bash DEbugger. You can use this tool to DEbug bash shell script
标签: bash DEbugger script DEbug
上传时间: 2014-08-20
上传时间: 2016-03-15
ucosii source code for windows DEbug
标签: windows ucosii source DEbug
上传时间: 2013-12-17
上传时间: 2013-12-31
DEbug relase iseedeadpeople
标签: iseedeadpeople relase DEbug
上传时间: 2014-01-07
To use the ATLTrace tool: DEbug an MFC or ATL project select Start from the DEbug menu. Select MFC/ATL Trace Tool in the Tools menu. Expand the tree control list in the Trace List window. Here you will see the running application, any modules within that application, and the trace categories for each module. Customize, for each process, module, and category, which information is displayed in the output window. The Trace level control in the Process group is related to the ATLTRACE2 level only those ATLTRACE2 messages with a level equal to or greater than the setting in the Trace level control will be displayed in the output window. Select Apply to put your settings into effect. You can save your settings, and load them the next time you DEbug the application use the Save and Load buttons.
标签: DEbug the ATLTrace project
上传时间: 2014-01-15
Sunplus full prog DEbug here you are
上传时间: 2014-07-08
This book explains how to write, install, and DEbug device drivers for Windows 2000. It is intended to be a companion to the Microsoft DDK documentation and software. Windows 2000 represents a major improvement to previous versions of Windows NT. Device drivers for Windows 2000 may be designed for the new Windows Driver Model (WDM) architecture. If so, the driver will be source compatible with Windows 98. This book covers the new WDM specification. This book will also prove useful to those studying the internals of Windows 2000, particularly the I/O subsystem and related components.
标签: explains intended Windows drivers
上传时间: 2016-04-08
运行DEbug下的cisoca.exe即可。 由于在vc6.0下开发的,所以运行时可能出现找不到动态库的现象。 时间很短,主要用于学习,不对软件做任何保证,所以很粗糙,以后有时间做个安装包。 实现了CA认证系统的基本功能
上传时间: 2016-04-20
在DEbug状态下,显示中断向量表,找一个空闲的中断类型号,以此软中断作为新增加的系统调用中断。编制一个系统调用服务与初始化程序syscall.asm,要求包括以下两部分内容:① 系统调用服务例程;② 初始化程序:设置新的中断向量和驻留新增加的例程。编制一个用户程序user.asm,其目的是检测新增加的功能调用是否成功。在DEbug状态下:① 查找中断向量表中新增加的系统调用的中断向量;② 显示扩充的中断服务例程;③ 找到该中断服务例程中使用的数据区。
上传时间: 2013-12-26