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  • Nonlinear_Distortion_in_Wireless_Systems

    Modeling and simulation of nonlinear systems provide communication system DeSIgners with a tool to predict and verify overall system performance under nonlinearity and complex communication signals. Traditionally, RF system DeSIgners use deterministic signals (discrete tones), which can be implemented in circuit simulators, to predict the performance of their nonlinear circuits/systems. However, RF system DeSIgners are usually faced with the problem of predicting system performance when the input to the system is real-world communication signals which have a random nature.

    标签: Nonlinear_Distortion_in_Wireless_ Systems

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Propagation Handbook for Wireless Communication

    Wireless means different things to different people. For this book, it refers to the radio systems that provide point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and Earth-space communications over transmission links that propagate outside buildings through the lower atmosphere. Wireless systems are being built that provide data transmission between computers and other devices on one’s own desk. These are part of the wireless world but not the part where, except for interference perhaps, the atmosphere has any influence. The intent of this book is to provide a description of the physical phenomena that can affect propagation through the atmosphere, present sample measurements and statistics, and provide models that system DeSIgners can use to calculate their link budgets and estimate the limitations the atmosphere may place on their design.

    标签: Communication Propagation Handbook Wireless for

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • RF+Transceiver+Design

    The multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique provides higher bit rates and better reliability in wireless systems. The efficient design of RF transceivers has a vital impact on the implementation of this technique. This first book is com- pletely devoted to RF transceiver design for MIMO communications. The book covers the most recent research in practical design and applications and can be an important resource for graduate students, wireless DeSIgners, and practical engineers.

    标签: Transceiver Design RF

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Time-Varying Channels

    Wireless communications has become a field of enormous scientific and economic interest. Recent success stories include 2G and 3G cellular voice and data services (e.g., GSM and UMTS), wireless local area networks (WiFi/IEEE 802.11x), wireless broadband access (WiMAX/IEEE 802.16x), and digital broadcast systems (DVB, DAB, DRM). On the physical layer side, traditional designs typically assume that the radio channel remains constant for the duration of a data block. However, researchers and system DeSIgners are increasingly shifting their attention to channels that may vary within a block. In addition to time dispersion caused by multipath propagation, these rapidly time-varying channels feature frequency dispersion resulting from the Doppler effect. They are, thus, often referred to as being “doubly dispersive.”

    标签: Time-Varying Channels

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless+Multi-Antenna+Channels+Modeling

    The explosion in demand for wireless services experienced over the past 20 years has put significant pressure on system DeSIgners to increase the capacity of the systems being deployed. While the spectral resource is very scarce and practically exhausted, the biggest possibilities are predicted to be in the areas of spectral reuse by unlicensed users or in exploiting the spatial dimension of the wireless channels. The former approach is now under intense development and is known as the cogni- tive radio approach (Haykin 2005). 

    标签: Multi-Antenna Wireless Channels Modeling

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Basic+ESD+and+IO+Design

    This effort started as an answer to the numerous questions the authors have repeatedly had to answer about electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection and input/output (1/0) designs. In the past no comprehensive book existed suffi- ciently covering these areas, and these topics were rarely taught in engineering schools. Thus first-time I/O and ESD protection DeSIgners have had consider- able trouble getting started. This book is in part an answer to such needs.

    标签: Design Basic ESD and IO

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • ESD+and+Electronic+Equipment

    Since electronic equipment was first developed, static electricity has been a source of problems for users and DeSIgners. In the last few years, however, electrostatic discharge (ESD) has become a source of major problems. This has occurred because newer electronic devices, such as integrated circuits, are much more susceptible to ESD problems than previous devices, such as vacuum tubes. Another trend compounding this ESD susceptibility problem is the spread of sophisticated equipment into home and office environments where ESD is quite common.

    标签: Electronic Equipment ESD and

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • Pro Arduino

    Since its release, Arduino has become more than just a development platform; it has become a culture built around the idea of open source and open hardware, and one that is reimagining computer science and education. Arduino has opened hardware development by making the starting skills easy to obtain, but retaining the complexities of real-world application. This combination makes Arduino a perfect environment for school students, seasoned developers, and DeSIgners. This is the first Arduino book to hold the title of “Pro,” and demonstrates skills and concepts that are used by developers in a more advanced setting. Going beyond projects, this book provides examples that demonstrate concepts that can be easily integrated into many different projects and provide inspiration for future ones. The focus of this book is as a transition from the intermediate to the professional.

    标签: Arduino Pro

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • DDR3 layout指导

    This document provides general hardware and layoutconsiderations and guidelines for hardware engineersimplementing a DDR3 memory subsystem.The rules and recommendations in this document serve as aninitial baseline for board DeSIgners to begin their specificimplementations, such as fly-by memory topology.

    标签: ddr3

    上传时间: 2021-11-21


  • VIP专区-PCB源码精选合集系列(17)

    VIP专区-PCB源码精选合集系列(17)资源包含以下内容:1. Cadence技术白皮书(很不错).2. AD_PCB高级规则.3. altium designer设计.4. Cadence Allegro.5. 华为的经典PCB教程.6. Altium+designer+元件库大全.7. PADS2007详细安装步骤.8. PCB设计入门[中文翻译].9. PROTEL例子.10. 提升PCB设计能力的一本好书The Circuit DeSIgners Companion.11. 多层线路板设计.12. Protel99se鼠标增强.13. 深圳兴达线路板有限公司PCB工艺流程图.14. altium+designer库文件大全.15. 自制封装库.16. PADS常见问题.17. PADS2007放置过孔的快捷键.18. 430Jtag原理图及PCB图.19. 电子器件封装的70种类型.20. PCB抄板诀窍.21. 四层板的设计.22. 工程技术中英对照.23. 《Protel_DXP电路设计基础教程》第1章:Protel_DXP基础知识.24. 常用近500个三极管(MOSFET)中文资料.25. PCB制造工艺.26. 专家关于高速线路的布线问题解答.27. Multisim_11.0详细的_安装+汉化+破解_全过程.28. masterCAM9.0教程超完整.29. [Protel.DXP2004.sp1..sp2.sp3.sp4.电路板设计].Protel2004_sp4_Genkey.30. PCB不良图.31. ORCAD9.2安装方法.32. PCB经典图.33. Altium Designer6.9 破解文件与模板.34. altium designer summer 09高级功能教程.35. PCB布线设计.36. 布线常见规则.37. PCB资料转换工具.38. 零件封装知识.39. 英文版99SE如何加汉字.40. PROTEL鼠标增强工具.

    标签: 表面组装 元件

    上传时间: 2013-06-20
