Sun公司Dream项目,DVB CAS系统
上传时间: 2013-12-28
数字电视标准综述,本文从数字电视技术标准所起的作用,美国ATSC标准,欧洲DVB标准,日本ISDB标准,DVB与 ATSC的比较,三种标准的数字地面广播系统比较,我国数字广播电视标准化工作的现状等方面,详细地介绍了数字电视标准。
上传时间: 2015-12-09
上传时间: 2015-12-17
上传时间: 2015-12-17
Mplayer源码,不用多介绍了吧。 媒体类型 文件格式 MP3 mp3 m3u CD/DVD cda MPEG和AVI视频 mpg mpeg mpv mps m2v m1v mpe mpa avi mp4 m4e RealAudio和RealVideo rt ra rm rmvb rp rv Windows Media wma wmv wax asx asf wm wmx wvx QuickTime mov qt AAC aac m4a m4p 其他媒体 wav mp2 mp1 mpeg pls xpl smi smil flv ssm sdp aif aiff mid midi rmim acp rpl 3gp amr awb 3g2 au
上传时间: 2014-01-27
This paper investigates the design of joint frequency offset and carrier phase estimation of a multi-frequency time division multiple access (MF-TDMA) demodulator that is applied to a digital video broadcasting—return channel system via satellite (DVB-RCS). The proposed joint estimation algorithm is based on the interpolation technique for two correlation values in the frequency and phase domains. This simple interpolation technique can significantly improve frequency and phase resolution capabilities of the proposed technique without increasing the number of the correlation values. In addition, the overall block diagram of a digital communications receiver for DVB-RCS is presented, which was designed using the proposed estimation algorithms. Index Terms—Carrier phase estimation, DVB-RCS, frequency offset estimation, interpolation, joint estimation, MF-TDMA.
标签: investigates estimation frequency carrier
上传时间: 2015-12-30
这是一个7"LCD 液晶屏显示器,通过一个BOX(如压缩包图)转接,使此显示器多达三个信号输入源。其中AV1、AV2接DVD信号,另外一个接倒车摄像头视频信号。而且此显示器系统具有自动视频切换功能,即当显示器在播放DVD视频且汽车倒车时,显示器会自动切换到倒车视频。
上传时间: 2016-01-08
上传时间: 2016-02-01
近段时间闲来无事做了一款AV和HI-FI两用的前级,采用音量音调处理芯片PT2322完成音量音调的处理,支持六声道音量0~15分贝可调,高中低音支持-7db~+7db可调,总音量支持0~79分贝可调,步进为2分贝每次,并且具有静音、3D和直通功能,不论是在听音乐还是在看电影两不误;采用pt2323实现音源输入选择和2声道转换成6声道的功能,支持四组普通立体声输入和一组DVD六声道输入,并且能够将四组立体声其中的任何一组转换成六声道,即使是用VCD看普通碟片时也能欣赏到有如DVD一样的环绕音效。由于PT2323和PT2322支持I2C总线控制,利用89c51对其进行控制,PCB板连线方便,控制简单。本板除了以上功能外,还特留有一个输出口,用来控制后面所接的功率放大模块的电源的关断,以实现遥控开关机,静音时也将功率放大模块的电源模块关断,以实现节能的目的。本电路还有一个重要特点,整个电路采用单5V电源供电,接口简单,连线方便,便入摩机用。人对电路操作主要有两种方式,一是通过键盘来进行控制,二是通过配有的红处的遥控接收头来控制,遥控器可选市面上很容易买到的由TC9148型的遥控器即可。本人提供少量PCB板,供爱好音响和单片机的同行做实验, 如有需要也可提供全套散件或成品板。
上传时间: 2016-03-11
PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card use PHILIPS 7130 chip , is a newly built-in TV card integrating FM radio and TV receiver. You can watch/record TV programs (up to 136 channels) and FM radio on PC. The powerful attached software enables you to & rename favorite channels as per your taste. Moreover, the remote controller makes watching TV through PC more convenient. Through PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card, you can transfer & save the full screen/full motion video captured VCR, camcorder, PC camera or other video sources into hard disk, or you can burn the video to VCD/SVCD/DVD via professional rewrite software. PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card supports snapshot, you can record wonderful clips to create your personal e-album, then share your works with your friends & family via Internet.
标签: PHILIPS 7130 card integrating
上传时间: 2013-12-26