单片微型计算机是微型计算机发展中的一个重要分支,是把构成一台微型计算机的主要部件如中央处理器(CPU)、存储器(RAM/ROM)和各种功能I/O接口集成在一块芯片上的单芯片微型计算机(Single Chip Micro Computer),简称单片机.由于它的结构与指令功能都是按工业控制要求设计的,且近年来单片机着力扩展了各种控制功能如A/D、PWM等,因此我们更多时候称其为一个单片形态的微控制器(Single Chip Micro Controller),或直接称其为微控制器(Micro Controller)。
上传时间: 2014-01-18
NCO 在信号处理方面有着广泛的应用。而函数发生器是NCO 中的关键部分,本文基 于FPGA 用状态机和流水线方法实现了CORDIC 算法,并取代了传统的ROM 查找表法。 最后通过Quartus II 软件给出仿真结果,验证了理论的正确性。
上传时间: 2017-04-04
Contiki是一个开源,高度便携性,多任务操作系统内存效率的网络化嵌入式系统和无线传感器网络。 Contiki是采用了不同的项目,如公路隧道火灾监测,入侵检测,水质监测在波罗的海,并在监测网络。 Contiki是专为微控制器与少量的记忆。一个典型的Contiki配置2千字节的RAM和40千字节的ROM 。
上传时间: 2017-04-06
Abstract: This application note describes the program and data flash and how to erase/write the flash using the built-in utility ROM. This application note applies to the MAXQ flash-based microcontrollers that use a sector erasable flash
标签: application and describes the
上传时间: 2014-12-19
建立一个属于自己的AVR的RTOS Proteus6.7 可以用来模拟仿真avr系列的单片机 WinAVR v2.0.5.48 基于GCC AVR的编译环境,好处在于可以在C语言中插入asm的语句 mega8 1K的ram有8K的rom,是开发8位的RTOS的一个理想的器件,并且我对它也比较熟悉
上传时间: 2017-04-14
SCSI Multimedia Commands 鈥?3 (MMC-3) T10/1363-D 5.16 READ CAPACITY Command The READ CAPACITY command (Table 144) provides a means for the Initiator to request information regarding the capacity of the Logical Unit. This command shall not report the correct capacity of the recorded data for CD-R, CD-RW and DVD-R/-RW media that does not have a Lead-out in the last Session or last Border-out. For CD-ROM, the returned logical block address is modified to allow returning a possibly inexact value (but one with a known error bound) based on the Table of Contents data
标签: CAPACITY READ Multimedia Commands
上传时间: 2017-04-17
上传时间: 2017-04-22
The W78E58B is an 8-bit microcontroller which has an in-system programmable Flash EPROM for firmware updating. The instruction set of the W78E58B is fully compatible with the standard 8052. The W78E58B contains a 32K bytes of main ROM and a 4K bytes of auxiliary ROM which allows the contents of the 32KB main ROM to be updated by the loader program located at the 4KB auxiliary ROM 512 bytes of on-chip RAM four 8-bit bi-directional and bit-addressable I/O ports an additional 4- bit port P4 three 16-bit timer/counters a serial port. These peripherals are supported by a eight sources two-level interrupt capability. To facilitate programming and verification, the ROM inside the W78E58B allows the program memory to be programmed and read electronically. Once the code is confirmed, the user can protect the code for security
标签: microcontroller programmable in-system W78E58B
上传时间: 2017-04-27
The Microsoft(R) Guide for Assembly Language and C Programmers By Ray Duncan PROGRAMMING FOR MS-DOS Genealogy of MS-DOS MS-DOS in Operation Structure of MS-DOS Application Programs MS-DOS Programming Tools Keyboard and Mouse Input Video Display Printer and Serial Port File Management Volumes and Directories Disk Internals Memory Management The EXEC Function Interrupt Handlers Installable Device Drivers Filters Compatibility and Portability MS-DOS FUNCTIONS REFERENCE IBM ROM BIOS AND MOUSE FUNCTIONS REFERENCE LOTUS/INTEL/MICROSOFT EMS FUNCTIONS REFERENCE
标签: Programmers PROGRAMMING Microsoft Assembly
上传时间: 2017-05-05
在TI DSP的开发环境CCS(Code Composer Studio)下,PC机通过JTAG电缆与用户目标系统中的DSP通信,帮助用户完成调试工作。当用户在该环境下完成开发任务,编写完成用户软件之后,到DSP目标系统产品化阶段时,需要完全脱离依赖PC机的CCS环境,并要求目标系统上电后可自行启动并执行用户软件代码,这就需要用到自启动(Bootloader)技术。同时Bootloader也指由TI在生产DSP芯片时预先烧制其片内ROM中,完成该功能的一段代码名称。
上传时间: 2017-05-06