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  • 理解并使用共享内存

    上一个专栏讨论了执行模型和内核启动执行配置如何影响寄存器数量以及本地多处理器资源(比如共享内存,share memo~)。现在我们继续讨论内存的性能以及共享内存在reverseArray_multiblock_fast.CU中的使用。

    标签: 共享内存

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • Softcam是一个名副其实的软件摄像机

    Softcam是一个名副其实的软件摄像机,它能模拟成为“真实的”摄像机,成功地骗过大部分的视频聊天软件,比如Microsoft Netmeeting、CU-Seeme等等。如此一来,就算我的计算机上并没有摄像设置,也照样能使用这些软件。 运行Softcam 软件后,就可以选择本机内现存的视频动画加以播放,这样聊天的朋友就能看到传播的内容

    标签: Softcam 软件 摄像机

    上传时间: 2015-04-27


  • source code which tells whether customer has to given loan or not depending on the details of the cu

    source code which tells whether customer has to given loan or not depending on the details of the customer,it is run in scilab (both in linux,windows)

    标签: depending the customer details

    上传时间: 2017-05-22


  • width = gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_width(ani) height = gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_height(ani) cu

    width = gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_width(ani) height = gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_height(ani) current_frame_list = gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_frames(ani) pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new(w->window, width, height, -1) clean_pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new(w->window, width, height, -1) if (w->style->bg_pixmap[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]) { GdkPixmap *bg = w->style->bg_pixmap[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] GdkGC *gc GdkGCValues values values.tile = bg values.fill = GDK_TILED gc = gdk_gc_new_with_values(w->window, &values, GDK_GC_FILL|GDK_GC_TILE) gdk_gc_set_ts_origin(gc, (w->allocation.width - width)/2, (w->allocation.height-height)/2) gdk_draw_rectangle(clean_pixmap,gc, TRUE, 0, 0, width, height) gdk_gc_destroy(gc) } else { gdk_draw_rectangle(clean_pixmap, w->style->bg_gc[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], TRUE, 0, 0, width, height) }

    标签: gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_height gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_width ani height

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • The code for this article was written for version 1.0 of the Active Template Library (ATL). The cu

    The code for this article was written for version 1.0 of the Active Template Library (ATL). The current version of the code (in SieveATL) was built with Visual C++ 6.0 and the ATL provided with that compiler. It may be slightly different than the code shown in the article. The directory SieveMFC contains an MFC version of a component equivalent to the ATL version discussed in the article. It was built with version 5 of the C++ compiler and the MFC version provided with it. The code discussed in the article was later adapted for Hardcore Visual Basic, Second Edition. Comparable Visual Basic versions are discussed in Chapter 10 of the book. Bruce McKinney

    标签: The for Template Library

    上传时间: 2013-12-01


  • It’s your first day in the lab.Undoubtedly you are experiencing a range of emotions: excitement, cu

    It’s your first day in the lab.Undoubtedly you are experiencing a range of emotions: excitement, curiosity, anxiety. You will be working in this lab and with a group of people, as well as with your supervisor, for several years to come. This is the first day of a long commitment and, for some, a hard road ahead. Which is why it’s important to get off on the right foot.

    标签: experiencing Undoubtedly excitement emotions

    上传时间: 2017-09-14


  • 芯片封装失效分析


    标签: 封装 微电子

    上传时间: 2022-06-24


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(142)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(142)资源包含以下内容:1. opentcp_mcf5282原代码.2. 自己制作的ucos演讲文稿.3. 自己画的alteraFPGA原理图与介绍.4. 现代工业控制系统是一个复杂的非线性、高维、互联的大系统.5. ATMEL mega8的datasheet,对AVR开发十分有用..6. ADS开发说明.7. spi的i/o茉莉程序.8. 一个室内场景漫游程序.9. 按一下接收板的轻触开关.10. I2C.11. matlab图形用户界面GUI制作.12. arm 嵌入式 基于 LINUX 的 FPS 的代码.13. 一个用cpld模拟驱动鼠标或者键盘的程序已经测试过.14. LM3S8962 的 I2C 总线程序,读取SST25VF016B.15. 汽车传感器技术在单片机的应用:检测系统的综合应用、工作原理.16. 深入理解内存原理.17. 包含proteus仿真原理图.18. 一种文件系统的结构.19. SD卡的其本操作函数.20. 嵌入式系统开发MP3一般用户所需的操作函数 很好的代码..21. 此书是关于cu/os的书.22. C51上实现SD卡程序,是FAT32文件系统.23. DS1302 万年历 驱动程序.24. 学习嵌入式不可多得的好书.25. embed visual v++串口调试助手.26. FPDP总线标准由VME工业标准化组织制定.27. XINLINX公司开发板的嵌入式源代码.28. 关于powerpc852T的资料,有兴趣的朋友可以下载来学习学习。.29. 一种设计LED大屏幕的驱动模块.30. TMS320 DSP_BIOS User‘s Guide.31. 制作Linux文件系统的工具.32. 嵌入式上机实验及原代码.33. 这是一个文件型数据库的学习资料.34. HCS08例程: 本程序是SPI模块的例程.35. HCS08仿真器资料:资料详细.36. 单片机原理介绍,主要是基本的原理应用,针对MC51系列!.37. CBM2090技术资料.38. 利用winavr 编写的舵机控制程序.39. 44b0 sdt调试工具JTAG调试接口电路图.40. 一款智能老鼠的玩具源代码.

    标签: 红外 诊断技术

    上传时间: 2013-06-17
