Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning,模式识别与机器学习,这是学习机器学习的一本好书
标签: Recognition Learning Pattern Machine
上传时间: 2016-10-29
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Solutions to the Exercises,模式识别与机器学习的答案
标签: Recognition Exercises Solutions Learning
上传时间: 2014-01-13
mani: MANIfold learning demonstration GUI by Todd Wittman, Department of Mathematics, University of Minnesota E-mail with comments & questions. MANI Website: httP:// Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 10-Apr-2005 13:28:36 Methods obtained from various authors. (1) MDS -- Michael Lee (2) ISOMAP -- J. Tenenbaum, de Silva, & Langford (3) LLE -- Sam Roweis & Lawrence Saul (4) Hessian LLE -- D. Donoho & C. Grimes (5) Laplacian -- M. Belkin & P. Niyogi (6) Diffusion Map -- R. Coifman & S. Lafon (7) LTSA -- Zhenyue Zhang & Hongyuan Zha
标签: demonstration Mathematics Department University
上传时间: 2016-10-29
【英文篇名】 Analysis of Hardware and Software Environment in Networked Autonomous Learning 【作者中文名】 郑秀梅 刘韶芳 【作者英文名】 ZHENG Xiu-mei LIU Shao-fang 【作者单位】 中国矿业大学外文学院 中国矿业大学外文学院 江苏徐州 江苏徐州
标签: Environment Autonomous Networked Analysis
上传时间: 2014-12-07
1. Learning NS Website (中文,有介紹Unicast Routing) 2. 華玄明網際網路實驗室 - NS2 討論區 (台灣NS2討論區) 3. NS仿真軟件 (中國大陸NS2討論區) 4. The Network Simulator: Contributed Code (一些研究人員所貢獻的程式碼,這些程式碼並沒有包含在NS2原本的程式碼內) 5. The Network Simulator: Building Ns (介紹如何安裝NS2) 6. NsNam Site Search (有關於NS和NAM的搜尋引擎)
上传时间: 2016-11-03
Bishop 经典的Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning的课后题指导 相信对学习模式识别的朋友会有帮助
标签: Recognition Learning Pattern Machine
上传时间: 2013-12-26
An+ensemble learning approach to independent component analysis
标签: independent component ensemble approach
上传时间: 2013-11-28
S-ISOMAP is a manifold learning algorithm, which is a supervised variant of ISOMAP.
标签: supervised algorithm S-ISOMAP manifold
上传时间: 2014-01-11
CCE is a multi-instance learning method solving multi-instance problems through adapting multi-instance representation to single-instance algorithms, which is quite different from existing multi-instance learning algorithms which attempt to adapt single-instance algorithms to multi-instance representation
标签: multi-instance multi-insta adapting learning
上传时间: 2014-01-14
Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques 2d ed - Morgan Kaufma
标签: Techniques Practical Learning Machine
上传时间: 2013-12-21