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  • This book describes numerous situations that graduate students will commonly encounter as they work

    This book describes numerous situations that graduate students will commonly encounter as they work towards the goal of earning their PhD. Starting from your very first DAY in the lab, to the beginning stages of your post-PhD job search, to writing your dissertation,we’ve tried to offer you sage advice on how to handle particular situations as they arise.

    标签: situations describes encounter commonly

    上传时间: 2013-12-16





    上传时间: 2016-07-19


  • 嵌入式系统的应用控制理论

    Microprocessors  are  getting  smaller,  cheaper  and  faster.  Every  DAY,  it  is  easier to embed more functionality into a smaller space. Embedded processors have become pervasive, and as time goes on, more and more functions that were once implemented with analog circuitry or with electromechanical assemblies are being realized with microcontrollers, ADCs and DACs. Many of these assemblies that are being supplanted by the microprocessor are controlling dynamic processes, which is a good thing, because the microprocessor coupled with the right software is often the superior device.

    标签: 嵌入式系统 控制理论

    上传时间: 2016-07-20


  • 激活工具heu

    1.软件安装步骤   a)运行光盘中客户软件\CCS5000 CCS2.20\CCS2.2\SETUP.EXE,进入引导界面;   b)选择Install下的Code Composer Studio进入安装界面; c)按照默认的方式安装,装在C:\ti下。 d)安装软件补丁:运行光盘客户软件\c5000ccs2.20\CCS FOR C5000-补丁\C5000-2.20.00-FULL-to-C5000-2.20.18-FULL.EXE,进入安装界面,然后按照默认的方式安装即可。 e)重新启动计算机,按DEL键进入CMOS的设置界面CMOS SETUP UTILITY,将Integrated Peripherals中的Onboard Paralell Port改为378/IRQ,Parrallel Port Mode改为EPP,保存退出。 f)进入windows后会出现“CCS 2(‘ C5000) ”、 “Setup  CCS 2(‘ C5000) ”两个图标。

    标签: 激活

    上传时间: 2017-01-03


  • Ad+Hoc+Mobile+Wireless+Networks

    Communication between various devices makes it possible to pro- vide unique and innovative services. Although this interdevice com- munication is a very powerful mechanism, it is also a complex and clumsy mechanism, leading to a lot of complexity in present DAY systems. This not only makes networking difficult but also limits its flexibility.

    标签: Wireless Networks Mobile Hoc Ad

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Essentials+of+Short-Range+Wireless

    Over the past ten years there has been a revolution in the devel- opment and acceptance of mobile products. In that period, cel- lular telephony and consumer electronics have moved from the realm of science fiction to everyDAY reality. Much of that revolu- tion is unremarkable – we use wireless, in its broadest sense, for TV remote controls, car keyfobs, travel tickets and credit card transactions every DAY. At the same time, we have increased the number of mobile devices that we carry around with us. However, in many cases the design and function of these and other static products are still constrained by the wired connections that they use to transfer and share data.

    标签: Short-Range Essentials Wireless of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Network+Routing+Fundamentals,+Applications

    Coverage of routing techniques in various wired and wireless networks is the unique proposition of this book. Routing protocols and algorithms are the brains of any network. The selection of topics in this book is clear: we attempt to explain routing in its entirety, starting from fundamental concepts, then moving through routing on the Internet, and finally cutting across the recent‐DAY cellular, ad hoc, and wireless networks. 

    标签: Fundamentals Applications Network Routing

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Personal+Networks+Wireless+Networking

    Recent decades have shown a tremendous expansion of the Internet. The number of connected terminals has increased by orders of magnitude, traffic has grown exponen- tially, coverage has become ubiquitous and worldwide, and toDAY’s sophisticated Web 2.0 applications are increasingly providing services which hitherto have been the realm of telecommunications, such as Skype and video conferencing. This has even led to the thought that access to the Internet might one DAY be a universal right of every citizen. This evolution will accelerate in the coming decades. 

    标签: Networking Personal Networks Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Practical+Wireless+Data+Modem+Design

    Without doubt, the age of information communications is upon 11s. The rapid pace of technological advancement in digital data communications can  be  wit- nessed in  a  multitude of applications in our DAY-to-DAY existence. In recent years, the widespread proliferation of wireless digital cornmunications  hass  been readily accepted by the general population worldwide; this is nearly unpa~rallcled in few other human scientific achievements in terms  of  scope and speed  of  devel- opment. 

    标签: Practical Wireless Design Modem Data

    上传时间: 2020-05-31



    The fi rst edition of this book came about because Regina Lundgren had always been fascinated with communication. She started writing novels in the third grade. When she was asked on her fi rst DAY at the University of Washington what she hoped to do with her degree in scientifi c and technical communication, she replied, “I want to write environ- mental impact statements.” When Patricia Clark hired her to work at the Pacifi c Northwest National Laboratory to do just that, she was overjoyed.


    上传时间: 2020-06-01
