上传时间: 2014-11-29
针对主控制板上存储器(SRAM) 存储的数据量小和最高频率低的情况,提出了基于SDR Sdram(同步动态RAM) 作为主存储器的LED 显示系统的研究。在实验中,使用了现场可编程门阵列( FPGA) 来实现各模块的逻辑功能。最终实现了对L ED 显示屏的控制,并且一块主控制板最大限度的控制了256 ×128 个像素点,基于相同条件,比静态内存控制的面积大了一倍,验证了动态内存核[7 ]的实用性。
上传时间: 2013-12-18
These are P-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate power fi eld effect transistors. They are advancED power MOSFETs designED, testED, and guaranteED to withstand a specifi ED level of energy in the breakdown avalanche mode of operation. All of these power MOSFETs are designED for applications such as switching regulators, switching converters, motor drivers, relay drivers and drivers for other high-power switching devices. The high input impEDance allows these types to be operatED directly from integratED circuits.
标签: enhancement transistors P-Channel are
上传时间: 2017-02-17
IEC 62056 的很有价值的参考文档,包括: DLMS UA 1000-1 ED.8, Blue book, COSEM Identification System and Interface Classes DLMS UA 1000-2 ED.6, Green book, DLMS/COSEM Architecture and Protocols DLMS UA 1001-1 ED.3,Yellow book, DLMS/COSEM Conformance Testing Proce
上传时间: 2017-02-18
The C++ EDitor is a text EDitor for C++ programmers. The EDitor have color syntax highlighting. EDitor s main purpose is to EDit source code files outside the IDE (IntegratED Development Environment) with multiple openED copies of program, when programmer neEDs to find, replace or compare source code. The program can compile the file using for this purpose the Microsoft VC compiler. Most effectively the EDitor can be usED with a file search utility. The search utility Search&EDit or IDE Helper is available for download on developer s WEB site (http://www.easydevtools.com/dwnl_frame.htm).
标签: EDitor highlighting programmers The
上传时间: 2013-12-09
In this paper, the feasibility of replacing a chaos source by an equivalent digital pseudo-random generator realizED using Linear FeEDback Shift Register (LFSR) is studiED. Particular emphasis is given on the digital implementation Piece-Wise Linear Affine Maps (PWAM). As an application, an FPGA implementation of four different maps has been experimentally verifiED in a FM-DCSK test radio system.
标签: pseudo-random feasibility equivalent replacing
上传时间: 2013-12-13
This Symbian C++ code example demonstrates how to easily use the onboard camera with zoom and autofocus, utilising an accompanying CameraWrapper made by Forum Nokia. The Camera Wrapper supports all Nokia s S60 devices basED on S60 3rd EDition and newer, providing a unifiED interface for various Symbian and S60 camera APIs some of which have previously been Feature Pack specific or only available via an SDK plug-in. The example application supports the use of both the keypad and touch UI. The application can be self-signED, but it also provides an option to use the dEDicatED camera key (Symbian signing requirED). The example application replaces the separate examples publishED for S60 3rd EDition, FP1 (S60 Platform: Camera Example with AutoFocus Support v2.2) and FP2 (S60 Camera Example AutoFocus 3rd ED FP2).
标签: demonstrates Symbian example onboard
上传时间: 2013-12-11
Modelling the Wireless Propagation Channel -A simulation approach with Matlab - 1st ED一书中的所有程序
上传时间: 2017-05-17
产品型号:VK1S68C 产品品牌:VINTEK/元泰/VINKA 封装形式:SSOP24 产品年份:新年份 主营LCD/LED液晶显示驱动IC,工程服务,技术支持,价格更具优势! VK1S68C 是1/5~1/8 占空比的 LED 显示控制驱动电路。由 10 根段输出、4 根栅输出、3 根段/栅输出, 1 个显示存储器、控制电路、键扫描电路组成了一个高可靠性的单片机外围 LED 驱动电路。串行数据通4 线串行接口输入到 VK1S68C采用 SSOP24L 的封装形式。 功能特点: 1. CMOS 工艺 2. 低功耗 3. 多种显示模式:设置选择段和位的个数(4~7 位,10~13 段) 4. 键扫描:10×2 的矩阵 5. 8 个层次的亮度调节电路 6. 4 线串行接口 7. 内置 RC 振荡 8. 封装形式为 SSOP24L 应用:可兼用TM1688/1628,广泛应用蓝牙耳机 体积小性价比高 产品型号:VK1640B 产品品牌:VINTEK/元泰/VINKA 封装形式:SSOP24 产品年份:新年份 主营LCD/LED液晶显示驱动IC,工程服务,技术支持,价格更具优势! 概述 VK1640B 是一款 LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有 MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动。本产品采用 CMOS 工艺,主要应用于小型 LED 显示屏驱动。 特性说明 功能特点 ● 采用 CMOS 工艺制作 ● 显示模式(8 段×12 位) ● 辉度调节电路(占空比 8 级可调) ● 两线串行接口 ● 振荡方式:内置 RC 振荡 ● 内置上电复位 ● 采用 SSOP24 封装 联系人:许先生 QQ:1918885898 TEL:18898582398 永嘉原厂LED/LCD液晶控制器及驱动器系列 芯片简介如下: 内存映射的LED控制器及驱动器 VK1628 --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:70/52 共阴驱动:10段7位/13段4位 共阳驱动:7段10位 按键:10x2 封装SOP28 VK1629 --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIN/DOUT 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:16段8位 共阳驱动:8段16位 按键:8x4 封装QFP44 VK1629A --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:16段8位 共阳驱动:8段16位 按键:--- 封装SOP32 VK1629B --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:112 共阴驱动:14段8位 共阳驱动:8段14位 按键:8x2 封装SOP32 VK1629C --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:120 共阴驱动:15段8位 共阳驱动:8段15位 按键:8x1 封装SOP32 VK1629D --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:96 共阴驱动:12段8位 共阳驱动:8段12位 按键:8x4 封装SOP32 VK1640 --- 通讯接口: CLK/DIN 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:8段16位 共阳驱动:16段8位 按键:--- 封装SOP28 VK1650 --- 通讯接口: SCL/SDA 电源电压:5V(3.0~5.5V) 驱动点阵:8x16 共阴驱动:8段4位 共阳驱动:4段8位 按键:7x4 封装SOP16/DIP16 VK1668 ---通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:70/52 共阴驱动:10段7位/13段4位 共阳驱动:7段10位 按键:10x2 封装SOP24 VK6932 --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIN 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:8段16位17.5/140mA 共阳驱动:16段8位 按键:--- 封装SOP32 RAM映射LCD控制器和驱动器系列 VK1024B 2.4V~5.2V 6seg*4com 6*3 6*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 S0P-16 VK1056B 2.4V~5.2V 14seg*4com 14*3 14*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 SOP-24/SSOP-24 VK1072B 2.4V~5.2V 18seg*4com 18*3 18*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 SOP-28 VK1072C 2.4V~5.2V 18seg*4com 18*3 18*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 SOP-28 VK1088B 2.4V~5.2V 22seg*4com 22*3 偏置电压1/2 1/3 QFN-32L(4MM*4MM) VK0192 2.4V~5.2V 24seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-44 VK0256 2.4V~5.2V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 QFP-64 VK0256B 2.4V~5.2V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-64 VK0256C 2.4V~5.2V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-52 VK1621S-1 2.4V~5.2V 32*4 32*3 32*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 LQFP44/48/SSOP48/SKY28/DICE裸片 VK1622B 2.7V~5.5V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-48 VK1622S 2.7V~5.5V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP44/48/52/64/QFP64/DICE裸片 VK1623S 2.4V~5.2V 48seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-100/QFP-100/DICE裸片 VK1625 2.4V~5.2V 64seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-100/QFP-100/DICE VK1626 2.4V~5.2V 48seg*16com 偏置电压1/5 LQFP-100/QFP-100/DICE (高品质 高性价比:液晶显示驱动IC 原厂直销 工程技术支持!) (所有型号全部封装均有现货,欢迎加Q查询 191 888 5898 许生) 高抗干扰LCD液晶控制器及驱动系列 VK2C21A 2.4~5.5V 20seg*4com 16*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 SOP-28 VK2C21B 2.4~5.5V 16seg*4com 12*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 SOP-24 VK2C21C 2.4~5.5V 12seg*4com 8*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 SOP-20 VK2C21D 2.4~5.5V 8seg*4com 4*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 NSOP-16 VK2C22A 2.4~5.5V 44seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-52 VK2C22B 2.4~5.5V 40seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-48 VK2C23A 2.4~5.5V 56seg*4com 52*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-64 VK2C23B 2.4~5.5V 36seg*8com 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-48 VK2C24 2.4~5.5V 72seg*4com 68*8 60*16 偏置电压1/3 1/4 1/5 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-80 超低功耗LCD液晶控制器及驱动系列 VKL060 2.5~5.5V 15seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 SSOP-24 VKL128 2.5~5.5V 32seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-44 VKL144A 2.5~5.5V 36seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 TSSOP-48 VKL144B 2.5~5.5V 36seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 QFN48L (6MM*6MM) 静态显示LCD液晶控制器及驱动系列 VKS118 2.4~5.2V 118seg*2com 偏置电压 -- 4线通讯接口 LQFP-128 VKS232 2.4~5.2V 116seg*2com 偏置电压1/1 1/2 4线通讯接口 LQFP-128
上传时间: 2019-07-03
This book is an entry-level text on the technology of telecommunications. It has been craftED with the newcomer in mind. The eighteen chapters of text have been preparED for high-school graduates who understand algebra, logarithms, and basic electrical prin- ciples such as Ohm’s law. However, many users require support in these areas so Appen- dices A and B review the essentials of electricity and mathematics through logarithms.
标签: Telecommunications Fundamentals 1st of ED
上传时间: 2020-05-27