上传时间: 2014-08-22
常用算法程序集(C语言描述)徐士良 第三版配套光盘 C:. ├─ch09 ├─ch08 ├─ch07 ├─ch06 ├─ch05 ├─ch04 ├─ch03 ├─ch02 ├─ch16 ├─ch15 ├─ch14 ├─ch13 ├─ch12 ├─ch11 ├─ch10 └─ch01
上传时间: 2013-12-04
-- KeYl0gByMe -- Il s agit d un petit keylogger tout simple. Il logs tout les types de touches. Le fichier logs se met ?la racine du disque dur principal. Le fichier en question se nomme : stsvc.txt Cr閍teur : benozor77. Courriel : webmaster[arobase] Site Web: Retrouvez-moi aussi sur le t ch@t: irc.coolsmile:6667 >>> #hackplanet sous le pseudo AbUsE.
标签: tout KeYl0gByMe keylogger touches
上传时间: 2015-04-16
24C01的读写程序,C51源代码 调用方式:write_8bit(unsigned char ch) ﹫2001/03/23 函数说明:内函数,私有,用户不直接调用。
上传时间: 2015-08-07
sd2003芯片资料及源码,C51下的,可以直接使用,不是厂方提供的测试程序, 相应子程序: extern void ini_SD2003(void) extern bit mend_scl_SD2003(void) extern bit start_bit_SD2003(void) extern void stop_bit_SD2003(void) extern void ack_SD2003(void) extern void no_ack_SD2003(void) extern void mast_ack_SD2003(void) extern void write_8bit_SD2003(UCHAR ch) extern UCHAR Read_8bit_SD2003(void) extern void write_8bit_SD2003_R(UCHAR ch) extern UCHAR Read_8bit_SD2003_R(void) extern bit Readblock_SD2003(UCHAR ucommand,UCHAR *p) extern bit Writeblock_SD2003(UCHAR ucommand,UCHAR *p)
上传时间: 2015-09-14
This paper studies the problem of categorical data clustering, especially for transactional data characterized by high dimensionality and large volume. Starting from a heuristic method of increasing the height-to-width ratio of the cluster histogram, we develop a novel algorithm – CLOPE, which is very fast and scalable, while being quite effective. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on two real world
标签: data transactional categorical clustering
上传时间: 2015-10-24
文本计算器是一款为经常需要使用计算器的工程项目人士而设计的软件,该软件使用简单、方便。 当需要计算数据时,在窗口中输入整个表达式(表达式可以是加+、减-、乘*、除/、平方^、括号(),以及数学函数组合),按回车后可自动计算出结果,计算方法一目了然,便于查找计算中可能出现的错误。 支持的数学函数:cos(), sin(), tg(), ctg(), abs(), sgn() or sign(), sqrt(), ln(),sh() or sinh(), ch() or cosh(), th() or tanh(),cth() or coth(), heaviside()
上传时间: 2015-10-25
Extensively revised for the latest Java (J2SE 5.0) release Deitel Java How to Program, 6/e now includes earlier coverage of objects new and streamlined case studies and OPTIONAL GUI and graphics sections. Now available in a briefer version (ch. 1-10) called Small Java. SafariX version available.
标签: Java Extensively revised Program
上传时间: 2014-01-04
标签: Asynchronous JavaScript Creating Prentice
上传时间: 2014-08-09
Adaptive Filter. This script shows the BER performance of several types of equalizers in a static channel with a null in the passband. The script constructs and implements a linear equalizer object and a decision feedback equalizer (DFE) object. It also initializes and invokes a maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) equalizer. The MLSE equalizer is first invoked with perfect channel knowledge, then with a straightforward but imperfect channel estimation technique.
标签: performance equalizers Adaptive several
上传时间: 2016-02-16