JavaServer Pages, Third Edition is completely revised and updated to cover the substantial changes in the 2.0 version of the JSP specification. It also includes detailed coverage of the major revisions to the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) specification. Combining plenty of practical advice with detailed coverage of JSP syntax and features and clear, useful examples, JavaServer Pages, Third Edition demonstrates how to Embed server-side Java into Web pages, while also covering important topics such as JavaBeans, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), and JDBC database access.
标签: substantial JavaServer completely Edition
上传时间: 2014-01-04
The jxcell allows any Java developer to automate any manual spreadsheet process within their organization. Automate the delivery of Excel reports and give your users the data they need in the format they want. Web-enable your existing spreadsheet business logic as a scalable server-side calculation engine. Embed Excel-compatible grids in applets and applications to automate spreadsheet data entry processes. enables you to integrate Excel-compatible spreadsheet functionality in your Windows applications without relying on Excel or writing VBA code.
标签: spreadsheet any developer automate
上传时间: 2016-04-29
I developed an algorithm for using local ICA in denoising multidimensional data. It uses delay Embedded version of the data, clustering and ICA for the separation between data and noise.
标签: multidimensional developed algorithm denoising
上传时间: 2016-06-01
Java Server Pages Examples code JavaServer Pages, Third Edition is completely revised and updated to cover the substantial changes in the 2.0 version of the JSP specification. JSP syntax and features and clear, useful examples, JavaServer Pages, Third Edition demonstrates how to Embed server-side Java into Web pages, while also covering important topics such as JavaBeans, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), and JDBC database access. jsp Java Server Pages 配套源代码 第3版
标签: Pages JavaServer completely Examples
上传时间: 2013-12-05
電子報軟體. 你想輕輕鬆鬆的寄送電子報 功能介紹: 1. 支援多個伺服器分散流量. (已可設定每次的最大郵件數) 2. 支援多個設定檔選擇. 3. 可直接選擇硬碟內的 HTML, 純文字檔當做寄信內容. 4. 支援定時、每日、每週、每月送信. 5. 配合 ServiceAgent 可以成為NT/2000下的服務. 6. 可夾帶附件檔案. 7. 在原本可直接選取電腦硬碟上的檔案(HTML)來做為HTML寄信的本文之外, 目前已能將 HTML 內的圖檔(gif,jpg,bmp,png)的 <img> tag 和 音效檔(wav,mid,swf)的<Embed> tag 的內容一起勘進郵件內容裡. 8. 以 Command Line 執行的方式就能啟動寄信流程. 9. 透過電子郵件信箱即可啟動自動化電子報訂閱/取消功能! 開發工具: 1. Delphi 5 2. Indy Winshoes8 (free delphi component)
上传时间: 2014-01-05
The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) has two different but complementary technologies for producing dynamic web content in the presentation tier—namely Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP). Java Servlet, the first of these technologies to appear, was initially described as extensions to a web server for producing dynamic web content. JSP, on the other hand, is a newer technology but is equally capable of generating the same dynamic content. However, the way in which a servlet and a JSP page produce their content is fundamentally different servlets Embed content into logic, whereas JSP pages Embed logic into content.
标签: Java complementary technologie Enterprise
上传时间: 2017-09-04
•ARINC429总线协议是美国航空电子工程委员会(Airlines Engineering Committee)于1977年7月提出的,并于同年发表并获得批准使用,它的全称是数字式信息传输系统(Digital Information Transmission System ) 。协议标准规定了航空电子设备及有关系统间的数字信息传输要求。ARINC429广泛应用在先进的民航客机中,如B-737、B-757、B-767,俄制军用飞机也选用了类似的技术。
标签: ARINC429 总线
上传时间: 2015-03-25
上传时间: 2015-05-12
模式识别,图像处理,SVM,支持向量机 §编制程序显示印章图像(24位真彩色位图); § 读出位图中每一像素点的(R,G,B)样本值; § 以RGB其中某两个(或三个)为坐标,取一定数量的图像点为分析样本,分析其坐标系中的分布; § 采用本章将要学习的方法找到分类判别函数,对这些样本进行分类;(要求首先将印章与底纹区分,将印章、底纹、签字区分)
上传时间: 2015-06-08
标签: 指针
上传时间: 2015-11-08