is undirected
标签: adjacencyListGragh Specification GeneralGraph adjacency
上传时间: 2013-12-13
用C实现栈的InitStack, Empty, full, push, pop, clear, getpop。的功能。
上传时间: 2013-12-22