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  • 基于C8051F040的方位角测试系统

    提出一种基于C8051F040的炮塔方位角测试系统的设计方案,给出测试系统的各个模块软硬件设计。炮塔方位角测试系统集数据采集,数据传输和数据显示等功能于一体,实现了炮塔方位角装置的离线检测。系统软件采用C51编写,对单片机进行有效电源管理,保证了系统的稳定性,可靠性。 Abstract:  This paper puts forwards a design of artillery position system based on C8051F040,DEScribes all modules hardware and software design of measurement system.The system has the function of information collection,transmission,and display.It can measure artillery position system in offline.The system software using C51can manage the power of single chip microcomputer,guarantee the stability,reliability.

    标签: C8051F040 方位角 测试系统

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • C8051F320列车安全巡检仪的设计

    提出了一种基于C8051F320的列车安全巡检仪的设计方案,详细阐述了巡检仪的各个模块的硬、软件设计。巡检仪集信息采集、轴温检测、照明和记录存储等功能于一体,实现了对列车安全巡检工作有效的监督和科学管理。系统软件采用C51编写,对单片机进行有效的电源管理,保证了巡检仪的稳定性、可靠性和低功耗性。 Abstract:  This paper puts forward a design of train safety inspection based on C8051F320,DEScribes all modules hardware and software design of inspection instrument.The inspection instrument has the function of information collection, axle’s temperature detection, lighting and records storage.It can supervise and administer train safety inspection work effectively.The system software using C51 can manage the power of single chip microcomputer, and guarantee the stability, reliability and low power consumption of the inspection instrument.

    标签: C8051F320 列车 仪的设计 巡检

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 基于双ATmega128的安检力学试验机设计

    针对当前安检力学试验机所能完成的试验种类单一、自动化程度低等问题,提出一种以ATmega128单片机为核心控制器的安检力学试验机的设计。详细阐述了该安检力学试验机各个组成部分的设计原理和方案,并且给出了各部分的软件设计思想和操作流程。经过大量测试试验表明:设计的安检力学试验机可以完成多达十余种的力学安检试验,完全符合相关国家标准,并且具有数据采集精度高、传输速度快、操作安全简便等特点,实现了安检设备的多功能化、数字化和自动化。 Abstract:  Currently, many mechanical security testing machines have only one function. The degree of automation of them is low. To solve those problems, a new kind of mechanical security testing machine, using ATmega128 micro-controller as its core controller, has been advanced. It DEScribes the components of the machine. The principles and the scheme in the designing processes are presented in detail, and the software architecture and the operation processes of each part are given. After having done many testing, we have reached the following conclusions: the mechanical security testing machine presented can do over ten mechanical security tests complying with related national standards. It has high data acquisition accuracy and high transmission speed. The operation of the machine is simple and safe. In general, this machine is a multi-functional, highly automatic, digitalized security testing device.

    标签: ATmega 128 安检 试验机

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 基于AT89S52 的水温控制系统的设计

    本文介绍了基于AT89C52 单片机的自动水温控制系统的设计及实现过程。该系统具有实时显示、温度测量、温度设定并能根据设定值对环境温度进行调节实现控温的目的以及达到上下限温度报警功能,控制算法是基于数字PID 算法。关键词 :PID AT89C52 脉宽调制 实时 Abstract : This article DEScribes AT89C52 single-chip microcomputer-basedautomatic water temperature control system design and implementation process. Thesystem has real-time display, temperature measurement, temperature settings and theenvironment in accordance with the temperature settings adjusted to achieve thepurpose of temperature control and reach the upper and lower limits of temperaturealarm function, the control algorithm is based on the digital PID algorithm.Keyword: PID AT89C52 PWM real time

    标签: 89S S52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • MPLAB C30用户指南(英文)

    MPLAB C30用户指南(英文) HIGHLIGHTSThe information covered in this chapter is as follows:• About this Guide• Recommended Reading• Troubleshooting• The Microchip Web Site• Development Systems Customer Notification Service• Customer Support Document LayoutThe document layout is as follows:• Chapter 1: Compiler Overview – DEScribes MPLAB C30, development tools andfeature set.• Chapter 2: Differences between MPLAB C30 and ANSI C – DEScribes thedifferences between the C language supported by MPLAB C30 syntax and thestandard ANSI-89 C.• Chapter 3: Using MPLAB C30 – DEScribes how to use the MPLAB C30 compilerfrom the command line.• Chapter 4: MPLAB C30 Runtime Environment – DEScribes the MPLAB C30runtime model, including information on sections, initialization, memory models, thesoftware stack and much more.• Chapter 5: Data Types – DEScribes MPLAB C30 integer, floating point and pointerdata types.• Chapter 6: Device Support Files – DEScribes the MPLAB C30 header and registerdefinition files, as well as how to use with SFR’s.• Chapter 7: Interrupts – DEScribes how to use interrupts.• Chapter 8: Mixing Assembly Language and C Modules – provides guidelines tousing MPLAB C30 with MPLAB ASM30 assembly language modules.

    标签: MPLAB C30 用户 英文

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • 看门狗电路的分析

    根据看门狗电路的原理,设计出简单适用、性能可靠的1TrL型看门狗电路以及价格低廉、性能可靠的微功耗CMOS型看门狗电路,同时还介绍了常用的uP监视器O型看门狗电路。关键词:看门狗电路;1TrL型;CMOS型Abstract:In accordance with the principle of WDT (Watch Dog Timer 1circuit,design a,IT.L type WTD circuit,it is a dimple an d applicable an d reliable on performanceo Design a CMOS type WTD circuit,it is low prices and mini-power consumption。Also the article DEScribes a common uP type WTD circuit。Key word:WDT circuit;TFL type;CMOS typ e

    标签: 看门狗电路

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • TPS65930 TPS65920与OMAP3530硬件连接

    This document DEScribes the system hardware implementation for the OMAP3530 processor and theTPS65930/20 companion power integrated circuit (IC). The document concentrates on the powerconnectivity for the processor and the companion power IC. The document also briefly explains someother specifics related to power, such as the boot modes and the power-up sequence.

    标签: TPS 65930 65920 3530

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • DTMF Decoding with a PIC16xxx

    This application note DEScribes how to decode standard DTMF tones using the minimum number of external discrete components and a PIC. The two examples use a PIC which has an 8 bit timer and either a comparator or an ADC, although it can be modified for use on a PIC which has only digital I/O. The Appendices have example code for the 16C662 (with comparator) and 16F877 (using the ADC). As the majority of the Digital Signal Processing is done in software, little is required in the way of external signal conditioning. Software techniques are used to model the individual elements of a DTMF Decoder IC.

    标签: Decoding DTMF with PIC

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • ADC Oversampling Techniques fo

    Luminary Micro provides an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module on some members of theStellaris microcontroller family. The hardware resolution of the ADC is 10 bits; however, due to noiseand other accuracy-diminishing factors, the true accuracy is less than 10 bits. This application noteprovides a software-based oversampling technique, resulting in an improved Effective Number OfBits (ENOB) in the conversion result. This document DEScribes methods of oversampling an inputsignal, and the impact on precision and overall system performance.

    标签: Oversampling Techniques ADC fo

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • Using the Stellaris Microcontr

    Luminary Micro Stellaris™ microcontrollers that are equipped with an analog-to-digital converter(ADC), use an innovative sequence-based sampling architecture designed to be extremely flexible,yet easy to use. This application note DEScribes the sampling architecture of the ADC. Sinceprogrammers can configure Stellaris microcontrollers either through the powerful StellarisFamilyDriver Library or through direct writes to the device's control registers, this application note DEScribesboth methods. The information presented in this document is intended to complement the ADCchapter of the device datasheet, and assumes the reader has a basic understanding of howADCsfunction.

    标签: Microcontr Stellaris Using the

    上传时间: 2013-10-14
