This book is written for engineers involved in the operation, control, and planning of electric power systems. In addition, the book provides information and tools for researchers working in the fields of power system security and stability. The book consists of two volumes. The first volume provides traditional techniques for the stability analysis of large scale power systems. In addition, an overview of the main DRIVERS and requirements for modernization of the traditional methods for online applications are discussed. The second volume provides techniques for online security assessment and corrective action studies. In addition, the impact of variable generation on the security of power systems is considered in the second volume. The first volume may be considered as a background builder while the second volume is intended for the coverage of edge techniques and methods for online dynamic security studies.
上传时间: 2020-06-07
stract With global DRIVERS such as better energy consumption, energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gases, CO 2 emission reduction has become key in every layer of the value chain. Power Electronics has definitely a role to play in these thrilling challenges. From converters down to compound semiconductors, innovation is leading to breakthrough technologies. Wide BandGap, Power Module Packaging, growth of Electric Vehicle market will game change the overall power electronic industry and supply chain. In this presentation we will review power electronics trends, from technologies to markets.
标签: Electronics Materials Power WBG for
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Since OpenStreetMap (OSM) appeared more than ten years ago, new collaborative mapping approaches have emerged in different areas and have become important components of localised information and services based on localisation. There is now increased awareness of the importance of the space-time attributes of almost every event and phenomenon. Citizens now have endless possibilities to quickly geographically locate themselves with an accuracy previously thought impossible. Based on these societal DRIVERS, we proposed a number of collaborative mapping experiments (“mapping parties”) to delegates of a large open-source geospatial conference and to citizens of the conference’s host city during July 2015.
标签: Information Leveraging Systems Mobile
上传时间: 2020-06-09
MAX1447 3.5- and 4.5-Digit, Single-Chip ADCs with LED DRIVERS
上传时间: 2020-11-12
学习本章要达到的目标:口1.理解 Linux内核编译选项的含义口2.学会根据不同的硬件配置裁减定制内核;口3.理解内核编译过程中每一步的功能,并编译 Linux2.630内核。需要去重新编译 Linux内核口增加操作系统对新的硬件设备的支持口增加内核新的功能口对内核代码或内核配置进行优化时Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/DRIVERS口显示处于开发调试中或尚未完善的代码或驱口选中:如果是测试人员或者开发者;口不选:其他情况Local version append to kerne release口追加本地版本号口使用命令“uname-a”进行查看。POSIX Message Queues口 POSIX消息队列的支持,这是 POSIX进程间通信的一部分BSD Process Accounting口将进程的统计信息写入文件口信息通常包括建立时间、所有者、命令名称、内存使用、控制终端等,这个选项一般是选择的。Enable loadable module support口使能可加载模块支持口如果使能此选项则可以通过"makemodules_insta"把内核模块安装在/lib/modules/中Kernel support for ELF binaries口内核对ELF文件格式的支持口ELF是开放平台下最常用的二进制文件格式支持动态连接,支持不同的硬件平台Kernel support for a out and ECOFF binaries口早期UNIX系统的可执行文件格式,目前已经被ELF格式取代Unix domain sockets口本机高效率的 Socket口仅能运行在本机上的高效率的 Socket,简称 Unix socket。口很多进程使用为这种机制在操作系统内部进行进程间通信,例如 X Window和 syslog等TCP/IP networking口TcP/IP网络协议的支持
标签: linux
上传时间: 2022-03-29
说明: MSP430单片机+SI4463射频芯片开发,无线发送、接收驱动函数源码。(msp430 and SI4463 project development,willess tx and rx DRIVERS.)
上传时间: 2022-05-27
对于初次接触RT-thread 的朋友来说,要想自己重新建立一个keil 下的工程,可能会觉得不知所措,那么看到这篇文字,可能对你会有帮助。我在这里演示了如何提取官方bsp 包中stm32 分支中的相关文件,重新组织文件结构,按照下图中的文件夹分配,重新生成keil 下的工程,这个工程将会包括RT-thread 的内核和finsh 组件。我愿意在开始前说明下分别建立这几个文件夹的作用:project ——存放MDK工程文件;RT-thread ——存放rtt 源码包(放在最外层);apps ——存放我们自己(用户)写的一些应用代码;DRIVERS ——存放硬件外设驱动;third_part ——存放第三方程序源码,比如stm32 固件库、解码库等;obj ——目标文件;这么一来, 各类代码分类一清二楚, 好了, 现在开始一步一步带大家走一遍生成这个工程的过程,当你明白后可按照自己的意愿去生成工程。拷贝所需的文件解压RT-Thread 源码,将源码放在我们所建立的工程文件夹外面(这么放是方便以后的工程可以共用)从源码bsp\stm32f10x 目录copy 下图所列出的文件,放入篇3- 例程1- 重构RTT最小系统\apps 目录RT-Thread 源码( 我改了下文件夹名字)我们准备构建的工程文件夹,包含上图中的各个文件夹从源码bsp\stm32f10x 目录copy 下图列出的必要的驱动文件,放入篇3- 例程1-重构RTT最小系统\DRIVERS 目录
上传时间: 2022-06-20
FTDI CDM DRIVERS是FTDI CDM USB转串口需要安装的驱动程序。ftdi usb转串口驱动用于全系列WINDOWS操作系统(WIN9X除外),支持最新的WIN8/8.1及WIN10 32位/64位系统。
上传时间: 2022-07-03
3-phase Sensor-less Fan Motor DriverAM2355NThe AM2355N is a 3-phase sensor-less DC fan motor driver IC. It senses the BEMF (BackElectro-Motive Force) of the motor in rotation and provides corresponding commutation current tothe motor. Rotation speed can be controlled by PWM input signal. The DRIVERS include LockDetection, Thermal Shutdown, and Over-current Protection. Forward and Reverse
标签: am2355n
上传时间: 2022-07-26
标签: canopen 源代码 canfestival
上传时间: 2022-08-10