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  • 飞利浦绿色电源集成电路选型资料

      IC 特色 :   ˙ 半谐振模式之 ZVS零电压切换 , 能有效降低切换损失 , 提高效率 , 并具展频功能 , 改善EMI .   ˙ 轻 / 重载的 Duty Factor 皆在 CCM 与 DCM 边缘 , 是最能发挥次级 "同步整流" 效率的一种工作模式 .   ˙ 空载时进入 Cycle Skipping ( Typical 0.3W ) , 有效达成环保规範 .   ˙ 内建 "LEB前缘遮没" 功能 , 避免电流迴授失真 .   ˙ 能随输入电压变化 , 自动补偿 OPP过功率保护点 .   ˙ 精密的 OVP 过压保护点可自行设定 .   ˙ 完整的保护功能 : OVP过压保护 , OCP过流保护 , OPP过载保护 ,   SWP线圈短路保护 , SCP输出短路保护 , OTP过温度保护 .

    标签: 飞利浦 绿色电源 集成电路 选型

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • 基于ATmega48单片机的可调交流电子负载的设计

    介绍一种无极可调交流电子负载设计的新方法,由ATmega48单片机输出PWM波,通过上位机设定不同的占空比控制场效应管的通断时间,即改变流过场效应管的平均电流。根据电流的大小,可以等效为相应的负载,并将采集的电流值显示在上位机上。文中对该系统的软﹑硬件设计思路作了详细的分析,阐述了其设计原理。   Abstract:  A new type electronic load is introduced.Due to ATmega48 microcomputer output PWM wave.The different Duty is set ratio through PC to control FET turn-on time.We can equivalent homologous load according the current and display the current at PC.The hardware and software designing are analysed in detail. The principle is explained and the output is also given.

    标签: ATmega 48 单片机 交流电子

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 基于Multisim 10的矩形波信号发生器仿真与实现

    在Multisim 10软件环境下,设计一种由运算放大器构成的精确可控矩形波信号发生器,结合系统电路原理图重点阐述了各参数指标的实现与测试方法。通过改变RC电路的电容充、放电路径和时间常数实现了占空比和频率的调节,通过多路开关投入不同数值的电容实现了频段的调节,通过电压取样和同相放大电路实现了输出电压幅值的调节并提高了电路的带负载能力,可作为频率和幅值可调的方波信号发生器。Multisim 10仿真分析及应用电路测试结果表明,电路性能指标达到了设计要求。 Abstract:  Based on Multisim 10, this paper designed a kind of rectangular-wave signal generator which could be controlled exactly composed of operational amplifier, the key point was how to implement and test the parameter indicators based on the circuit diagram. The Duty and the frequency were adjusted by changing the time constant and the way of charging and discharging of the capacitor, the width of frequency was adjusted by using different capacitors provided with multiple switch, the amplitude of output voltage was adjusted by sampling voltage and using in-phase amplifier circuit,the ability of driving loads was raised, the circuit can be used as squarewave signal generator whose frequency and amplitude can be adjusted. The final simulation results of Multisim 10 and the tests of applicable circuit show that the performance indicators of the circuit meets the design requirements.

    标签: Multisim 矩形波 信号发生器 仿真

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • he LPC932 can be used to create a Pulse Width Modulated PWM signal. That s an analog signal, with on

    he LPC932 can be used to create a Pulse Width Modulated PWM signal. That s an analog signal, with only 2 discrete levels, for example 0V and 5V and a constant period. The current value of this signal at a certain poiTnt of time is proportional to its Duty Cycle. That s the High Time during one period divided by the period. It can also be calculated as the average value during a particular period. That means after low pass filtering, (e.g. RC circuit) the signal becomes analog, with an actual value controlled by the microcontroller. The PWM functionality enables the LPC932 to control for example the speed of DC motors or the brightness of electric lighting.

    标签: signal Modulated analog create

    上传时间: 2015-05-14


  • 本系统适合中小规模宾馆使用



    上传时间: 2015-08-23


  • A digital fi‘equeney meter designed with FPGA development software Q-~us 11 is introduced.The 1 Hz—l

    A digital fi‘equeney meter designed with FPGA development software Q-~us 11 is introduced.The 1 Hz—l MHz input measured pulse signals of the digital ii‘equency meter can be used for measuring frequency,period,pulse width and Duty ratio,etc.The test results stably display O71 3 seven—segment numeric tubes,and the measuring ranges may be switched over automatically.The measuring error is equal to or less than 0.1%.

    标签: development introduced designed software

    上传时间: 2016-04-09


  • This example demonstrates the use of the ADC block and PWM blocks. The generated DSP code produces t

    This example demonstrates the use of the ADC block and PWM blocks. The generated DSP code produces the pulse waveform whose Duty cycle is changing as the voltage applied to ADC input changes. The waveform period is kept constant.

    标签: demonstrates the generated produces

    上传时间: 2016-05-17


  • SimpliciTI™ -1.0.3.exe for CC11xx and CC25xx SimpliciTI is a simple low-power RF network proto

    SimpliciTI™ -1.0.3.exe for CC11xx and CC25xx SimpliciTI is a simple low-power RF network protocol aimed at small (<256) RF networks. Such networks typically contain battery operated devices which require long battery life, low data rate and low Duty cycle and have a limited number of nodes talking directly to each other or through an access point or range extenders. Access point and range extenders are not required but provide extra functionality such as store and forward messages. With SimpliciTI the MCU resource requirements are minimal which results in the low system cost.

    标签: SimpliciTI low-power network simple

    上传时间: 2014-11-05


  • SimpliciTI™ -1.0.4.exe for CC2430 SimpliciTI is a simple low-power RF network protocol aimed

    SimpliciTI™ -1.0.4.exe for CC2430 SimpliciTI is a simple low-power RF network protocol aimed at small (<256) RF networks. Such networks typically contain battery operated devices which require long battery life, low data rate and low Duty cycle and have a limited number of nodes talking directly to each other or through an access point or range extenders. Access point and range extenders are not required but provide extra functionality such as store and forward messages. With SimpliciTI the MCU resource requirements are minimal which results in the low system cost.

    标签: SimpliciTI low-power protocol network

    上传时间: 2016-05-21


  • SOPC实验--自定义PWM组件:以带一个Avalon Slave 接口的PWM 组件为例

    SOPC实验--自定义PWM组件:以带一个Avalon Slave 接口的PWM 组件为例,说明如何自定义组件。,一个Avalon Slave 接口可以有clk、chipselect、address、read、readdata、write 及writedata 等信号,但这些信号都不是必需的。 一、功能 我们要实现的PWM 组件具有以下功能: 1. PWM 的周期可改,用period 寄存器存储; 2. PWM 的占空比可改,用Duty 寄存器存储。 二、Avalon Slave 接口信号的设计 1.Clk:为PWM 提供时钟; 2.Write:写信号,可以通过Avalon Slave 总线将period 和Duty 值从Nios II 应用程序 传送到组件逻辑中。 3.Writedata:写数据。通过此数据线传送period 和Duty 值。 4.Address:本例中有两个寄存器,因此可用一根地址线表示。 5.全局信号。本例中PWM 的输出用来驱动LED 灯显示,这个信号不属于Avalon 接 口信号。

    标签: PWM Avalon Slave SOPC

    上传时间: 2013-12-28
