A fairly Conventional 3D matrix object that can transform sets of 3D points and perform a variety of manipulations on the transform
标签: Conventional transform perform variety
上传时间: 2015-12-04
These files in Matlab implement a Conventional DS -CDMA detector using QPSK modulation and matched filters in the receiver.
标签: Conventional modulation implement detector
上传时间: 2017-06-22
Flying™ RTK Solution as Effective Enhancement of Conventional Float RTKDmitry Kozlov, Gleb ZyryanovMagellan, Russia
标签: Conventional Enhancement Effective RTK
上传时间: 2017-09-09
The LTC®1966 is a true RMS-to-DC converter that uses aDS computational technique to make it dramatically simplerto use, significantly more accurate, lower in powerconsumption and more flexible than Conventional logantilogRMS-to-DC converters. The LTC1966 RMS-to-DCconverter has an input signal range from 5mVRMS to1.5VRMS (a 50dB dynamic range with a single 5V supplyrail) and a 3dB bandwidth of 800kHz with signal crestfactors up to four.
上传时间: 2013-10-12
Control systems are becoming increasingly dependent on digital processing and so require sensors able to provide direct digital inputs. Sensors based on time measurement, having outputs based on a frequency or phase, have an advantage over Conventional analogue sensors in that their outputs can be measured directly in digital systems by pulse counting.
上传时间: 2013-10-08
1.什么是CTP? CTP包括几种含义: 脱机直接制版(Computer-to-plate) 在机直接制版(Computer-to-press) 直接印刷(Computer-to-paper/print) 数字打样(Computer-to-proof) 普通PS版直接制版技术,即CTcP(Computer-to-Conventional plate) 这里所论述的CTP系统是脱机直接制版(Computer-to-plate)。CTP就是计算机直接到印版,是一种数字化印版成像过程。CTP直接制版机与照排机结构原理相仿。起制版设备均是用计算机直接控制,用激光扫描成像,再通过显影、定影生成直接可上机印刷的印版。计算机直接制版是采用数字化工作流程,直接将文字、图象转变为数字,直接生成印版,省去了胶片这一材料、人工拼版的过程、半自动或全自动晒版工序。
标签: CTP
上传时间: 2013-10-27
A number of Conventional solutions have been available forthe design of a DC/DC converter where the output voltageis within the input voltage range—a common scenarioin Li-Ion battery-powered applications—but none werevery attractive until now. Conventional topologies, suchas SEPIC or boost followed by buck, have numerousdisadvantages, including low effi ciency, complex magnetics,polarity inversion and/or circuit complexity/cost. TheLTC®3785 buck-boost controller yields a simple, effi cient,low parts-count, single-converter solution that is easyto implement, thus avoiding the drawbacks associatedwith traditional solutions.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
为了提高传统温度控制系统的性能,将PID控制理论与嵌入式系统相结合,采用瑞萨电子公司的H8S/2166作为核心处理器,AD公司的AD7705以及热敏电阻温度传感器作为温度检测单元,利用4×6小键盘、LCD显示器和S1D13305液晶控制器达到良好的人机交互,设计出了一个应用于化工领域的嵌入式实时温度控制系统。相比于传统温度控制系统,该系统提供了更强的计算能力和可扩展能力,采用增量PID控制算法实现复杂控制。通过实验,该系统能达到0.1 ℃的温度控制精度以及小于120 s的温度稳定时间。 Abstract: In order to improve the performance of Conventional temperature control system, combining PID control theory with embedded systems, using the Renesas Electronics Corp. H8S/2166 micro-controller as a core processors, AD7705 and thermistor temperature sensor as a temperature detection unit and 4×6 small keyboard, LCD and S1D13305 LCD controller as a good human-computer interaction, this paper designed an embedded real-time temperature control system which is applied in chemical industry. Compared with Conventional temperature control system, this system provides more computing power and extensibility, and adopts PID control algorithm for complex control. Through the experiment, the system can reach temperature control accuracy of 0.1 ℃ and temperature stabilization time of less than 120 seconds.
上传时间: 2014-12-26
为提高温度测量效率,降低系统的成本,扩展传输距离,设计出一种新型温度采集系统。单片机通过控制具有单总线方式的温度传感器DS18B20实现对温度的测量,同时单片机通过控制具有单总线方式300~450MHz频率范围内的MAX7044与MAX7033无线发射与接收芯片实现温度数据的无线传输。与传统温度采集系统相比,该系统利用单总线方式连接,采用无线传输方式实现远距离通信,易于系统的集成与扩展。实验结果表明,该系统结构简单、方便移植,能够同时实现多达上百点温度的测量与500m范围的传输。 Abstract: To improve the temperature measurement efficiency and reduce system cost,expansion of transmission distance,a new type of temperature acquisition system is designed.Microcontroller controlled temperature sensor DS18B20which has a single-bus achieves temperature measurement,while microcontroller by controlled the MAX7044and MAX7033chip with a single-bus and having300~450MHz radiofrequency to achieve the wireless transmission of temperature data.Compared with Conventional temperature acquisition system,the system uses single-bus connected,and uses wireless transmission means to achieve long-distance communications,easy-to-system integration and expansion.The experimental results show that the system is simple,convenient transplantation,and can be implemented in as many as a hundred-point temperature measure-ment and the transmission range of500meters.
上传时间: 2013-10-29
基于幅移键控技术ASK(Amplitude-Shift Keying),以C8051F340单片机作为监测终端控制器,C8051F330D单片机作为探测节点控制器,采用半双工的通信方式,通过监控终端和探测节点的无线收发电路,实现数据的双向无线传输。收发电路采用直径为0.8 mm的漆包线自行绕制成圆形空心线圈天线,天线直径为(3.4±0.3)cm。试验表明,探测节点与监测终端的通信距离为24 cm,通过桥接方式,节点收发功率为102 mW时,节点间的通信距离可达20 cm。与传统无线收发模块相比,该无线收发电路在受体积、功耗、成本限制的场合有广阔的应用前景。 Abstract: Based on ASK technology and with the C8051F340 and C8051F330D MCU as the controller, using half-duplex communication mode, this paper achieves bi-directional data transfer. Transceiver circuit constituted by enameled wire which diameter is 0.8mm and wound into a diameter (3.4±0.3) cm circular hollow coil antenna. Tests show that the communication distance between detection and monitoring of the terminal is 24cm,the distance is up to 20cm between two nodes when using the manner of bridging and the node transceiver power is 102mW. Compared with the Conventional wireless transceiver modules, the circuit has wide application prospect in small size, low cost and low power consumption and other characteristics.
上传时间: 2013-10-19