在Multisim 10软件环境下,设计一种由运算放大器构成的精确可控矩形波信号发生器,结合系统电路原理图重点阐述了各参数指标的实现与测试方法。通过改变RC电路的电容充、放电路径和时间常数实现了占空比和频率的调节,通过多路开关投入不同数值的电容实现了频段的调节,通过电压取样和同相放大电路实现了输出电压幅值的调节并提高了电路的带负载能力,可作为频率和幅值可调的方波信号发生器。Multisim 10仿真分析及应用电路测试结果表明,电路性能指标达到了设计要求。 Abstract: Based on Multisim 10, this paper designed a kind of rectangular-wave signal generator which could be controlled exactly composed of operational amplifier, the key point was how to implement and test the parameter indicators based on the circuit diagram. The duty and the frequency were adjusted by changing the time constant and the way of charging and discharging of the capacitor, the width of frequency was adjusted by using different capacitors provided with multiple switch, the amplitude of output voltage was adjusted by sampling voltage and using in-phase amplifier circuit,the ability of driving loads was raised, the circuit can be used as squarewave signal generator whose frequency and amplitude can be adjusted. The final simulation results of Multisim 10 and the tests of applicable circuit show that the performance indicators of the circuit meets the design requirements.
上传时间: 2014-01-21
A collection of interface applications between various microprocessors/ controllers and the LTC1090 family of data acquisition systems. The note is divided into sections specific to each interface.
上传时间: 2013-11-08
题目:利用条件运算符的嵌套来完成此题:学习成绩>=90分的同学用A表示,60-89分之间的用B表示,60分以下的用C表示。 1.程序分析:(a>b)?a:b这是条件运算符的基本例子。
上传时间: 2015-01-08
sheerdns is a master DNS server whose zone records are stored on a One-Record-Per-File bases. Because of this, it is the simplest of any DNS to configure, the easiest to update, and the most efficient for networks that experience a lot of updates (for example master servers for dynamic IP address ranges). You never have to restart it; any updates are available immediately without having to notify the sheerdns process. 来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/sheerdns/?topic_id=149 sheerdns是一个主DNS服务器,它的域记录保存在一个One-Record-Per-File(每文件一个记录)的库中。因此,它是最简单的DNS配制,最容易更新,对于有大量更新的网络(如动态IP地址范围的主服务器)来说它是最高效的。你不必重新启动它,任何更新不用通知对应DNS进程就可以立即生效。
标签: One-Record-Per-File sheerdns records Becaus
上传时间: 2015-01-10
Setting up an ADOCE project using Visual C++ 6.0 is rather simple. Assuming that you have downloaded and installed the ADOCE SDK from Microsoft, you are ready to use it in your Windows CE Database applications. The sample that I have provided is a *very* simple one illustrating how to instantiate the proper COM objects, and the basics of how to interface with them (in a very simple example)
标签: downloaded Assuming Setting project
上传时间: 2015-01-16
A windows BMP file is a common image format that Java does not handle. While BMP images are used only on windows machines, they are reasonably common. Reading these shows how to read complex structures in Java and how to alter they byte order from the big endian order used by Java to the little endian order used by the windows and the intel processor.
上传时间: 2013-12-27
RSA算法 :首先, 找出三个数, p, q, r, 其中 p, q 是两个相异的质数, r 是与 (p-1)(q-1) 互质的数...... p, q, r 这三个数便是 person_key,接著, 找出 m, 使得 r^m == 1 mod (p-1)(q-1)..... 这个 m 一定存在, 因为 r 与 (p-1)(q-1) 互质, 用辗转相除法就可以得到了..... 再来, 计算 n = pq....... m, n 这两个数便是 public_key ,编码过程是, 若资料为 a, 将其看成是一个大整数, 假设 a < n.... 如果 a >= n 的话, 就将 a 表成 s 进位 (s
标签: person_key RSA 算法
上传时间: 2013-12-14
This an adaptive receiver for a direct-sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) system over an AWGN channel. The adaptive receiver block is modified from the LMS adaptive filter block in DSP Blockset. For DS-SS signal reception, the adaptive filter needs to have multi-rate operation. The input sample rate is equal to chip rate and the output is at symbol rate. Two rates are related by PG, processing gain
标签: direct-sequence adaptive receiver spectrum
上传时间: 2014-01-16
SR-tree is an index structure for high-dimensional nearest neighbor queries,C++ sourcecode. SR-tree outperforms the R*-tree and the SS-tree especially for high-dimensional and non-uniform data which are likely to appear in the actual image / video applications.
标签: high-dimensional structure neighbor SR-tree
上传时间: 2013-12-10
21天学会用JAVA开发网络游戏 书籍语言: 简体中文 书籍类型: 程序设计 授权方式: 免费软件 书籍大小: 287 KB 书籍等级: 整理时间: 2004-11-3 20:41:10 With all of the media attention that is focused on the Internet and the World Wide Web, figuring out exactly what they are all about is sometimes difficult. Are they just a neat new way to market products or will they truly offer us a new medium of communication that will someday surpass even televisions and telephones? The answer is, who knows? Unfortunately, the ultimate use for the Internet is still unknown. This is because it is still in such a state of flux that it s pretty much impossible to accurately predict where it will end up. However, you can look at the evidence of what is there now and gain some insight into what the Internet might become, at least in terms of games.
上传时间: 2013-12-20