EPLAN EEC ONE的中文版手册,属于eplan的高端应用。
标签: eplan
上传时间: 2022-05-05
说明: STM8单片机连接CAN芯片 MCP2515 的源码,已经通过工程验证。(MCP2515 CAN chip STM8 MCU connections of the source has been verified by engineering.)
上传时间: 2022-05-17
说明: 合泰单片机HT66F50例程工程源程序,合泰各种例程demo都在里面(HT66F50 routine engineering source program of Hetai single chip microcomputer)
标签: 单片机
上传时间: 2022-06-06
Mathematical modeling has become an important part of the research and devclopment work in engineering and scicnce. Retaining a competitive edge requiresa fast path between ideas and prototypes, and in this regard mathematical modeling and simulation provide a valuable shortcut for understanding both qualitative and quantitative aspects of scientific and engineering design. To assist you in gaining this edge, COMSOL Multiphysics offers state-of-the art performance, being built from the ground up with a Java3D interface and C/C++ solvers.The Acoustics Module is an optional package that extends the COMSOL Multiphysicsmodcling cnvironment with customized user interfaces and functionality optimizcd for the analysis of acoustics. Like all modules in the COMSOL family, it provides a brary of prewritten ready-to-run models that make it quicker and casier to analyze disciplinc-specific problcms.
上传时间: 2022-06-19
说明:原文(英语)来自Freescale Semiconductor,Inc.的应用文档,作者,T.C.Lun,Applications Engineering,Microcontroller Division,Hong Kong.文档分为下列几个部分:PART 1 观EMC PART 2器件的选择及电路的设计PART 3印刷电路板layout技术附录A EMC术语表附录B 抗干扰测量标准第一部分 EMI和EMC纵览:在现代电子设计中EMI是一个主要的问题。为抗干扰,设计者婴么除掉干扰源,要么保护受影响的电路,最终的目的都是为了达到电磁兼容的目的仅仅达到电磁兼容也许还不够。虽然电路工作在板级,但它有可能对系统的共他部件辐射噪音、干扰,从而引起系统级的问题。此外,系统毅或者设备级的EMC不得不满足某些辐射标准,以便不影响其他设备。许多发达国家在电子产品上有非常严格的EMC标准。为了达到这些要求,设计者必须考虑从板极开始的EMI抑制。一个简单的EMI模型包含三个元素,如图1所示:1.EMI源2.耦合路径3.感应体
上传时间: 2022-06-20
开关电源PCB布局布线教材, 开关电源的PCB设计(布局、排版、走线)规范.pdf_电子/电路_工程科技_专业资料。比较详细的讲述了PCB布线的一些小技巧 。Specification for PCB design (layout, layout and routing) of | switch power supply. Pdf_ electronics/circuits _ engineering technology _ professional information. More detailed about the PCB wiring some tips
上传时间: 2022-07-27
LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench)是一种用图标代替文本行创建应用程序的图形化编程语言。传统文本编程语言根据语句和指令的先后顺序决定程序执行顺序,而 LabVIEW 则采用数据流编程方式,程序框图中节点之间的数据流向决定了VI及函数的执行顺序。VI指虚拟仪器,是 LabVIEW 的程序模块。
上传时间: 2013-05-21
LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench)是一种用图标代替文本行创建应用程序的图形化编程语言。传统文本编程语言根据语句和指令的先后顺序决定程序执行顺序,而 LabVIEW 则采用数据流编程方式,程序框图中节点之间的数据流向决定了VI及函数的执行顺序。VI指虚拟仪器,是 LabVIEW 的程序模块。
上传时间: 2013-07-18
LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench)是一种用图标代替文本行创建应用程序的图形化编程语言。传统文本编程语言根据语句和指令的先后顺序决定程序执行顺序,而 LabVIEW 则采用数据流编程方式,程序框图中节点之间的数据流向决定了VI及函数的执行顺序。VI指虚拟仪器,是 LabVIEW 的程序模块。
上传时间: 2013-04-15