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  • wp379 AXI4即插即用IP

    In the past decade, the size and complexity of manyFPGA designs exceeds the time and resourcesavailable to most design teams, making the use andreuse of Intellectual Property (IP) imperative.However, integrating numerous IP blocks acquiredfrom both internal and external sources can be adaunting challenge that often extends, rather thanshortens, design time. As today's designs integrateincreasing amounts of functionality, it is vital thatdesigners have access to proven, up-to-DATe IP fromreliable sources.

    标签: AXI4 379 wp 即插即用

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • US Navy VHDL Modelling Guide

      This document was developed under the Standard Hardware and Reliability Program (SHARP) TechnologyIndependent Representation of Electronic Products (TIREP) project. It is intended for use by VHSIC HardwareDescription Language (VHDL) design engineers and is offered as guidance for the development of VHDL modelswhich are compliant with the VHDL Data Item Description (DID DI-EGDS-80811) and which can be providedto manufacturing engineering personnel for the development of production data and the subsequent productionof hardware. Most VHDL modeling performed to DATe has been concentrated at either the component level orat the conceptual system level. The assembly and sub-assembly levels have been largely disregarded. Under theSHARP TIREP project, an attempt has been made to help close this gap. The TIREP models are based upon lowcomplexity Standard Electronic Modules (SEM) of the format A configuration. Although these modules are quitesimple, it is felt that the lessons learned offer guidance which can readily be applied to a wide range of assemblytypes and complexities.

    标签: Modelling Guide Navy VHDL

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • 单片机12864液晶时钟显示程序

    12864液晶时钟显示程序 LCD 地址变量 ;**************变量的定义***************** RS             BIT      P2.0            ;LCD数据/命令选择端(H/L) RW             BIT      P2.1          ;LCD读/写选择端(H/L) EP             BIT      P2.2            ;LCD使能控制 PSB        EQU P2.3 RST        EQU P2.5 PRE            BIT      P1.4            ;调整键(K1) ADJ            BIT      P1.5            ;调整键(K2) COMDAT         EQU P0 LED        EQU P0.3 YEAR           DATA      18H            ;年,月,日变量 MONTH          DATA      19H DATe           DATA      1AH WEEK           DATA      1BH HOUR           DATA      1CH            ;时,分,秒,百分之一秒变量 MIN            DATA      1DH SEC            DATA      1EH SEC100         DATA      1FH STATE          DATA      23H LEAP           BIT      STATE.1            ;是否闰年标志1--闰年,0--平年 KEY_S          DATA      24H            ;当前扫描键值 KEY_V          DATA      25H            ;上次扫描键值 DIS_BUF_U0      DATA      26H            ;LCD第一排显示缓冲区 DIS_BUF_U1      DATA      27H DIS_BUF_U2      DATA      28H DIS_BUF_U3      DATA      29H DIS_BUF_U4      DATA      2AH DIS_BUF_U5      DATA      2BH DIS_BUF_U6      DATA      2CH DIS_BUF_U7      DATA      2DH DIS_BUF_U8      DATA      2EH DIS_BUF_U9      DATA      2FH DIS_BUF_U10     DATA      30H DIS_BUF_U11     DATA      31H DIS_BUF_U12     DATA      32H DIS_BUF_U13     DATA      33H DIS_BUF_U14     DATA      34H DIS_BUF_U15     DATA      35H DIS_BUF_L0      DATA      36H            ;LCD第三排显示缓冲区 DIS_BUF_L1      DATA      37H DIS_BUF_L2      DATA      38H DIS_BUF_L3      DATA      39H DIS_BUF_L4      DATA      3AH DIS_BUF_L5      DATA      3BH DIS_BUF_L6      DATA      3CH DIS_BUF_L7      DATA      3DH DIS_BUF_L8      DATA      3EH DIS_BUF_L9      DATA      3FH DIS_BUF_L10     DATA      40H DIS_BUF_L11     DATA      41H DIS_BUF_L12     DATA      42H DIS_BUF_L13     DATA      43H DIS_BUF_L14     DATA      44H DIS_BUF_L15     DATA      45H FLAG            DATA      46H ;1-年,2-月,3-日,4-时,5-分,6-秒,7-退出调整。 DIS_H           DATA      47H DIS_M           DATA      48H DIS_S           DATA      49H

    标签: 12864 单片机 液晶时钟 显示程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • 一个简单的数字时钟程序

    一个简单的数字时钟程序,其中的DATe类派生于MFC CStatic 基类。

    标签: 数字时钟 程序

    上传时间: 2014-11-30


  • The ability to create groups of reports, and grant users access to reports by group. The ability to

    The ability to create groups of reports, and grant users access to reports by group. The ability to generate reports as PDF, XLS, HTML, and CSV files. The ability to generate bar, pie and xy charts for inclusion in reports. The ability to schedule and email PDF, XLS, and CSV reports. The ability to define reusable report parameters. Available parameter types include DATe, Text, and Query Parameters. The ability to create multiple DataSources for use in generating reports. Support for JNDI DataSources and internal connection pooling via Commons-DBCP is included. The ability to upload and hot deploy new reports. Web based administration of users, groups, reports, parameters, and datasources. Cross platform database support via Hibernate based persistence layer. Available in a preconfigured bundle with Apache Tomcat.

    标签: ability reports The to

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • Interface Fiche Technique : Langage de programmation : Visual Basic 5.0 Support : Une version de Win

    Interface Fiche Technique : Langage de programmation : Visual Basic 5.0 Support : Une version de Windows en 32 bits (Windows 95, OSR1, OSR2 ou Windows 98 ou Windows NT) Auteurs : Matthieu Poulain et Jean-Marc Mangin DATe : 10/03/1

    标签: programmation Interface Technique Langage

    上传时间: 2013-12-05


  • 计税程序。可以计算每周收入、最近收入、从年初到目前的所得税、扣除的联邦收入税以及帐目检查等。 This program computes weekly payroll, current earnin

    计税程序。可以计算每周收入、最近收入、从年初到目前的所得税、扣除的联邦收入税以及帐目检查等。 This program computes weekly payroll, current earnings, year to DATe earnings FICA tax, federal Income Tax Withheld, and check Amount.

    标签: computes program payroll current

    上传时间: 2015-04-11


  • Preliminary User’s Manual NU85ET 32-Bit Microprocessor Core Hardware Document No. A15015EJ3V0UM0

    Preliminary User’s Manual NU85ET 32-Bit Microprocessor Core Hardware Document No. A15015EJ3V0UM00 (3rd edition) DATe Published March 2002 N CP(N) Printed in Japan © 2000 NU85ET NDU85ETV14

    标签: Microprocessor Preliminary Document Hardware

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • 在线考试系统》。本系统适用于选择题(单选和多选)的练习和考试

    在线考试系统》。本系统适用于选择题(单选和多选)的练习和考试,系统自带 的题库是上海市高中一年级《信息科技》(使用华师大教材)的练习与训练的试题。   本系统主要有七大模块:学习信息、经验交流、学生练习、学生考试、试卷管理、题库操作、身份 资料、成绩查询、系统帮助。超级管理员还可进行系统设置。   本系统主要适用于学生总复习时的练习及测验。   一、使用环境   本系统主要在服务端运行。由于受环境所限,本系统只在下列环境中测试过:服务器端Windows 2000  ASP,客户端Windows 98/IE6.0。 系统的安全性:   系统数据放在DATe文件夹的DATebase.mdb中。为增加系统的安全性可把此文件名改名如: adfadf.asp,然后修改open.asp文件第三行中的DATe\DATebase.mdb部分,修改成你的数据库地址和 文件名,如:DATe\adfadf.asp。 最好把数据库放在另外的文件夹中(此文件夹最好是不在WEB服务范围内),然后修改open.asp 文件,在第三行前加个英文的单引号 ,让第三行失效,并把第四行前的单引号删除,让第四行起作用, 并修改其中的内容,修改成存放你的数据库地址,从根目录开始。如:“e:\testdata\adfadf.asp”。


    上传时间: 2015-04-29


  • Linux Multimedia Hacks By Kyle Rankin ............................................... Publishe

    Linux Multimedia Hacks By Kyle Rankin ............................................... Publisher: O Reilly Pub DATe: November 2005 ISBN: 0-596-10076-0 Pages: 330

    标签: Multimedia Publishe Rankin Linux

    上传时间: 2014-01-20
