Most circuit designers are familiar with diode dynamiccharacteristics such as charge storage, voltage dependentcapacitance and reverse recovery time. Less commonlyacknowledged and manufacturer specifi ed is diode forwardturn-on time. This parameter describes the timerequired for a diode to turn on and clamp at its forwardvoltage drop. Historically, this extremely short time, unitsof nanoseconds, has been so small that user and vendoralike have essentially ignored it. It is rarely discussed andalmost never specifi ed. Recently, switching regulator clockrate and transition time have become faster, making diodeturn-on time a critical issue. Increased clock rates aremandated to achieve smaller magnetics size; decreasedtransition times somewhat aid overall effi ciency but areprincipally needed to minimize IC heat rise. At clock speedsbeyond about 1MHz, transition time losses are the primarysource of die heating.
上传时间: 2013-10-10
The MAX2691 low-noise amplifier (LNA) is designed forGPS L2 applications. Designed in Maxim’s advancedSiGe process, the device achieves high gain andlow noise figure while maximizing the input-referred 1dBcompression point and the 3rd-order intercept point. TheMAX2691 provides a high gain of 17.5dB and sub 1dBnoise figure.
标签: Amplifier Low-Noise 2691 Band
上传时间: 2014-12-04
Low power operation of electronic apparatus has becomeincreasingly desirable. Medical, remote data acquisition,power monitoring and other applications are good candidatesfor battery driven, low power operation. Micropoweranalog circuits for transducer-based signal conditioningpresent a special class of problems. Although micropowerICs are available, the interconnection of these devices toform a functioning micropower circuit requires care. (SeeBox Sections, “Some Guidelines for Micropower Designand an Example” and “Parasitic Effects of Test Equipmenton Micropower Circuits.”) In particular, trade-offs betweensignal levels and power dissipation become painful whenperformance in the 10-bit to 12-bit area is desirable.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
Sensors for pressure, load, temperature, acceleration andmany other physical quantities often take the form of aWheatstone bridge. These sensors can be extremely linearand stable over time and temperature. However, mostthings in nature are only linear if you don’t bend them toomuch. In the case of a load cell, Hooke’s law states that thestrain in a material is proportional to the applied stress—as long as the stress is nowhere near the material’s yieldpoint (the “point of no return” where the material ispermanently deformed).
上传时间: 2013-11-13
Portable, battery-powered operation of electronic apparatushas become increasingly desirable. Medical, remotedata acquisition, power monitoring and other applicationsare good candidates for battery operation. In some circumstances,due to space, power or reliability considerations,it is preferable to operate the circuitry from a single 1.5Vcell. Unfortunately, a 1.5V supply eliminates almost alllinear ICs as design candidates. In fact, the LM10 opamp-reference and the LT®1017/LT1018 comparators arethe only IC gain blocks fully specifi ed for 1.5V operation.Further complications are presented by the 600mV dropof silicon transistors and diodes. This limitation consumesa substantial portion of available supply range, makingcircuit design diffi cult. Additionally, any circuit designedfor 1.5V operation must function at end-of-life batteryvoltage, typically 1.3V. (See Box Section, “Componentsfor 1.5V Operation.”)
标签: Circuitry Operation Single 1017
上传时间: 2013-12-20
本电路针对过程控制应用提供一款完全可编程的通用模拟前端(AFE),支持2/3/4线RTD配置、带冷结补偿的热电偶输入、单极性和双极性输入电压、4 mA至20 mA输入,串行控制的8通道单刀单掷开关ADG1414用于配置选定的测量模式。
上传时间: 2013-10-23
上传时间: 2013-11-05
三极管代换手册下载 前言 使用说明 三极管对照表 A B C D E F G H K L M …… 外形与管脚排列图
上传时间: 2013-10-24
采用扇形微带短截线作为滤波器的基本单元,设计出具有宽频特性的滤波器,在微波平面电路的设计中有着良好的应用前景。通过设计扇形微带短截线单元的物理尺寸,能够实现特定频段的高选择性滤波器。用ADS 和HFSS 对这种新型滤波器与传统直形滤波器进行了特性对比,在特性方面,新型滤波器比传统滤波器具有更陡峭的过渡带和更宽的频带等优点;在结构方面,新型滤波器电路相对传统滤波器可以减少基板面积。
上传时间: 2013-10-20
上传时间: 2013-11-07