联网斗地主 java版本 用jbuilder2005编写,支持联网对战,如有问题,请E-MAIL:zhongguopidu@163.com
上传时间: 2015-09-28
网络游戏21点源码 java版本 支持网络连接 如有问题,请联系E-MAIL:super_vipman@163.com
上传时间: 2013-12-11
上传时间: 2013-12-24
第7章 Java B/S结构编程 实例76 简单的Servlet程序 实例77 简单的留言簿 实例78 JSP+Java Bean的计数器 实例79 数据库查询 实例80 文件的上传下载 实例81 收发E-MAIL 实例82 B/S结构的聊天室 实例83 网上选课 实例84 B/S结构的商业应用——购物车 实例85 通过JSP调用Applet程序 实例86 JSP与XML的结合
上传时间: 2013-12-23
上传时间: 2014-01-21
Visual Basic 6中发送邮件的新方法 用VB6编写发送邮件的程序,有多种E-MAIL组件可供选择,如MAPIMessages、IIS4.0附带的CDONTS(NTS Collaboration Data Objects)以及许多第三方厂商开发的Email软件等。本文介绍用CDONTS开发VB下的邮件程序方法。
上传时间: 2014-01-14
Welcome to the software files for the ADS8361 to TMS320F2812! There are two project files in each of the folders McBSP, SPI and Both. Mode II and IV are explored using the McBSP port alone, as well as the SPI port. These projects are located in the SPI and McBSP folders. Modes I and III are explored using both McBSP and SPI. In Mode I, the M0 and M1 pins are controlled by use of the jumper on the evaluation module. A0 is controlled by the DX pin of the McBSP port. In Mode III, the A0, M0 and M1 pins are controlled via GPIO functions of PortF. The "SRC", "CMD" and "INCLUDE" files in the archive are from "C28x Peripheral Examples in C" (document # SPRC097). If you have questions about this or other Data Converter products, feel free to E-MAIL us at:
标签: files the software Welcome
上传时间: 2015-12-16
procedureTForm1.Button1Click(Sender:TObject) var S:String begin S:=idhttp1.Get(PostURL.text+ ?username= +EdUserName.Text+ &password= +EdPassWord.Text+ &password2= +EdPassWord.Text+ &email= + EdEMail.Text+ &gendernew=1&year=&month=&day=&locationnew =&site=&oicq=&icq=&yahoo=&msn=&bio=&styleidnew =&tppnew=0&pppnew=0&timeformatnew=12&cstatus=&dateformatnew =yyyy-mm-dd&showemail=1&newsletter=1&timeoffsetnew=8&avatar =&sig=®submit=注册 ) //一句代码 ifPos( 非常感谢您的注册 ,s)>1then //判断部分 ShowMessage( 注册成功! ) else ifPos( 已经被注册了 ,S)>1then ShowMessage( 该用户名或E-MAIL已被注册! ) else ShowMessage( 已关闭注册,注册失败! ) end
标签: procedureTForm PostURL TObject Button
上传时间: 2014-08-24
这是linux下的进化计算的源代码。 === === === === === === === === === === === ===== check latest news at http://eodev.sourceforge.net/ ======================================================================= Welcome to EO, the Evolving Objects library. The latest news about EO can be found on the sourceforge repository at http://eodev.sourceforge.net/ In case of any problem, please E-MAIL us at eodev-help@lists.sourceforge.net, eodev@egroups.com To get started, take a look at the tutorial, starting with ./tutorial/html/eoTutorial.html The easiest way to start programming a new genome with all EO evolution engines handy is to create a new standalone EO project from the tutorial/Templates/ directory. Read Lesson 5 of the tutorial for an introduction )
上传时间: 2013-12-23
8路红外遥控开关控制器 (SAA3010T电视遥控器) Copyright 2004/3/27 http://www.cdle.net http://bbs.cdle.net All rights reserved. 明浩 E-MAIL: pnzwzw@163.com pnzwzw@cdle.net 只用八路时可以用AT89C2051代替AT89C51 一体化接收头输出端拉P3.2(int0),P1为控制输出端。 可以扩展到32路或更多 输出为低电平有效
上传时间: 2016-02-11