此汇编程序实现A/D转换功能,应用于pic单片机上,A/D采用中断方式。该程序通过单片机的RA2模拟通道送入一直流电压,当送入的直流电压大于2.5V时,8个LED闪动,当直流电压恢复到2.5V以下时,LED停止闪动。为了防止干扰,本程序对直流电压采样10次后再作判断,中间的采样结 果用间接寻址的方式存取。
上传时间: 2013-12-19
A partir d un son, permet de reperer les tonales selon en utilisant l echelle de Bark
标签: utilisant echelle reperer tonales
上传时间: 2014-01-25
Creation d un mini-interpreteur C
标签: mini-interpreteur Creation un
上传时间: 2017-04-16
Recovering 3-D structure from motion in noisy 2-D images is a problem addressed by many vision system researchers. By consistently tracking feature points of interest across multiple images using a methodology first described by Lucas-Kanade, a 3-D shape of the scene can be reconstructed using these features points using the factorization method developed by Tomasi-Kanade.
标签: Recovering structure addressed problem
上传时间: 2017-04-17
SCSI Multimedia Commands 鈥?2 (MMC-2) NCITS 333 T10/1228-D 4.1.1. CD address reporting formats (MSF bit) Several CD commands can report addresses either in logical block address or in MSF format (see Table 1). The READ HEADER, READ SUB-CHANNEL, and READ TOC/PMA/ATIP commands have this Feature
标签: Multimedia reporting Commands address
上传时间: 2013-12-21
SCSI Multimedia Commands 鈥?3 (MMC-3) T10/1363-D 5.16 READ CAPACITY Command The READ CAPACITY command (Table 144) provides a means for the Initiator to request information regarding the capacity of the Logical Unit. This command shall not report the correct capacity of the recorded data for CD-R, CD-RW and DVD-R/-RW media that does not have a Lead-out in the last Session or last Border-out. For CD-ROM, the returned logical block address is modified to allow returning a possibly inexact value (but one with a known error bound) based on the Table of Contents data
标签: CAPACITY READ Multimedia Commands
上传时间: 2017-04-17
TLC548和TLC549是以8位开关电容逐次逼近A/D转换器为基础而构造的CMOS A/D转换器。它们设 计成能通过3态数据输出和模拟输入与微处理器或外围设备串行接口。TLC548和TLC549仅用输入/输出时 钟(I/O CLOCK) 和芯片选择(CS) 输入作数据控制。TLC548的最高I/O CLOCK输入频率为2.048MHz, 而TLC549的I/O CLOCK输入频率最高可达1.1MHz。 有关与大多数通用微处理器接口的详细资料已由工厂 准备好,可供使用。
上传时间: 2013-11-28
serialwatcher is small and powerful soft to captute d芒t from PC com port
标签: serialwatcher powerful captute small
上传时间: 2017-04-20
Acorp firmware port for D-Link DSL-300T - root fs
标签: firmware D-Link Acorp port
上传时间: 2014-01-21
数字基带传输系统的MATLAB仿真实现 function [sampl,re_sampl]=system_1(A,F,P,D,snr,m,N) 输入变量A ,F,P分别为输入信号的幅度、频率和相位,D为量化电平数,snr 为信道信噪比,N为D/A转换时的内插点数;输出变量sampl为抽样后的输入 信号,re_sampl为恢复出的输入信号。 数字基带传输系统的MATLAB仿真实现 [sampl,quant,pcm]=a_d_1(A,F,P,D) [changed_ami]=signal_encod_1(pcm) [ami_after_channel]=channel_1(changed_ami,snr) [adjudged_ami]=adjudg_1(ami_after_channel,m) re_pcm=signal_decod_1(adjudged_ami) [re_voltag,re_sampl,re_sampl1]=d_a_1(re_pcm,sampl,D,N)
标签: function re_sampl MATLAB system
上传时间: 2017-04-21