Contamination and electrostatic discharge (ESD) are now becoming recognized as factors affecting yield and reliability in an ever-increasing number of industries. Whereas contam- ination traditionally was recognized as affecting the semiconductor, disk drive, aerospace, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries, today such industries as automobile and food production are also discovering the benefits of contamination control. ESD control has experienced a similar growth in applications.
标签: Contamination Control and ESD
上传时间: 2020-06-05
I am presenting this novel book on advances and trends in power electronics and motor drives to the professional community with the expectation that it will be given the same wide and enthusiastic acceptance by practicing engineers, R&D professionals, univer- sity professors, and even graduate students that my other books in this area have. Unlike the traditional books available in the area of power electronics, this book has a unique presentation format that makes it convenient for group presentations that use Microsoft’s PowerPoint software. In fact, a disk is included that has a PowerPoint file on it that is ready for presentation with the core figures. Presentations can also be organized using just selected portions of the book
标签: Electronics Advances Drives Power Motor And
上传时间: 2020-06-10
CH341系列编程器芯片usb转串口Altium Designer AD原理图库元件库CSV text has been written to file : 1.9 - CH341系列编程器芯片.csvLibrary Component Count : 56Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CH311Q PC debug port monitorCH331T Mini USB Disk ControllerCH340G CH340H USB to TTL Serial / UART, USB to IrDACH340T USB to TTL Serial / UART, USB to IrDACH340R USB to IrDA, USB to RS232 SerialCH340S_P USB to Print Port / ParallelCH340S_S USB to TTL Serial / UART, pin compatible with CH341CH341A_S USB to TTL Serial / UART / I2C/IICCH341S_P USB to Print Port / ParallelCH341A_P USB to Print Port / ParallelCH341S_S USB to TTL Serial / UARTCH341S_X USB to EPP Parallel / SPI / I2C/IICCH341A_X USB to EPP Parallel / SPI / I2C/IICCH341T USB to TTL Serial / UART / I2C/IICCH345T USB to MidiCH352L_M PCI to 8255 mode 2 Parallel for MCU and 16C550 UART / IrDACH352L_P PCI to Print Port / Parallel and 16C550 UART / IrDACH352L_S PCI to Dual 16C550 UART, TTL Serial*2 / IrDA*1CH362L PCI Device / Slave only for RAM / Expansion ROMCH364F Member of CH364 chipsetsCH364P PCI Device / Slave Embedded Flash ROM, for Expansion ROMCH365P PCI Device / Slave, for I/O port or RAM / ROMCH372T USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH372A USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH372V USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH374S USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / SPICH374T USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / SPICH375S USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH375A USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH375V USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH411G FDC MFM encode and decodeCH421A Dual port bufferCH421S Dual port bufferCH423D I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423S I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423D_D I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423S_D I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423G I2C/IIC I/O expander, 6 GPO + 5 GPIOCH432Q Dual 16C550 UART with IrDA, parallel / SPICH432T SPI Dual 16C550 UART with IrDACH450K 6 Digits / 48 LEDs Drive & 8x6 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH450H 6 Digits / 48 LEDs Drive & 8x6 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH450L 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH451L 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH451S 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH451D 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH452L_2 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH452L_4 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH452S_2 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH452S_4 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH453S 16 Digits / 128 LEDs Drive, I2C/IICCH453D 16 Digits / 128 LEDs Drive, I2C/IICPCI 32Bit PCI Bus, simple / short cardPCI32 32Bit PCI BusUSB USB Port
标签: ch341 编程芯片 usb 串口 altium designer
上传时间: 2022-03-13
The GD32F103xx device is a 32-bit general-purpose microcontroller based on the ARM?Cortex?-M3 RISC core with best ratio in terms of processing power, reduced power consumption and peripheral set. The Cortex?-M3 is a next generation processor core whichis tightly coupled with a Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC), SysTick timer and advanced debug support.The GD32F103xx device incorporates the ARM ' Cortex?-M3 32-bit processor core operating at 108 MHz frequency with Flash accesses zero wait states to obtain maximumefficiency. It provides up to 3 MB on-chip Flash memory and up to 96 KB SRAM memory. An extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses. The devices offer up to three 12-bit ADCs, up to two 12-bit DACs, up to ten general-purpose
标签: gd32f103
上传时间: 2022-07-23
・This is a high sensitivity type of Nicera Hall element using evaporated InSbfilm.・It performs effectively in low magnetic fields due to the high sensitivity.・The input and output resistance values are suitable for transistor circuitsBrushless motors・DVD drive, CD-ROM drive, floppy disk drive・Other small precision motors・Non-contacting magnetic sensors・Position sensors, rotation sensors, current sensors・Magnetic flux sensors other than those above
标签: nhe520f
上传时间: 2022-07-26
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(33)资源包含以下内容:1. Embedded Web Server Architecture for Web-based Element and Network Management关于嵌入式Web服务器的完整论文.2. 这是一个电子时钟程序,里面有显示时间子程序,还有调整,键盘等子程序!.3. 这是一个可调的PWM波程序,稍作修改就可以控制电机转速或其他设备!.4. 这是实验室在进行嵌入式开发的时候的首选.5. LCD 仿真器 一、概述 LCD仿真器是一种电子产品的辅助开发工具。目前LCD(液晶屏)在各种电子产品的使用越来越广泛.6. 提供了与《嵌入式实时操作系统及应用开发》教材配套的实验系统软件.7. 摩托罗拉公司发布的QL4的Lin总线kit,freescale网站上花钱买的.8. RTLinux的介绍.9. 嵌入式系统教学教案.10. 在UNIX 系统下得到字符点阵信息嵌入式系统设计中消除内存丢失的策略matlab循环变量小技巧hard disk 1.8# device driverC程序中如何转换GB2312.11. 针对周立功2104板子的一个秒表程序,可以通过按键分别查看秒表的时间,分,秒..12. 难得一见的"EDA技术与PLD设计"课程的课件.13. C语言函数库文件.14. 本程序用汇编语言编写.15. 嵌入式系统设计中消除内存丢失的策略.16. 这是有关DM642开发板的相关幻灯片.17. 周立功2106板子的启动程序代码,包括初始化,中断向量表,和头文件..18. 嵌入式资料光盘,刚刚下的,还没有来得及看,如果感兴趣可以先看看,含有资料文档..19. 320X240LCD仿真程序 320x240lcd仿真程序.20. 嵌入式我们老师的课件.优点用处..呵呵....呵呵后.21. MiniGui API函数大全及详细介绍。.22. S3C2410开发板与PC机的通信 客户端和 服务器端的代码 以及makefile文件 服务器为开发板 执行 S3 PC机为客户机 执行host.c.23. GIMP Dynamic Text是GIMP的插件程序.24. keil c公司网站下载的一些实例教程程序!.25. 移植到GBA上运行的LINUX的代码.26. 用protel 99 设计的可编程彩灯控制器 可显示16个画面 8*8矩阵.27. ucos for vc ucos compiled and run in vc.28. 嵌入式的综合内容.29. 基于ARMs3c44b0的键盘输入输出i/o的在 led上显示出来的程序.30. PC-Lint是一个历史悠久.31. PC-Lint是一种静态代码检测工具.32. C++ 的难学.33. TCP/IP Lean: Web Servers for Embedded Systems, Second Edition.34. 一个多功能的遥控编码程序,其中有较为详细的键盘扫描程序和用于推动红外发射的发码程序.35. eCos/RedBoot for勤研ARM AnywhereII(4510) 含全部源代码.36. Windows CE是微软为嵌入式设备打造的操作系统.37. 现在开发的硬件良好产品 结合C和ASM一起开发 可以混合用C里的函数库.38. Altera recommends the following system configuration: * Pentium II 400 with 512-MB system memory (fa.39. Cyclone1C20的Nios开发板完整原理图Protel格式.40. Interface Fiche Technique : Langage de programmation : Visual Basic 5.0 Support : Une version de Win.
上传时间: 2013-04-15
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(53)资源包含以下内容:1. c8051f020的A/D转换的应用事例.2. 封装较完整的串口类库.3. ucos下的FAT文件系统源码。 config.h dir.C disk.C FAT.C Fat.h FDT.C file.C floppy.c floppy.h format.C.4. norflash的文件系统。 用于中低端手机开发的参考。 存储文件或短消息或电话簿。.5. 关于2407的程序,可以实现FFT运算,很好用,所有程序都在.6. Nand Flash Translation Layer 用于nandflash的操作。 bad block memory map garbage collection average er.7. Nand Flash low driver。.8. 使用JTAG口对AT91R40008芯片进行FLASH编程的程序.9. 一个fpga开发板的原理图.10. 复旦大学的nios讲义.是学习nios的好材料..11. Avalon Bus的参考手册.对做nios的sopc的人很有参考价值..12. 三星c3c2410原理图 arm9系列.13. 视频选择卡设计原理图 使用该原理图设计一个多路选择的视频切换卡.14. ht1621的液晶驱动程序.15. “华为模块(GTM900)+ ARM(LPC2104) + LWIP1.1”以PPP 方式实现GPRS 无线数据传输.16. 内部有说明,多为嵌入式系统程序,侧重于实用的系统,很有参考价值.17. DA 转换 产生三角波 正旋波 梯形波(dac0832)换电路接成同相电压输出形式.18. 这是一个介绍嵌入式软件的应用.19. 基于DSP编写的DS18B20的驱动程序.20. 基于NIOS2的http的网络应用.21. 嵌入式系统设计师考试大纲.22. 座机短信发送平台.23. 座机短信发送平台.24. 座机短信发送平台.25. 座机短信发送平台.26. 这是一个RC500的开发实例.27. JTAG和ICE操作源代码,在Linux系统下编译使用.28. ARM指令集.29. 通用ASK信号解码接收程序 1. 接收数据位数最多为40(5*8)位. 2. 由定时器对time进行渐增,在TCC中断程序中加入"INC TIME". 3. 宽脉冲最大允许时间和最小.30. 6963的液晶驱动程序.31. usart的驱动程序.32. 利用DELPHI结合研华数据采集卡PCI1711对模拟量和数字量进行采集。.33. 泰瑞6713A开发箱原理图,个人感觉有参考价值,大家可以下来看看。.34. 使用freescale的DP256B和D12做的CAN转USB接口板的固件源代码,现在的CAN分析仪每个至少要5000多,自己实现一个,希望对大家开发CAN转USB有所帮助..35. LF2407的各个模块的测试程序,包含2407里面的所有模块,均已经调试通过,心血所致,希望对大家有所帮助..36. 在典型系统应用中CC1000要与微控器相连该微控器必须能够 通过三串行配置口PDATAPCLK和PALE控制CC1000改变不同模式.37. AD7705的C语言版,已通过测试.38. 这是关于串口中断的程序.39. Wigger小板电路原理图.40. USB和CPLD之间传输,已经调试完成,向SRAM里写数据后从FX2 USB GPIF 口读出,使用EZ-USB Control Panel 读.
标签: 设计手册
上传时间: 2013-08-03