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  • MAX5713-MAX5715数据资料

    The MAX5713/MAX5714/MAX5715 4-channel, low-power,8-/10-/12-bit, voltage-output Digital-to-ANALOG converters(DACs) include output buffers and an internal referencethat is selectable to be 2.048V, 2.500V, or 4.096V. TheMAX5713/MAX5714/MAX5715 accept a wide supplyvoltage range of 2.7V to 5.5V with extremely low power(3mW) consumption to accommodate most low-voltageapplications. A precision external reference input allowsrail-to-rail operation and presents a 100kI (typ) load toan external reference.

    标签: MAX 5713 5715 数据资料

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • 数控DCDC转换器在便携产品中的应用

    Abstract: This tutorial discusses methods for digitally adjusting the output voltage of a DC-DC converter. The digital adjustmentmethods are with a Digital-to-ANALOG converter (DAC), a trim pot (digital potentiometer), and PWM output of a microprocessor.Each method is assessed and several DACs and digital potentiometers presented.

    标签: DCDC 数控 便携产品 中的应用

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • 加载,感应DAC应用

    Abstract: This article discusses application circuits for Maxim force/sense Digital-to-ANALOG converters (DACs). Applications include:selectable fixed-gain DAC, programmable gain DAC, photodiode bias control, amperometric sensor control, digitally programmablecurrent source, Kelvin load sensing, temperature sensing, and high current DAC output. A brief description of the various DAC outputconfigurations is also given.

    标签: DAC

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 高集成四通道工业控制应用的电压输出DAC

      Digital-to-ANALOG converters (DACs) are prevalent inindustrial control and automated test applications.General-purpose automated test equipment often requiresmany channels of precisely controlled voltagesthat span several voltage ranges. The LTC2704 is ahighly integrated 16-bit, 4-channel DAC for high-endapplications. It has a wide range of features designed toincrease performance and simplify design.

    标签: DAC 集成 四通道 工业

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • DA与AD转换

    计算机应用中,有时需处理的信息不是数字量,而是一些随时间连续变化的模拟量,甚至是一些非电量,如温度、压力、速度等。模拟量的存储处理困难。首先将非电的模拟信号变成与之对应的模拟电信号,这要通过各种传感器来完成。计算机可处理的信息均是数字量(电脉冲信号)1和0,必须把要处理的模拟电量转换成数字化的电信号,这需要模拟(Analog)与数字(Digital)转换电路。数字到模拟转换:(Digital to Analog Convert, D/A) D/A转换电路是模拟电路加上电子开关。D/A转换电路的核心是一个运算放大器。运算放大器的特性:(Operation Amplifier)    K->无穷大, V和->0  传递函数:V0 = -Vi * R0/Ri    Ii->0,  I和=If梯形R-2R电阻网络D/A转换器Ki受一个8位二进制代码控制   某位为1,对应开关K倒向右边;   某位为0,对应开关K倒向左边。Ki不论倒向哪边,均为接地VA-VH 的电位为:     VREF,1/2VREF,..1/128VREFVO= -VREF *(1/2K7+1/4K6+…+1/256K0)V0= -(0-255/256)VREF 8位D/A转换器DAC0830系列器件国家半导体公司(NS)产品,0830、0831、0832。R-2R梯形电阻网络D/A转换器,双缓冲结构。单电源、低功耗、电流建立时间1uS。与微计算机接口方便。8位D/A转换器DAC0830系列器件ILE:        输入锁存允许;  WR1#:       加载IN REG;  WR2#:        加载DAC REG;    XFER#:       IN REG传到DAC REG;  Iout1,Iout2: 外接OA输入;  Rfb:         反馈电阻接OA输出;  VREF:        参考电源,控制输出电压变化范围。

    标签: AD转换

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • 在单片机应用系统中

    在单片机应用系统中,常用到模拟输出,数模D/A转换器(Digital to Analog Converter)是一种能把数字量转换成模拟量的电子器件

    标签: 单片机 应用系统

    上传时间: 2016-04-11


  • This paper presents the key circuits of a 1MHz bandwidth, 750kb/s GMSK transmitter. The fractional-N

    This paper presents the key circuits of a 1MHz bandwidth, 750kb/s GMSK transmitter. The fractional-N synthesizer forming the basis of the transmitter uses a combined phasefrequency detector (PFD) and Digital-to-ANALOG converter (DAC) circuit element to obtain >28dB high frequency noise reduction when compared to classicalfrequency synthesis.

    标签: fractional-N transmitter bandwidth circuits

    上传时间: 2016-04-14


  • MAX5302

    12bit 低功耗DAC 数模转换器 The MAX5302 combines a low-power, voltage-output, 12-bit Digital-to-ANALOG converter (DAC) and a precision output amplifier in an 8-pin µMAX package. It operates from a single +5V supply, drawing less than 280µA of supply current.

    标签: 5302 MAX

    上传时间: 2017-02-21


  • Spartan-3E中文用户指南

    Chapter 1:Introduction and Overview Chapter 2:Switches,Buttons,and Knob 开关按钮Chapter 3:Clock Sources 时钟脉冲源Chapter 4:FPGA Configuration Options 配置Chapter 5:Character LCD Screen LCD显示屏特性Chapter 6:VGA Display Port VGA接口——接到显示器上Chapter 7:RS-232 Serial Ports RS-232接口——接器件Chapter 8:PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port PS/2鼠标键盘接口Chapter 9:Digital to Analog Converter(DAC)D/A接口Chapter 10:Analog Capture Circuit 模拟捕获电路Chapter 11:Intel StrataFlash Parallel NOR Flash PROM Chapter 12:SPI Serial Flash 串行外围接口系列闪存Chapter 13:DDR SDRAM 内存Chapter 14:10/100 Ethernet Physical Layer Interface以太网物理层接口Chapter 15:Expansion Connectors 扩展接口Chapter 16:XC2C64A CoolRunner-II CPLDChapter 17:DS2432 1-Wire SHA-1 EEPROMSpartan-3E入门实验板使设计人员能够即时利用Spartan-3E系列的完整平台性能。设备支持:Spartan-3E、CoolRunner-ll关键特性:Xilinx器件:Spartan-3E(50万门,XC3S500E-4FG320C),CoolRunnerTM-lI与Platform Flash时钟:50MHz晶体时钟振荡器存储器:128Mbit 并行Flash,16 Mbit SPI Flash,64MByte DDR SDRAM连接器与接口:以太网10/100Phy,JTAG USB下载,两个9管脚RS-232串行端口,PS/2类型鼠标/键盘端口,带按钮的旋转编码器,四个滑动开关,八个单独的LED输出

    标签: Spartan-3E

    上传时间: 2022-06-19


  • 模拟cmos集成电路设计(design of analog

    模拟集成电路的设计与其说是一门技术,还不如说是一门艺术。它比数字集成电路设计需要更严格的分析和更丰富的直觉。严谨坚实的理论无疑是严格分析能力的基石,而设计者的实践经验无疑是诞生丰富直觉的源泉。这也正足初学者对学习模拟集成电路设计感到困惑并难以驾驭的根本原因。.美国加州大学洛杉机分校(UCLA)Razavi教授凭借着他在美国多所著名大学执教多年的丰富教学经验和在世界知名顶级公司(AT&T,Bell Lab,HP)卓著的研究经历为我们提供了这本优秀的教材。本书自2000午出版以来得到了国内外读者的好评和青睐,被许多国际知名大学选为教科书。同时,由于原著者在世界知名顶级公司的丰富研究经历,使本书也非常适合作为CMOS模拟集成电路设计或相关领域的研究人员和工程技术人员的参考书。... 本书介绍模拟CMOS集成电路的分析与设计。从直观和严密的角度阐述了各种模拟电路的基本原理和概念,同时还阐述了在SOC中模拟电路设计遇到的新问题及电路技术的新发展。本书由浅入深,理论与实际结合,提供了大量现代工业中的设计实例。全书共18章。前10章介绍各种基本模块和运放及其频率响应和噪声。第11章至第13章介绍带隙基准、开关电容电路以及电路的非线性和失配的影响,第14、15章介绍振荡器和锁相环。第16章至18章介绍MOS器件的高阶效应及其模型、CMOS制造工艺和混合信号电路的版图与封装。 1 Introduction to Analog Design 2 Basic MOS Device Physics 3 Single-Stage Amplifiers 4 Differential Amplifiers 5 Passive and Active Current Mirrors 6 Frequency Response of Amplifiers 7 Noise 8 Feedback 9 Operational Amplifiers 10 Stability and Frequency Compensation 11 Bandgap References 12 Introduction to Switched-Capacitor Circuits 13 Nonlinearity and Mismatch 14 Oscillators 15 Phase-Locked Loops 16 Short-Channel Effects and Device Models 17 CMOS Processing Technology 18 Layout and Packaging

    标签: analog design cmos of

    上传时间: 2014-12-23
