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  • In this paper, we present LOADED, an algorithm for outlier detection in evolving data sets containi

    In this paper, we present LOADED, an algorithm for outlier detection in evolving data sets containing both continuous and categorical attributes. LOADED is a tunable algorithm, wherein one can trade off computation for accuracy so that domain-specific response times are achieved. Experimental results show that LOADED provides very good detection and false positive rates, which are several times better than those of existing distance-based schemes.

    标签: algorithm detection containi evolving

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • (1) 实现一个Point类

    (1) 实现一个Point类,该类包含表示坐标的两个int型变量x、y,构造方法Point()和Point(int xx, int yy),返回x值和y值的int getX()和int getY()方法,计算两点间距离的double distance(Point)方法。其中计算平方根用Math.sqrt()方法。 (2) 实现一个Circle类,该类包含表示圆心的Point型变量center,表示半径的int radius变量,以及构造方法Circle()、Circle(int xx,int yy,int r)、Circle(Point c,int r),返回周长和面积的int perimeter()、double area()方法,返回两个圆是否为同一个圆(返回0)、同心圆(返回1)、相交的圆(返回2)、分离的圆(返回3)、包含的圆(返回4)等关系的int relation(Circle c)等方法。PI值可以用Math.PI常量。 (3) 实现测试上述两个类的ClassTest类。该类在main方法中分别创建若干个Point对象和Circle对象,并调用相关方法,输出方法的返回值,验证其正确性。 (4) 将Point类、Circle类和主类的包名分别调整为p1、p2、p3,并重新运行,验证是否运行正确。

    标签: Point

    上传时间: 2014-11-25


  • Abstract A new intelligent milometer base on a microcontroller can count the sum. By taking full u

    Abstract A new intelligent milometer base on a microcontroller can count the sum. By taking full use of the processor 89s51 and E² PROM (AT24C02) and sensor of magnetism, it can count the sum of fully distance and the course of development.

    标签: microcontroller intelligent milometer Abstract

    上传时间: 2016-10-12


  • 设计一个表示直角坐标系上点的位置的Location类


    标签: Location 坐标系

    上传时间: 2017-02-10


  • Enhanced version of the Serial Peripheral Interface available on Motorola s MC68HC11 family of CPUs.

    Enhanced version of the Serial Peripheral Interface available on Motorola s MC68HC11 family of CPUs.Enhancements include a wider supported operating frequency range, 4deep read and write fifos, and programmable transfer count dependent interrupt generation. As with the SPI found in MC68HC11 processors the core features programmable clock phase [CPHA] and clock polarity [CPOL]. The core features an 8bit wishbone interface. Very simple, very small.

    标签: Peripheral Interface available Enhanced

    上传时间: 2014-12-06


  • Internationalization The Java盲 2 platform provides internationalization features that let you separ

    Internationalization The Java盲 2 platform provides internationalization features that let you separate culturally dependent data from the application (internationalization) and adapt it to as many cultures as needed (localization).

    标签: Internationalization internationalization platform features

    上传时间: 2017-04-29


  • Buses are a powerful and efficient modeling construct. Using them to produce optimal code is depende

    Buses are a powerful and efficient modeling construct. Using them to produce optimal code is dependent on following a basic set of best practices. This document provides a set of patterns that can be followed the best results

    标签: efficient construct powerful modeling

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • Index NAME 总览 (SYNOPSIS) 警告 (WARNING) 描述 (DESCRIPTION) 选项 (OPTIONS) 总体选项 (Overall Option

    Index NAME 总览 (SYNOPSIS) 警告 (WARNING) 描述 (DESCRIPTION) 选项 (OPTIONS) 总体选项 (Overall Option) 语言选项 (LANGUAGE OPTIONS) 预处理器选项 (Preprocessor Option) 汇编器选项 (ASSEMBLER OPTION) 连接器选项 (LINKER OPTION) 目录选项 (DIRECTORY OPTION) 警告选项 (WARNING OPTION) 调试选项 (DEBUGGING OPTION) 优化选项 (OPTIMIZATION OPTION) 目标机选项 (TARGET OPTION) 机器相关选项 (MACHINE DEPENDENT OPTION) 代码生成选项 (CODE GENERATION OPTION) PRAGMAS 文件 (FILE) 另见 (SEE ALSO) BUGS 版权 (COPYING) 作者 (AUTHORS) [中文版维护人] [中文版最新更新] 《中国Linux论坛man手册页翻译计划》 NAME gcc,g++-GNU 工程的 C和 C++编译器(egcs-1.1.2


    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • PSO’s precursor was a simulator of social behavior, that was used to visualize the movement of a bi

    PSO’s precursor was a simulator of social behavior, that was used to visualize the movement of a birds’ flock. Several versions of the simulation model were developed, incorporating concepts such as nearest-neighbor velocity matching and acceleration by distance

    标签: precursor was simulator visualize

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • Solve the 8-puzzle problem using A * algorithme. Input: Program reads start state and goal state

    Solve the 8-puzzle problem using A * algorithme. Input: Program reads start state and goal state and heuristic (N or S) from EightPuzzle.INP file.0 representing blank. There are 2 Heuristic: 1. N: Number of misplaced tiles 2. S: Sum of Manhattan distance of current location and target location. Format: The first line write type of heuristic (N or S). Next is the status of departing and landing status. Between 2 states of 1 line blank. See examples EightPuzzle.INP

    标签: state algorithme Program problem

    上传时间: 2017-08-12
