When we started thinking about writing the first edition of this book a few years ago, we had been working together for more than five years on the borderline between propagation and signal processing. Therefore, it is not surprising that this book deals with propagation models and design tools for MIMO wireless communications. Yet, this book should constitute more than a simple combination of these two domains. It hopefully conveys our integrated understanding of MIMO, which results from endless controversial discussions on various multi-antenna related issues, as well as various interactions with numerous colleagues. Obviously, this area of technology is so large that it is beyond our aim to cover all aspects in details. Rather, our goal is to provide researchers, R&D engineers and graduate students with a comprehensive Coverage of radio propagation models and space–time signal processing techniques for multi-antenna, multi-user and multi-cell networks.
上传时间: 2020-05-28
When we started thinking about writing this book, we had been working together for more than five years on the borderline between propagation and signal processing.Therefore, it is not surprising that this book deals with propagation models and design tools for MIMO wirelesscommunications.Yet, thisbookshouldconstitutemorethanasimplecombination of these two domains. It hopefully conveys our integrated understanding of MIMO, which results from endless controversial discussions on various multi-antenna related issues, as well as various interactions with numerous colleagues. Obviously, this area of technology is so large that it was beyond our aim to cover all aspects in details. Rather, our goal has been to provide researchers, R&D engineers and graduate students with a comprehensive Coverage of radio propagation models and space–time coding techniques.
标签: Communications5 Wireless MIMO
上传时间: 2020-05-28
At the macroscopic level of system layout, the most important issue is path loss. In the older mobile radio systems that are limited by receiver noise, path loss determines SNR and the maximum Coverage area. In cellular systems, where the limiting factor is cochannel interference, path loss determines the degree to which transmitters in different cells interfere with each other, and therefore the minimum separation before channels can be reused.
标签: Characteristics Channel Mobile
上传时间: 2020-05-30
Coverage of routing techniques in various wired and wireless networks is the unique proposition of this book. Routing protocols and algorithms are the brains of any network. The selection of topics in this book is clear: we attempt to explain routing in its entirety, starting from fundamental concepts, then moving through routing on the Internet, and finally cutting across the recent‐day cellular, ad hoc, and wireless networks.
标签: Fundamentals Applications Network Routing
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Recent decades have shown a tremendous expansion of the Internet. The number of connected terminals has increased by orders of magnitude, traffic has grown exponen- tially, Coverage has become ubiquitous and worldwide, and today’s sophisticated Web 2.0 applications are increasingly providing services which hitherto have been the realm of telecommunications, such as Skype and video conferencing. This has even led to the thought that access to the Internet might one day be a universal right of every citizen. This evolution will accelerate in the coming decades.
标签: Networking Personal Networks Wireless
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Part I provides a compact survey on classical stochastic geometry models. The basic models defined in this part will be used and extended throughout the whole monograph, and in particular to SINR based models. Note however that these classical stochastic models can be used in a variety of contexts which go far beyond the modeling of wireless networks. Chapter 1 reviews the definition and basic properties of Poisson point processes in Euclidean space. We review key operations on Poisson point processes (thinning, superposition, displacement) as well as key formulas like Campbell’s formula. Chapter 2 is focused on properties of the spatial shot-noise process: its continuity properties, its Laplace transform, its moments etc. Both additive and max shot-noise processes are studied. Chapter 3 bears on Coverage processes, and in particular on the Boolean model. Its basic Coverage characteristics are reviewed. We also give a brief account of its percolation properties. Chapter 4 studies random tessellations; the main focus is on Poisson–Voronoi tessellations and cells. We also discuss various random objects associated with bivariate point processes such as the set of points of the first point process that fall in a Voronoi cell w.r.t. the second point process.
标签: Stochastic Geometry Networks Wireless Volume and
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Digital radios have undergone an astonishing evolution in the last century. Born as a set of simple and power-hungry electrical and electromechanical devices for low data rate transmission of telegraph data in the Marconi age, they have transformed, thanks to substantial advances in electronic technology, into a set of small, reliable and sophisticated integrated devices supporting broadband multimedia communications. This, however, would not have been possible unless significant progress had been made in recent decades in the field of signal processing algorithms for baseband and passband signals. In fact, the core of any modern digital radio consists of a set of algorithms running over programmable electronic hardware. This book stems from the research and teaching activities of its co-authors in the field of algorithmic techniques for wireless communications. A huge body of technical literature has accumulated in the last four decades in this area, and an extensive Coverage of all its important aspects in a single textbook is impossible. For this reason, we have selected a few important topics and, for ease of reading, organized them into two parts.
标签: Communications Algorithmic Techniques Wireless
上传时间: 2020-06-01
This chapter provides extensive Coverage of existing mobile wireless technologies. Much of the emphasis is on the highly anticipated 3G cellular networks and widely deployed wireless local area networks (LANs), as the next-generation smart phones are likely to offer at least these two types of connectivity. Other wireless technologies that either have already been commercialized or are undergoing active research and standardization are introduced as well. Because standardization plays a crucial role in developing a new technology and a market, throughout the discussion standards organizations and industry forums or consortiums of some technologies are introduced. In addition, the last section of this chapter presents a list of standards in the wireless arena.
标签: Networking Wireless Complete
上传时间: 2020-06-01
This book is written for engineers involved in the operation, control, and planning of electric power systems. In addition, the book provides information and tools for researchers working in the fields of power system security and stability. The book consists of two volumes. The first volume provides traditional techniques for the stability analysis of large scale power systems. In addition, an overview of the main drivers and requirements for modernization of the traditional methods for online applications are discussed. The second volume provides techniques for online security assessment and corrective action studies. In addition, the impact of variable generation on the security of power systems is considered in the second volume. The first volume may be considered as a background builder while the second volume is intended for the Coverage of edge techniques and methods for online dynamic security studies.
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Although state of the art in many typical machine learning tasks, deep learning algorithmsareverycostly interms ofenergyconsumption,duetotheirlargeamount of required computations and huge model sizes. Because of this, deep learning applications on battery-constrained wearables have only been possible through wireless connections with a resourceful cloud. This setup has several drawbacks. First, there are privacy concerns. Cloud computing requires users to share their raw data—images, video, locations, speech—with a remote system. Most users are not willing to do this. Second, the cloud-setup requires users to be connected all the time, which is unfeasible given current cellular Coverage. Furthermore, real-time applications require low latency connections, which cannot be guaranteed using the current communication infrastructure. Finally, wireless connections are very inefficient—requiringtoo much energyper transferredbit for real-time data transfer on energy-constrained platforms.
标签: Embedded_Deep_Learning Algorithms
上传时间: 2020-06-10