基于TMS320F2812的永磁同步电动机控制.doc 例1、空间矢量算法实现 例2、事件管理器配置 例3、TMS320F2812电流及DC母线电压检测 例4、电动机位置检测
上传时间: 2013-12-31
CAN51开发板功能 1、 USB或DC+5V供电; 2、 89c52+sja1000+tja1050(tja1040)(p82c250);89c52+mcp2515+tja1050(tja1040)(p82c250);通过跳键选择sja1000或 mcp2515,用户任选一种CAN控制芯片; 3、 支持RS232/422/485总线与CAN总线相互转换; 4、 CAN总线波特率可调:20,40,50,80,100,125,200,250,400,500,666,800,1000Kbit/s 5、 提供电路图; 6、 提供源程序:basican和pelican模式(CAN2.0A和CAN2.0B),c语言和汇编语言,程序注释详尽; 7、 成对购买开发板可以实现:A开发板发送数据,B开发板接收数据,并把接收到的数据通过串口上传到计算机显示;A开发板上短路键的状态,可以通过CAN总线发送给B开发板,通过B开发板LED灯的亮灭,显示A开发板上短路键的状态; 8、 提供技术支持,接受CAN开发项目;
上传时间: 2016-11-22
标签: BoostPWMDC 正弦波逆变器 DC 变换器
上传时间: 2013-12-08
dc motor control ...for microcontroller applications
标签: microcontroller applications control motor
上传时间: 2017-03-17
COMMANDE D un convertiseur AC/DC 脿 deux niveaux par hysteresis
标签: convertiseur hysteresis COMMANDE niveaux
上传时间: 2017-03-30
COMMANDE D un convertiseur AC/DC 脿 deux niveaux par MLI
标签: convertiseur COMMANDE niveaux deux
上传时间: 2013-12-20
pid control of dc motor
上传时间: 2014-11-22
上传时间: 2017-04-25
Servomotors are available as AC or DC motors. Early servomotors were generally DC motors because the only type of control for large currents was through SCRs for many years. As transistors became capable of controlling larger currents and switching the large currents at higher frequencies, the AC servomotor became used more often. Early servomotors were specifically designed for servo amplifiers. Today a class of motors is designed for applica-tions that may use a servo amplifier or a variable-frequency controller, which means that a motor may be used in a servo system in one application, and used in a variable-frequency drive in another application. Some companies also call any closed-loop system that does not use a stepper motor a servo system, so it is possible for a simple AC induction motor that is connected to a velocity controller to be called a servomotor.
标签: motors Servomotors servomotors available
上传时间: 2014-08-10
EMbedded programming for DC motor
标签: programming EMbedded motor for
上传时间: 2017-05-10