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  • 跨平台2D引擎

    跨平台2D引擎,任何图形设备(2d/3d)均可使用 精灵引擎包括:精灵(支持HotPoint),45度斜角地图,图层,ViewPort,层管理器。 图形引擎包括:ISurf通用2D绘图接口。目前有一个DDraw7的实现;IFont接口。还有一个CGdiFont实现。 *声明:欢迎学习研究或修改,未经本人许可,严禁用于商业用途 CopyrigHT instemast 精灵引擎部分,我发现SUN的J2ME设计的还不错,所以参考了他的设计。 不过J2ME是针对移动设备的,不支持45度斜角地图,我支持了一下。 图形绘制部分,我抽象出了出一个ISurf接口来完成图形绘制。这个接口我改了好几次。 不支持位图Alpha通道,但是支持单个Alpha值。 ISurf接口中的Color格式为X8R8G8B8,不过具体设备上的具体实现与之可能不同。 你可以用D3D实现这个ISurf,也可以用DDraw实现他。目前我只提供了DDraw实现。 另外要说的是,不是说做3D游戏就不需要实现这个2D接口了。 由于我的UI是基于ISurf接口的,所以我的3D游戏也需要实现ISurf,以使UI工作。 里面用到的其他头文件,我也共享了出来,保证可以编译。

    标签: 跨平台 引擎

    上传时间: 2014-01-20


  • 一款用JAVA制作开发的小型聊天软件

    一款用JAVA制作开发的小型聊天软件,里面附有安装程序和JAVA源代码。 Visual Chat 1.91 Developer Edition - Customize the Visual Chat code regarding your own requirements - Use customchatdev.html for developing / testing - Create .jar and .cab-files containing client-specific .class-files and the images-folder (use zip and cabarc compressing tools) - Adapt the customchat.html file - Upload all the files to your webserver - Start the ChatServer by invoking java at.ac.uni_linz.tk.vchat.ChatServer [port [server-key]] from your commandline - I kindly ask you to leave CopyrigHT and credit information in the InfoPanel.class as it is - but you are invited to add your own text. In case of violations I will consider excluding this class from the source in the future.

    标签: JAVA 软件

    上传时间: 2014-09-06



    操作系统概念(第六版)英文版的答案 INSTRUCTOR’S MANUAL TO ACCOMPANY OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS SIXTH EDITION ABRAHAM SILBERSCHATZ Bell Laboratories PETER BAER GALVIN Corporate Technologies GREG GAGNE Westminster College CopyrigHT c 2001 A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin and Greg Gagne


    上传时间: 2014-12-06


  • This the first release of a free TCP/IP/PPP protocol stack for the uC/OS Real-Time Operating System.

    This the first release of a free TCP/IP/PPP protocol stack for the uC/OS Real-Time Operating System. As a first release it s still rather rough and very much larger than desired however it is working well in an embedded product and therefore may be useful to others. Much of the code is ported from public sources including BDS Lite and KA9Q (and its derivatives) and carries CopyrigHT notices from those sources. Essentially TCP is based on KA9Q but with ideas from BSD, IP is a simple implementation supporting BSD structures, ICMP is ported from BSD, and PPP is ported from the BSD version of the distribution common to BSD, Linux, and many other systems

    标签: Operating Real-Time the protocol

    上传时间: 2016-09-16


  • Writing Robust Java Code The AmbySoft Inc. Coding Standards for Java v17.01d Scott W. Ambler Sof

    Writing Robust Java Code The AmbySoft Inc. Coding Standards for Java v17.01d Scott W. Ambler Software Process Mentor This Version: January 15, 2000 CopyrigHT 1998-1999 AmbySoft Inc.Purpose of this White Paper This white paper describes a collection of standards, conventio code. They are based on sound, proven software engineering p understand, to maintain, and to enhance. Furthermore, by foll productivity as a Java developer should increase remarkably ¨C write high-quality code right from the start you will have a much development process. Finally, following a common set of codi making teams of developers significantly more productive.

    标签: W. Java Standards AmbySoft

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • Linhan整理

    Linhan整理,编写。版权所有者为Linhan。 Linhan不保证所整理的内容正确. 您可以免费的使用、分发本手册。但未经Linhan的授权许可不得擅自进行篡改、反编译,及将其全部或部分用于商业用途。 本手册受著作权法和国际公约的保护,作者保留对本手册及本声明的最终修改权。 本手册的内容参考网络文档制作,原著作权归原作者所有。 本手册使用Mainsoft(R)的HTML Help格式制作。 如果你对本手册 有好的建议和意见,请与Linhan联系,让我们共同来完善。 版本更新(UPDATE) 本手册当前版本时间为2005年7月23日。手册中的内容在此日期后发生的变动或更新将在本手册的更新版本中出现。 您也可以给我写电子邮件咨询。 关于Linhan(About Linhan) 有任何问题请QQ上与我联系: 3335231 Linhan 制作·保留所有权利 © 2005 - 2008 CopyrigHT All rights reserved .  

    标签: Linhan

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • Canonical Discriminant Analysis Created by A. Trujillo-Ortiz, R. Hernandez-Walls and S. Perez-Osuna

    Canonical Discriminant Analysis Created by A. Trujillo-Ortiz, R. Hernandez-Walls and S. Perez-Osuna Facultad de Ciencias Marinas Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Apdo. Postal 453 Ensenada, Baja California Mexico. atrujo@uabc.mx CopyrigHT (C) April 15, 2004. To cite this file, this would be an appropriate format: Trujillo-Ortiz, A., R. Hernandez-Walls and S. Perez-Osuna. (2004). RAFisher2cda:Canonical Discriminant Analysis. A MATLAB file. [WWW document]. URL http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ loadFile.do?objectId=4836&objectType=FILE

    标签: A. R. S. Hernandez-Walls

    上传时间: 2016-11-04


  • This manual documents the interfaces of the libxml library and has some short notes to help get you

    This manual documents the interfaces of the libxml library and has some short notes to help get you up to speed with using the library. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the CopyrigHT notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.

    标签: interfaces documents the library

    上传时间: 2016-11-08


  • SMAC用户手册.pdf Simple Media Access Controller Information in this document is provided solely to ena

    SMAC用户手册.pdf Simple Media Access Controller Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express or implied CopyrigHT licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document.

    标签: Information Controller document provided

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • /* * linux/arch/m68knommu/platform/520x/spi-mcf520x.c * * Sub-architcture dependant initializa

    /* * linux/arch/m68knommu/platform/520x/spi-mcf520x.c * * Sub-architcture dependant initialization code for the Freescale * 520x SPI module * * Yaroslav Vinogradov yaroslav.vinogradov@freescale.com * CopyrigHT Freescale Semiconductor, Inc 2006 * * This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version.

    标签: Sub-architcture initializa 520 dependant

    上传时间: 2016-12-15
