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  • Analog Solutions for Altera FPGAs

    DeSigning withProgrammable Logicin an Analog WorldProgrammable logic devices revolutionizeddigital design over 25 years ago,promising designers a blank chip todesign literally any function and programit in the field. PLDs can be low-logicdensity devices that use nonvolatilesea-of-gates cells called complexprogrammable logic devices (CPLDs)or they can be high-density devicesbased on SRAM look-up tables (LUTs)

    标签: Solutions Analog Altera FPGAs

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • Analog Solutions for Xilinx FPGAs

    DeSigning withProgrammable Logicin an Analog WorldProgrammable logic devicesrevolutionized digital design over 25years ago, promising designers a blankchip to design literally any functionand program it in the field. PLDs canbe low-logic density devices that usenonvolatile sea-of-gates cells calledcomplex programmable logic devices(CPLDs) or they can be high-densitydevices based on SRAM look-up tables

    标签: Solutions Analog Xilinx FPGAs

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • Creating Safe State Machines(Mentor)

      Finite state machines are widely used in digital circuit designs. Generally, when DeSigning a state machine using an HDL, the synthesis tools will optimize away all states that cannot be reached and generate a highly optimized circuit. Sometimes, however, the optimization is not acceptable. For example, if the circuit powers up in an invalid state, or the circuit is in an extreme working environment and a glitch sends it into an undesired state, the circuit may never get back to its normal operating condition.

    标签: Creating Machines Mentor State

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • CAM350 8.7.1使用说明

    CAM350 为PCB 设计和PCB 生产提供了相应的工具(CAM350 for PCB Designers 和CAM350 for CAM Engineers),很容易地把PCB设计和PCB生产融合起来。CAM350 v8.7的目标是在PCB设计和PCB制造之间架起一座桥梁随着如今电子产品的朝着小体积、高速度、低价格的趋势发展,导致了设计越来越复杂,这就要求精确地把设计数据转换到PCB生产加工中去。CAM350为您提供了从PCB设计到生产制程的完整流程,从PCB设计数据到成功的PCB生产的转化将变得高效和简化。基于PCB制造过程,CAM350为PCB设计和PCB生产提供了相应的工具(CAM350 for PCB Designers和CAM350 for CAM Engineers),很容易地把PCB设计和PCB生产融合起来。平滑流畅地转换完整的工程设计意图到PCB生产中提高PCB设计的可生产性,成就成功的电子产品为PCB设计和制造双方提供有价值的桥梁作用CAM350是一款独特、功能强大、健全的电子工业应用软件。DOWNSTREAM开发了最初的基于PCB设计平台的CAM350,到基于整个生产过程的CAM350并且持续下去。CAM350功能强大,应用广泛,一直以来它的信誉和性能都是无与伦比的。 CAM350PCB设计的可制造性分析和优化工具今天的PCB 设计和制造人员始终处于一种强大的压力之下,他们需要面对业界不断缩短将产品推向市场的时间、品质和成本开销的问题。在48 小时,甚至在24 小时内完成工作更是很平常的事,而产品的复杂程度却在日益增加,产品的生命周期也越来越短,因此,设计人员和制造人员之间协同有效工作的压力也随之越来越大!随着电子设备的越来越小、越来越复杂,使得致力于电子产品开发每一个人员都需要解决批量生产的问题。如果到了完成制造之后发现设计失败了,则你将错过推向市场的大好时间。所有的责任并不在于制造加工人员,而是这个项目的全体人员。多年的实践已经证明了,你需要清楚地了解到有关制造加工方面的需求是什么,有什么方面的限制,在PCB设计阶段或之后的处理过程是什么。为了在制造加工阶段能够协同工作,你需要在设计和制造之间建立一个有机的联系桥梁。你应该始终保持清醒的头脑,记住从一开始,你的设计就应该是容易制造并能够取得成功的。CAM350 在设计领域是一个物有所值的制造分析工具。CAM350 能够满足你在制造加工方面的需求,如果你是一个设计人员,你能够建立你的设计,将任务完成后提交给产品开发过程中的下一步工序。现在采用CAM350,你能够处理面向制造方面的一些问题,进行一些简单地处理,但是对于PCB设计来说是非常有效的,这就被成为"可制造性(Manufacturable)"。可制造性设计(DeSigning for Fabrication)使用DFF Audit,你能够确保你的设计中不会包含任何制造规则方面的冲突(Manufacturing Rule Violations)。DFF Audit 将执行超过80 种裸板分析检查,包括制造、丝印、电源和地、信号层、钻孔、阻焊等等。建立一种全新的具有艺术特征的Latium 结构,运行DFF Audit 仅仅需要几分钟的时间,并具有很高的精度。在提交PCB去加工制造之间,就能够定位、标识并立刻修改所有的冲突,而不是在PCB板制造加工之后。DFF Audit 将自动地检查酸角(acid traps)、阻焊条(soldermask slivers)、铜条(copper slivers)、残缺热焊盘(starved thermals)、焊锡搭桥(soldermask coverage)等等。它将能够确保阻焊数据的产生是根据一定安全间距,确保没有潜在的焊锡搭桥的条件、解决酸角(Acid Traps)的问题,避免在任何制造车间的CAM部门产生加工瓶颈。

    标签: CAM 350 使用说明

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • 基于Verilog HDL设计的多功能数字钟

    本文利用Verilog HDL 语言自顶向下的设计方法设计多功能数字钟,突出了其作为硬件描述语言的良好的可读性、可移植性和易理解等优点,并通过Altera QuartusⅡ 4.1 和ModelSim SE 6.0 完成综合、仿真。此程序通过下载到FPGA 芯片后,可应用于实际的数字钟显示中。 关键词:Verilog HDL;硬件描述语言;FPGA Abstract: In this paper, the process of DeSigning multifunctional digital clock by the Verilog HDL top-down design method is presented, which has shown the readability, portability and easily understanding of Verilog HDL as a hard description language. Circuit synthesis and simulation are performed by Altera QuartusⅡ 4.1 and ModelSim SE 6.0. The program can be used in the truly digital clock display by downloading to the FPGA chip. Keywords: Verilog HDL;hardware description language;FPGA

    标签: Verilog HDL 多功能 数字

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • MATLABThe CD-ROM accompanying this book contains MATLAB® M-files (MATLAB language source code) an

    MATLABThe CD-ROM accompanying this book contains MATLAB® M-files (MATLAB language source code) and Simulink® block diagram models for DeSigning, implementing and testing control systems.

    标签: MATLAB accompanying MATLABThe contains

    上传时间: 2013-11-26


  • Introducing a new product requires the designer to think about the product differentiators. Designin

    Introducing a new product requires the designer to think about the product differentiators. DeSigning a user-friendly product, considering all other features are equivalent, will help increase the product acceptance and sales. A good User Interface is definitively one of these differentiators. In many instances, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is the best approach.

    标签: product differentiators Introducing the

    上传时间: 2015-07-04


  • A book describe RTP protocol over the internet. It offers readers detailed technical guidance for de

    A book describe RTP protocol over the internet. It offers readers detailed technical guidance for DeSigning, implementing, and managing any RTP-based system

    标签: technical describe protocol internet

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • Verilog and VHDL状态机设计

    Verilog and VHDL状态机设计,英文pdf格式 State machine design techniques for Verilog and VHDL Abstract : DeSigning a synchronous finite state Another way of organizing a state machine (FSM) is a common task for a digital logic only one logic block as shown in engineer. This paper will discuss a variety of issues regarding FSM design using Synopsys Design Compiler . Verilog and VHDL coding styles will be 2.0 Basic HDL coding presented. Different methodologies will be compared using real-world examples.

    标签: Verilog VHDL and 状态

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • This design package includes reference materials for creating a USB - PS/2 combination mouse that a

    This design package includes reference materials for creating a USB - PS/2 combination mouse that auto-detects the interface and configures itself to operate on the appropriate bus. Documentation docs - DeSigning a low cost CY7C63723 combination mouse.pdf - application note for this design - schematic.pdf - mouse schematic Firmware Source Files src - chip.c - include file that defines CY7C63723 constants - combi.c - main source file - combi.hex - Intel hex file for programming a CY7C63723 microcontroller - combi.lst - output listing from c-compiler for use with the CYDB debugger - macros.h - defines macros used in combi.c - ps2defs.h - defines PS/2 interface constants - usb_desc.h - defines the USB descriptors - usbdefs.h - defines USB interface constants

    标签: combination materials reference creating

    上传时间: 2015-10-19
