maven 2.0 The following instructions show how to install Maven 2: 1) Unpack the archive where you would like to store the binaries, EG: tar zxvf maven-2.0.tar.gz or unzip 2) A directory called "maven-2.0" will be created. 3) Add the bin directory to your PATH, EG: export PATH=/usr/local/maven-2.0/bin:$PATH or set PATH="c:\program files\maven-2.0\bin" %PATH% 4) Make sure JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your JDK 5) Run "mvn --version" to verify that it is correctly installed.
标签: instructions following archive install
上传时间: 2014-01-19
关于simu1: 在simlink运行之前的初始化过程中,完成了信道时延和幅度的估计,多径合成权系数估计 多径合成采用可选EG/MR/MMSE合成 信道可选白噪声信道AWGN和IEEE80.215.3a UWB标准信道模型(CM1-CM4)但为了简化, 这里采用了IEEE80.215.3a给出了信道模型中的仿真数据包(如果你是作超宽带的,信道模型程序和数据可从IEEE80.215.3a网站获取) 和大部分仿真一样,模型中的Eb/No指的是单比特信息符号携带的能量和噪声的比例,监督的讲,在AWGN信道中,Eb/No为4.31db时,误码率0.01 关于zslsimu直接运行simuuwb.m可看到结果) 显然和simu1一样,只是增加了.m文件,修改.m文件中的重要参数:多径数、PN序列长度、PN序列、单个信息码元宽度Tb(单位ns)、每个脉冲宽度Tc(单位ns)、系统的仿真精度Ts(单位ns)、仿真时间 chanidx=1:1是因为考虑信道数据文件太大,不好上传,想得到精确的仿真,同一个信道类型(chantype),最好仿真100次实现,信道文件可由UWB标准组织下载
上传时间: 2015-08-14
tr1 byte "Please input the first 64-bit in hex:first - second",0dh,0ah,0 string byte "remener :use enter to tell high 32-bit from low 32-bit",0dh,0ah,0 examp1 byte "EG: 1234ecdf",0dh,0ah,0 examp2 byte " 03ab2543",0dh,0ah,0
上传时间: 2014-08-22
This program compress and recostruct using wavelets. We can select level of decomposition(here maximum 4 levels are given) of images using selected wavelet. For EG:-wavelets can be haar, db1, db2,dmey............... Decomposition can be viewed in figure. (Please note that select 256X256 image for better result.) Then compression can performed, PERFL2 give compression score. Then reconstruction can be performed. Each decompsition we can choose different threshold values. For each threshold value we can calculate mse,psnr,pq(picture quality), bit ratio etc. To get pq install pqs function .
标签: decomposition recostruct compress wavelets
上传时间: 2016-01-22
包含s3c2440几乎所有测试程序代码,EG:lcd led rtc uart
上传时间: 2016-06-24
汉诺塔!!! Simulate the movement of the Towers of Hanoi puzzle Bonus is possible for using animation EG. if n = 2 A→B A→C B→C if n = 3 A→C A→B C→B A→C B→A B→C A→C
标签: the animation Simulate movement
上传时间: 2017-02-11
将魔王的语言抽象为人类的语言:魔王语言由以下两种规则由人的语言逐步抽象上去的:α-〉β1β2β3…βm ;θδ1δ2…-〉θδnθδn-1…θδ1 设大写字母表示魔王的语言,小写字母表示人的语言B-〉tAdA,A-〉sae,EG:B(ehnxgz)B解释为tsaedsaeezEGexenehetsaedsae对应的话是:“天上一只鹅地上一只鹅鹅追鹅赶鹅下鹅蛋鹅恨鹅天上一只鹅地上一只鹅”。(t-天d-地s-上a-一只e-鹅z-追g-赶x-下n-蛋h-恨)
上传时间: 2013-12-19
FontExporter:将指定文件包含的文本,用指定的字体和大小导出到字库。 <br><br>PicFont:在另一个系统显示字库,可以将上面导出的文本,用同样的字体和大小显示出来。<br><br>使用的时候,先用 FontExporter 将图片字库导出,EG.<br>java util.loc.FontExporter 宋体 12 text.xml 0 FL12<br><br>然后在J2ME工程里面加入,,,创建PicFont对象,载入图片字用PicFont对象的 load()方法。画图片字用drawChar()方法。<br><br>目前图片字支持各种字体,大小是1~32像素,渐变、阴影特效。
标签: FontExporter
上传时间: 2017-06-06
wireless tools: used to manipulate the Wireless Extensions. The Wireless Extensions is an interface allowing you to set Wireless LAN specific parameters and get the specific stats. It also contains the IfRename package, used for advance renaming of network interfaces. We have cross compile to arm linux. and fixed some bug (EG:sometime the essid will be rename to a long name, or sometime it will disaply the essid twice)
标签: Extensions Wireless manipulate interface
上传时间: 2014-11-26
大名鼎鼎的嵌入式操作系统vxworks的完整的源代码,支持多种体系结构的嵌入式处理器,如arm,x86,i960,mc68k,mips,ppc,sparc等,包含完整的实时多任务处理及网络tcpip,dhcp,rip等协议,tffs文件系统,以及各种硬件驱动程序如usb--All the source code of Famous vxwork Embedded operating system , it supports the Embedded processor of many kinds of systems architecture, such as arm,x86,I9600,mc68k,Mips,ppc,sparc etc, it includes entire Real-Time & multi_tasks processing and some network protocols of tcpip,dhcp,rip, tfffs file system,and various kinds of hardware drivers (EG usb) etc
标签: vxworks
上传时间: 2016-04-01