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  • Mobile+and+Wireless+Design+Essentials

    Mobile and wireless application development has come a long way in the past few years. It has progressed beyond the hype of wireless Web applications for consumers to the reality of high-value mobile applications for corporate users. Opportunities abound for Creating new mobile and wireless applications that provide vital benefits to any business. A sampling of these benefits includes increased worker productivity, reduced processing costs, heightened accuracy, and competitive advantage. In contrast is the concern that developing mobile and wireless applications will involve many new technologies and concepts that many corporate developers are still learning to use.

    标签: Essentials Wireless Mobile Design and

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • N-path+Filtering

    his research aims at Creating broadband tunable, fully integrated filters for the application of cognitive radio and signal classification receivers. The approach under study is the N-path filter technique which is capable of translating a baseband impedance to a reference frequency Creating a tunable filter. The traditional N-path filter suffers from fundamental architectural limitations, namely : a trade-off between insertion loss and out-of-band rejection, reference clock feed- through, and jammer power handling limitations. In the first approach, the fundamental trade- off of the traditional N-path filter between insertion loss and out-of-band rejection is improved by a transmission line (T-line) N-path filter technique. 

    标签: Filtering N-path

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Practical Arduino Engineering

    I wrote this book so that students, hobbyists, and engineers alike can take advantage of the Arduino platform by Creating several projects that will teach them about the engineering process. I also wanted to guide the reader through introductory projects so that they could get a firm grasp on the Arduino Language, and how to incorporate several pieces of hardware to make their own projects. This book offers so much information on the Arduino, not just the basic LED projects but it offers different peripherals such as Ultrasonic sensor, the Xbox® controller, Bluetooth, and much more. This book also teaches the non-engineer to follow a process that will help them in future project (not just Arduino projects).

    标签: Engineering Practical Arduino

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Deep Learning---1

    Inventors have long dreamed of Creating machines that think. This desire dates back to at least the time of ancient Greece. The mythical figures Pygmalion, Daedalus, and Hephaestus may all be interpreted as legendary inventors, and Galatea, Talos, and Pandora may all be regarded as artificial life ( , Ovid and Martin 2004 Sparkes 1996 Tandy 1997 ; , ; , ).

    标签: Learning Deep

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • TI双轨电源设计

    使用主流buck降压芯片设计双轨电源Creating a Split-Rail Power Supply With a Wide Input Voltage Buck Regulator

    标签: 电源

    上传时间: 2021-11-07


  • S32K148 T-BOX快速入门

    S32K148 T-BOX快速入门CONTENTS: Get to know the S32K148 T-BOX Reference Design Board (RDB) S32K148 T-BOX RDB out-of-the-box setup Creating a new S32DS project for the S32K1xx MCU S32DS debugging basics Create a P&E debug configuration

    标签: s32k148 入门

    上传时间: 2022-06-20


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(65)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(65)资源包含以下内容:1. DM9161应用电路原理图来自DAVICOM网站。需要的可以自由下载.2. ALTERA CPLD器件的配置与下载,贡献给初学习者,非长有用.3. This design package includes reference materials for Creating a USB - PS/2 combination mouse that a.4. 字符表示的十六进制数转化为相应的整数    错误则返回    -1   .5. C51的12864m.6. 8个字LED点阵的显示程序.7. 51+ch375超级经典的U盘读写程序嘿嘿赶快下载把.8. PWM控制电机C程序-已通过实验测试 PWM控制精确控制电机的转动..9. C51串口单工通讯程序一成功通过测试,请放心下载.10. 来自网上好心人的好东东,关于SD卡读写的,内附protel原理图.11. 设计输入 ! 多种设计输入方法 – Quartus II • 原理图式图形设计输入 • 文本编辑 – AHDL, VHDL, Verilog • 内存编辑 .12. 全是FPGA的例子 对大家应该有好处 大家赶快下把 知识不等人.13. 此为编程代码示例.14. 此为编程代码示例.15. 我在spartan-3e starter kit 的板上实现了mc8051.16. 完成MP3播放功能.17. 一个关于实时时钟驱动方面的程序(ARM7).18. 遍历二叉树的4个非递归算法 vc编程基础.19. 快速排序的非递归算法 vc编程练习.20. 雷达高频接收机.21. 我的开发板的所有测试程序.22. ps2的驱动.23. 密度测试仪的源码.24. 本程序主要内容18b20+s52+uart单点测温详细c51程序.25. CPLD 9536 程序 我自己用的代码. VHDL语言.26. AMD嵌入式处理器AU1200开发板原理图.27. cpld3128开发板的原理图 很有用,已经做成PCB,需要的话可以联系我.28. ertfs文件系统里面既有完整ucos程序.29. 基于atmega128的交通信号灯控制程序.30. 利用软件编写的I2C传输界面程序,适用于现有4位机等汇编语言中!.31. I2C控制程序,供大家学习参考,使用时根据自己的系统修改..32. This designs uses a Nios II system to demonstrate how to read from the SD card. The software reads W.33. his design is the initial design when the board is powered-up. It increments a counter and displays.34. 用于多于9个串口的ce驱动程序。时间仓促。可以参考.35. CSD卡的dos驱动程序源码.36. ADT700的小程序.37. 嵌入式的小程序.38. 基于cpld的hdb3编码器 基于cpld的hdb3编码器.39. 基于cpld的交通灯设计 ?赾pld的交通灯设计.40. 用于ARM9系列的S3C2440A的bootloader,Linux平台.

    标签: 固件

    上传时间: 2013-04-15
