标签: FU6831
上传时间: 2019-01-29
标签: FU6818
上传时间: 2019-01-29
FD2501 是一个高电压、高速栅极驱动器,能够驱动N型功率MOSFET和IGBT。内置欠压保护功能,防止功率管在过的电压下工作。
标签: Datasheet_V 20150818 HVIC-DS 2501 001 1.2 FD 发布
上传时间: 2019-01-29
FU68XX 系列现共分为三款芯片:FU6811,FU6831 和 FU6818。其区别参考第 35 章,FU6811 为 Gate Driver 输出;FU6831 为 3P3N Predriver 输出;FU6818 为 6N Predriver 输出
标签: Datasheet_V MCU-DS 1.12 007 FU 68 XX
上传时间: 2019-11-29
Since the telephone was invented in the late nineteenth century, there has been a steady development of telephone services, and the number of subscribers has con- tinuously increased. One of the most revolutionary developments in telephone serv- ice in the late twentieth century was the introduction of the cellular variety of mobile phone services.
标签: Engineering Capacity Systems CDMA
上传时间: 2020-05-26
Since the principle of multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) was simultaneously proposed by Khaled Fazel et al. and Nathan Yee et al. at the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) in the year 1993, multi-carrier spread spectrum (MC-SS) has rapidly become one of the most wide spread independent research topics on the field of mobile radio communications. Therefore, the International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum (MC-SS) was initiated in the year 1997. Multi-carrier and spread spectrum systems with their generic air interface and adaptive technologies are considered as potential candidates to fulfill the requirements of next generation mobile communications systems.
标签: Multi-Carrier Spectrum Spread 2007
上传时间: 2020-05-31
In this thesis several asp ects of space-time pro cessing and equalization for wire- less communications are treated. We discuss several di?erent metho ds of improv- ing estimates of space-time channels, such as temp oral parametrization, spatial parametrization, reduced rank channel estimation, b o otstrap channel estimation, and joint estimation of an FIR channel and an AR noise mo del. In wireless commu- nication the signal is often sub ject to intersymb ol interference as well as interfer- ence from other users.
标签: Communications Space-Time Processing Wireless for
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Wireless communication has become increasingly important not only for professional appli- cations but also for many fields in our daily routine and in consumer electronics. In 1990, a mobile telephone was still quite expensive, whereas today most teenagers have one, and they use it not only for calls but also for data transmission. More and more computers use wireless local area networks (WLANs), and audio and television broadcasting has become digital.
标签: Applications and Theory OFDM CDMA of
上传时间: 2020-06-01
该文是 中兴通讯公司 CDMA事业部整理的硬件电路设计规范,在编写我司自己的电路设计规范中,提供了很大参考和借鉴意义,该文主要包括两大部分,一部分是原理图的制图规范,一部分是电路设计的规范,其中电路设计规范从电路设计(如通用准则、电源、时钟、逻辑器件、保护器件等多个章节展开)、可靠性设计、SI/PI设计、系统性设计、可生产性设计、可测试性等多个方向展开。并最终形成checklist逐条检验准则,干货很多。
上传时间: 2021-11-05
产品型号:VKS118 产品品牌:永嘉微电/VINKA 封装形式:LQFP128 产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:陈先生 联 系 QQ:3618885898 联系手机:18824662436 原厂直销,工程服务,技术支持,价格最具优势! VKS118概述: VKS118是一个点阵式存储映射的LCD驱动器,可支持静态扫描点数最大118点(118SEGx1COM)的LCD屏。单片机可通过5线串行接口配置显示参数和读写显示数据,也可通过指令进入省电模式。有对比度好、可视角大、不闪烁等特点。适用于洗衣机面板、汽车仪表、家电等需要高显示品质产品。 特色: ★ 工作电压 2.4-5.2V ★ 内置256 kHz RC振荡器 ★ 静态显示,无偏置100%占空比 ★ 内置显示RAM ★ 省电模式(通过关显示和关振荡器进入)��� ★ 5线串行接口 ★ 显示模式118×1 ★ 软件配置LCD显示参数��� ★ 写命令和读写数据2种命令格式 ★ 读写显示数据地址自动加1 ★ VLCD脚提供LCD驱动电压源(≤VDD) ★ 3种显示数据的访问方式 ★ 此篇产品叙述为功能简介,如需要完整产品PDF资料可以联系陈先生索取! —————————————————————————————————— 产品型号:VKS232 产品品牌:永嘉微电/VINKA 封装形式:LQFP128 产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:陈先生 联 系 QQ:3618885898 联系手机:18824662436 原厂直销,工程服务,技术支持,价格最具优势! VKS232概述: VKS232是一个点阵式存储映射双模式的LCD驱动器,可支持静态扫描点数最大116点(116SEGx1COM)的LCD屏,也可支持动态扫描点数最大232点(116SEGx2COM)的LCD屏。单片机可通过3/4线串行接口配置显示参数和读写显示数据,也可通过指令进入省电模式。有对比度好、可视角大、不闪烁等特点。适用于洗衣机面板、汽车仪表、家电等需要高显示品质产品。 特色: ★ 工作电压 2.4-5.2V ★ 内置256 kHz RC振荡器 ★ 2种模式可选(通过DS脚选择): 模式0 - 驱动显示点数116×2,动态显示,1/2偏置50%占空比 (DS脚接地) 模式1 - 驱动显示点数116×1,静态显示,无偏置100%占空比(DS脚接上拉电阻到VDD) ★ 内置显示RAM 58×4,2种RAM映射模式,分别对应模式0和模式1 ★ 省电模式(通过关显示和关振荡器进入)��� ★ 4线串行接口 ★ 软件配置LCD显示参数��� ★ 写命令和读写数据2种命令格式 ★ 读写显示数据地址自动加1 ★ VLCD脚提供LCD驱动电压源(≤VDD) ★ 3种显示数据的访问方式 ★ 此篇产品叙述为功能简介,如需要完整产品PDF资料可以联系陈先生索取! ——————————————————————————————————
上传时间: 2021-11-23