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  • 6小时学会labview

    6小时学会labview, labview Six Hour Course – Instructor Notes   This zip file contains material designed to give students a working knowledge of labview in a 6 hour timeframe. The contents are: Instructor Notes.doc – this document. labviewIntroduction-SixHour.ppt – a PowerPoint presentation containing screenshots and notes on the topics covered by the course. Convert C to F (Ex1).vi – Exercise 1 solution VI. Convert C to F (Ex2).vi – Exercise 2 solution subVI. Thermometer-DAQ (Ex2).vi – Exercise 2 solution VI. Temperature Monitor (Ex3).vi – Exercise 3 solution VI. Thermometer (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution subVI. Convert C to F (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution subVI. Temperature Logger (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution VI. Multiplot Graph (Ex5).vi – Exercise 5 solution VI. Square Root (Ex6).vi – Exercise 6 solution VI. State Machine 1 (Ex7).vi – Exercise 7 solution VI.   The slides can be presented in two three hour labs, or six one hour lectures. Depending on the time and resources available in class, you can choose whether to assign the exercises as homework or to be done in class. If you decide to assign the exercises in class, it is best to assign them in order with the presentation. This way the students can create VI’s while the relevant information is still fresh. The notes associated with the exercise slide should be sufficient to guide the students to a solution. The solution files included are one possible solution, but by no means the only solution.

    标签: labview

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • pdf转cad软件 附pdf转cad教程

    附件为:pdf转cad软件最新版 PDF Fly V7.1安装文件。还附有自制的Crack,把我的文件 贴到装好的目录下就行了!没有30天限制。 附pdf转cad软件使用教程: 1、pdf转cad软件的界面比较简单的,如下图,点击ADD添加你要转换的PDF文件,然后下一步 2、选择DXF格式,然后在右边的option里面还可以进行相关的设置 3、然后再下一步。step 3页面只要点最下面的 Convert 就可以了 转完以后同样线条没有什么大问题的,只是文字肯定是被打碎的,你自己需要删除后重新输入要重新输入。

    标签: cad 软件 教程

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • Many applications use connection/object pool. A program may require a IMAP connection pool and LDAP

    Many applications use connection/object pool. A program may require a IMAP connection pool and LDAP connection pool. One could easily implement a IMAP connection pool, then take the existing code and implement a LDAP connection pool. The program grows, and now there is a need for a pool of threads. So just take the IMAP connection pool and Convert that to a pool of threads (Copy, paste, find, replace????). Need to make some changes to the pool implementation? Not a very easy task, since the code has been duplicated in many places. Re-inventing source code is not an intelligent approach in an object oriented environment which encourages re-usability. It seems to make more sense to implement a pool that can contain any arbitrary type rather than duplicating code. How does one do that? The answer is to use type parameterization, more commonly referred to as templates.

    标签: connection pool applications program

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • 利用浏览器隐藏图片 运行环境:XPSP2+IE6.0和TT;VC++ 6.0 注意事项:工程压缩包中的ConvertReleaseConvert.exe是示例程序。 在这个目录中有两个BMP

    利用浏览器隐藏图片 运行环境:XPSP2+IE6.0和TT;VC++ 6.0 注意事项:工程压缩包中的Convert\Release\Convert.exe是示例程序。 在这个目录中有两个BMP文件,其中2.bmp是经过我用PhotoShop处理过的,用来做隐藏文件。1.bmp是正常显示的文件。 运行程序后选择输出的图片名若为3.bmp,直接双击a.htm就可以测试合成文件。否则需要修改a.htm中的文件名。

    标签: ConvertReleaseConvert 6.0 XPSP BMP

    上传时间: 2015-08-29


  • JavaGPS is a Java-only base library that enables access to GPS devices from within any Java applicat

    JavaGPS is a Java-only base library that enables access to GPS devices from within any Java application. Provides Java API, NMEA0183 parser, record and playback GPS log files, Convert between earth dates and Gauss Krueger, GPS management GUI with map..

    标签: Java-only applicat JavaGPS enables

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • 编写驱动程序工具: 使用Numega Stdio中的工具

    编写驱动程序工具: 使用Numega Stdio中的工具,SOURCE to Project Utilitity 点击"开始"->程序->Numega DriverStdio->Tools->Source to DSP Convert 在SOURCE框中选择你DDK的程序中的SOURCE文件,然后选择VC6.0(or VC5.0),点击Create ,你就可以在 VC中编译了。

    标签: Numega Stdio 编写 驱动程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • This leon3 design is tailored to the Altera NiosII Startix2 Development board, with 16-bit DDR SDR

    This leon3 design is tailored to the Altera NiosII Startix2 Development board, with 16-bit DDR SDRAM and 2 Mbyte of SSRAM. As of this time, the DDR interface only works up to 120 MHz. At 130, DDR data can be read but not written. NOTE: the test bench cannot be simulated with DDR enabled because the Altera pads do not have the correct delay models. * How to program the flash prom with a FPGA programming file 1. Create a hex file of the programming file with Quartus. 2. Convert it to srecord and adjust the load address: objcopy --adjust-vma=0x800000 output_file.hexout -O srec fpga.srec 3. Program the flash memory using grmon: flash erase 0x800000 0xb00000 flash load fpga.srec

    标签: Development Startix2 tailored Altera

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • 一个把任意图片转换为C语言数组的程序

    一个把任意图片转换为C语言数组的程序,非常好用。 直接流览打开bmp或JPG图片,点Convert即可转换为同名的.c文件,方便在嵌入式硬件,应用编译时,没有文件系统不能读取文件的问题。

    标签: 图片转换 C语言 数组 程序

    上传时间: 2014-11-06


  • JavaGPS enables access to GPS devices from any Java application. Provides Java API, NMEA0183 parser,

    JavaGPS enables access to GPS devices from any Java application. Provides Java API, NMEA0183 parser, record and playback GPS log files, Convert between earth dates and Gauss Krueger, GPS management GUI with map.

    标签: Java application Provides JavaGPS

    上传时间: 2013-12-30


  • GTK SWF Player. GNOME Applications and a mozilla plugin. Other things included is a library for read

    GTK SWF Player. GNOME Applications and a mozilla plugin. Other things included is a library for reading swf files, swf2txt Convert swf to text files.

    标签: Applications included mozilla library

    上传时间: 2013-12-23
