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  • 《器件封装用户向导》赛灵思产品封装资料

    Introduction to Xilinx Packaging Electronic packages are interconnectable housings for semiconductor devices. The major functions of the electronic packages are to provide electrical interconnections between the IC and the board and to efficiently remove heat generated by the device. Feature sizes are constantly shrinking, resulting in increased number of transistors being packed into the device. Today's submicron technology is also enabling large-scale functional integration and system-on-a-chip solutions. In order to keep pace with these new advancements in silicon technologies, semiconductor packages have also evolved to provide improved device functionality and performance. Feature size at the device level is driving package feature sizes down to the design rules of the early transistors. To meet these demands, electronic packages must be flexible to address high pin counts, reduced pitch and form factor requirements. At the same time,packages must be reliable and cost effective.

    标签: 封装 器件 用户 赛灵思

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • SOC验证方法

    Prakash Rashinkar has over 15 years experience in system design and verificationof embedded systems for communication satellites, launch vehicles and spacecraftground systems, high-performance computing, switching, multimedia, and wirelessapplications. Prakash graduated with an MSEE from Regional Engineering College,Warangal, in India. He lead the team that was responsible for delivering themethodologies for SOC verification at Cadence Design Systems. Prakash is anactive member of the VSIA Functional Verification DWG. He is currently Architectin the Vertical Markets and Design Environments Group at Cadence.

    标签: SOC 验证方法

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • MEMS 经典教材

    The field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), particularly micromachinedmechanical transducers, has been expanding over recent years, and the productioncosts of these devices continue to fall. Using materials, fabrication processes, anddesign tools originally developed for the microelectronic circuits industry, newtypes of microengineered device are evolving all the time—many offering numerousadvantages over their traditional counterparts. The electrical properties of siliconhave been well understood for many years, but it is the mechanical properties thathave been exploited in many examples of MEMS. This book may seem slightlyunusual in that it has four editors. However, since we all work together in this fieldwithin the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton,it seemed natural to work together on a project like this. MEMS are nowappearing as part of the syllabus for both undergraduate and postgraduate coursesat many universities, and we hope that this book will complement the teaching thatis taking place in this area.

    标签: MEMS 教材

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • EDGE信道分配原则

      Contents   1 Introduction 1   2 Glosary 1   2.1 Concepts 1   2.2 Abbreviations and acronyms 4   3 Capabilities 6   4 Technical Description 6   4.1 General 6   4.2 Service oriented Allocation of Resources on the Abis   interface (SARA) 8   4.3 Configuration of dedicated PDCHs in Packet Switched   Domain (PSD) 10   4.4 Handling of Packet Data traffic 15   4.5 Channel selection in Cicuit Switched Domain (CSD) 19   4.6 Return of PDCHs to Cicuit Switched Domain (CSD) 22   4.7 Main changes in Ericsson GSM system R10/BSS R10 24   5 Engineering guidelines 24   6 Parameters 26   6.1 Main controlling parameters 26   6.2 Parameters for special adjustments 26   6.3 Value ranges and default values 28   7 References 29

    标签: EDGE 信道分配

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • NCV7356单线CANBUS收发器数据手册

    The NCV7356 is a physical layer device for a single wire data linkcapable of operating with various Carrier Sense Multiple Accesswith Collision Resolution (CSMA/CR) protocols such as the BoschController Area Network (CAN) version 2.0. This serial data linknetwork is intended for use in applications where high data rate is notrequired and a lower data rate can achieve cost reductions in both thephysical media components and in the microprocessor and/ordedicated logic devices which use the network.The network shall be able to operate in either the normal data ratemode or a high-speed data download mode for assembly line andservice data transfer operations. The high-speed mode is onlyintended to be operational when the bus is attached to an off-boardservice node. This node shall provide temporary bus electrical loadswhich facilitate higher speed operation. Such temporary loads shouldbe removed when not performing download operations.The bit rate for normal communications is typically 33 kbit/s, forhigh-speed transmissions like described above a typical bit rate of83 kbit/s is recommended. The NCV7356 features undervoltagelockout, timeout for faulty blocked input signals, output blankingtime in case of bus ringing and a very low sleep mode current.

    标签: CANBUS 7356 NCV 单线

    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • Rf And Microwave Power Amplifier Design(2005)

    The main objective of this book is to present all the relevant informationrequired for RF and micro-wave power amplifier design includingwell-known and novel theoretical approaches and practical design techniquesas well as to suggest optimum design approaches effectively combininganalytical calculations and computer-aided design. This bookcan also be very useful for lecturing to promote the analytical way ofthinking with practical verification by making a bridge between theoryand practice of RF and microwave engineering. As it often happens, anew result is the well-forgotten old one. Therefore, the demonstrationof not only new results based on new technologies or circuit schematicsis given, but some sufficiently old ideas or approaches are also introduced,that could be very useful in modern practice or could contributeto appearance of new ideas or schematic techniques.

    标签: Amplifier Microwave Design Power

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • LPC1700系列芯片勘误手册

    This errata sheet describes both the known functional problems and anydeviations from the electrical specifications known at the release date ofthis document.Each deviation is assigned a number and its history is tracked in a table atthe end of the document.

    标签: 1700 LPC 系列芯片 勘误

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • LPC1100系列微控制器勘误手册

    This errata sheet describes both the known functional problems and anydeviations from the electrical specifications known at the release date ofthis document.Each deviation is assigned a number and its history is tracked in a table atthe end of the document.

    标签: 1100 LPC 微控制器 勘误

    上传时间: 2014-12-31


  • Aspen plus工艺流程模拟软件介绍

      Aspen Plus介绍 (物性数据库)   · Aspen Plus ---生产装置设计、稳态模拟和优化的大型通用流程模拟系统   · Aspen Plus是大型通用流程模拟系统,源于美国能源部七十年代后期在麻省理工学院(MIT)组织的会 战,开发新型第三代流程模拟软件。该项目称为“过程工程的先进系统”(Advanced System for Process Engineering,简称ASPEN),并于1981年底完成。1982年为了将其商品化,成立了AspenTech公司,并称之为Aspen Plus。该软件经过20多年来不断地改进、扩充和提高,已先后推出了十多个版本,成为举世公认的标准大型流程模拟软件,应用案例数以百万计。全球各大化工、石化、炼油等过程工业制造企业及著名的工程公司都是Aspen Plus的用户。 它以严格的机理模型和先进的技术赢得广大用户的信赖,它具有以下特性:   1. ASPEN PLUS有一个公认的跟踪记录,在一个工艺过程的制造的整个生命周期中提供巨大的经济效益,制造生命周期包括从研究与开发经过工程到生产。   2. ASPEN PLUS使用最新的软件工程技术通过它的Microsoft Windows图形界面和交互式客户-服务器模拟结构使得工程生产力最大。   3. ASPEN PLUS拥有精确模拟范围广泛的实际应用所需的工程能力, 这些实际应用包括从炼油到非理想化学系统到含电解质和固体的工艺过程。   4. ASPEN PLUS是AspenTech的集成聪明制造系统技术的一个核心部分, 该技术能在你公司的整个过程工程基本设施范围内捕获过程专业知识并充分利用。   在实际应用中,ASPEN PLUS可以帮助工程师解决快速闪蒸计算、设计一个新的工艺过程、查找一个原油加工装置的故障或者优化一个乙烯全装置的操作等工程和操作的关键问。

    标签: Aspen plus 工艺流程 模拟

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 采用TÜV认证的FPGA开发功能安全系统

    This white paper discusses how market trends, the need for increased productivity, and new legislation have accelerated the use of safety systems in industrial machinery. This TÜV-qualified FPGA design methodology is changing the paradigms of safety designs and will greatly reduce development effort, system complexity, and time to market. This allows FPGA users to design their own customized safety controllers and provides a significant competitive advantage over traditional microcontroller or ASIC-based designs. Introduction The basic motivation of deploying functional safety systems is to ensure safe operation as well as safe behavior in cases of failure. Examples of functional safety systems include train brakes, proximity sensors for hazardous areas around machines such as fast-moving robots, and distributed control systems in process automation equipment such as those used in petrochemical plants. The International Electrotechnical Commission’s standard, IEC 61508: “Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems,” is understood as the standard for designing safety systems for electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) equipment. This standard was developed in the mid-1980s and has been revised several times to cover the technical advances in various industries. In addition, derivative standards have been developed for specific markets and applications that prescribe the particular requirements on functional safety systems in these industry applications. Example applications include process automation (IEC 61511), machine automation (IEC 62061), transportation (railway EN 50128), medical (IEC 62304), automotive (ISO 26262), power generation, distribution, and transportation. 图Figure 1. Local Safety System

    标签: FPGA 安全系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-14
