oJPEG2000中DWT的MATLAB实现n the use of DIScrete cosine transform DCT jpeg compression Matlab source, simple and practical, the Notes have a good time
标签: compression transform DIScrete MATLAB
上传时间: 2013-12-14
The MDP toolbox proposes functions related to the resolution of DIScrete-time Markov Decision Process : finite horizon, value iteration, policy iteration, linear programming algorithms with some variants. The functions (m-functions) were developped with MATLAB v6.0 (one of the functions requires the Mathworks Optimization Toolbox) by the decision team of the Biometry and Artificial Intelligence Unit of INRA Toulouse (France). The version 2.0 (February 2005) handles sparse matrices and contains an example
标签: DIScrete-time resolution functions Decision
上传时间: 2014-01-01
A Web Tutorial on DIScrete Features of Bayes Decision Theory This applet allows for the calculation of the decision boundary given a three dimensional feature vector. Specifically, by stipulating the variables such as the priors, and the conditional likelihoods of each feature with respect to each class, the changing decision boundary will be displayed.
标签: calculation Tutorial DIScrete Decision
上传时间: 2013-12-22
matlab code, DIScrete time processing vverlap and add example
标签: processing DIScrete example vverlap
上传时间: 2016-06-15
matlab code for DIScrete time signal processing overlay and a
标签: processing DIScrete overlay matlab
上传时间: 2014-01-25
Bode plot for DIScrete-time system
标签: DIScrete-time system Bode plot
上传时间: 2014-02-20
FFTW, a collection of fast C routines to compute the DIScrete Fourier Transform in one or more dimensions.The fftw/ directory contains the source code for the complex transforms, and the rfftw/ directory contains the source code for the real transforms.
标签: collection Transform DIScrete routines
上传时间: 2016-08-17
Analysis of blind data hiding using DIScrete cosine transform phase modulation。
标签: modulation transform Analysis DIScrete
上传时间: 2013-12-27
An analysis tool for both continuous- and DIScrete-time control systems. -Includes a parameter solving tool
标签: DIScrete-time continuous parameter analysis
上传时间: 2017-01-15
为保证网络信息传输的安全性,提出一种视频图像加密方法。该方法引入混沌系统中的Logistic映射和 Baker映射,结合H·264视频压缩编码特点,利用Baker映射对DCT (DIScrete Cosine Transform)变换量化后 的块进行位置置乱,
标签: Baker Logistic DIScrete 映射
上传时间: 2017-02-06