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  • /*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** / /* MP3 Code for M32L */ /* By pasyong

    /*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** / /* MP3 Code for M32L */ /* By pasyong */ /* 2006-4 */ /* Base ICC6.31A */

    标签: pasyong Code M32L MP3

    上传时间: 2013-12-04


  • 同一个数会由于采用不同的基数而使得其表现的形式是完全不一样的

    同一个数会由于采用不同的基数而使得其表现的形式是完全不一样的,在我们的学习中,我们熟悉的基数有10进制、12进制、60进制、2进制、8进制和16进制。比如数据12,如果我们用2进制表示,则它就是1100;如果用3进制表示就是110;如果用8进制表示则是14。我们的编程任务就是与数的进制(也就是基数)有关。 程序中我们会给大家很多个数对(假设每个数对的数用X和Y表示),程序需要解决的问题就是为X和Y各选择一个最小的基数,以使得这两个数在其选择的基数上是一对相等的数。 例如,12和5这个数对,我们可以为12选择基数3,为5选择基数6,这样一来12(base 3)=5(base 6),因为12(base 3)就是10进制数5,而5(base 6)也是10进制数中的5。 程序的输入是通过文件完成的。 文件中的每一行都包含一个数对X和Y,两个数通过一个或多个空格符分割,与X和Y相关联的有效基数值范围为2~36。X和Y的合理数值表示字符包括0—9和A-Z(表示数值10-35)。 文件的最后一行用一个数字0表示输入的结束。


    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • 数据库封装原代码 1. 该代码可以免费使用, 该代码的名字暂时定为"哲别" 2. 如果你需要使用该代码, 请注明该代码的原来作者: Jacky Zhou 3. 如果你发现该代码有bug,可以自己修改

    数据库封装原代码 1. 该代码可以免费使用, 该代码的名字暂时定为\"哲别\" 2. 如果你需要使用该代码, 请注明该代码的原来作者: Jacky Zhou 3. 如果你发现该代码有bug,可以自己修改或者请给我发email: zyx040404@163.com 4. 该数据库封装代码功能可以对数据库的表,视图和存储过程进行封装,易于系统移植,扩展,使用了interface,factory,xml等方法 5. 核心代码是在\"Sample\\base\\DBGW\"里 6. Sample演示了查询,增加,删除记录和如何使用存贮过程 如果你没有做过,那这些代码可以用来学习诚然,这并不是最好的代码,而且中国高人如云学海无涯

    标签: 代码 Jacky Zhou bug

    上传时间: 2015-09-22


  • The concept of sustainable development has received growing recognition, but it is a new idea for m

    The concept of sustainable development has received growing recognition, but it is a new idea for many business executives. For most, the concept remains abstract and theoretical. Protecting an organization’s capital base is a well-accepted business principle. Yet organizations do not generally recognize

    标签: development sustainable recognition received

    上传时间: 2014-09-04


  • The concept of sustainable development has received growing recognition, but it is a new idea for m

    The concept of sustainable development has received growing recognition, but it is a new idea for many business executives. For most, the concept remains abstract and theoretical. Protecting an organization’s capital base is a well-accepted business principle. Yet organizations do not generally recognize

    标签: development sustainable recognition received

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • This data set contains WWW-pages collected from computer science departments of various universities

    This data set contains WWW-pages collected from computer science departments of various universities in January 1997 by the World Wide Knowledge Base (Web->Kb) project of the CMU text learning group. The 8,282 pages were manually classified into the following categories: student (1641) faculty (1124) staff (137) department (182) course (930) project (504) other (3764)

    标签: universities departments WWW-pages collected

    上传时间: 2015-11-12


  • xajax is an open source PHP libary for building Web-based Ajax applications. This wiki is a communit

    xajax is an open source PHP libary for building Web-based Ajax applications. This wiki is a community-edited effort to generate information about and documentation for the xajax project. The base documentation and starter tutorials were written by the xajax authors, but please feel free to contribute to the discussion tabs for each page. Also, you are encouraged to add to the Tips and Tricks section with your own special xajax discoveries.

    标签: applications Web-based building communit

    上传时间: 2015-11-20


  • 《为Windows Vista编写安全的代码》

    《为Windows Vista编写安全的代码》,2007年出版 Providing developers with first-hand insights into design decisions and practical advice for solving real-world security issues, this authoritative guide urges developers to write more secure code on the Vista platform to support a growing customer base. Table of Contents Writing Secure Code for Windows Vista Foreword Introduction Chapter 1 - Code Quality Chapter 2 - User Account Control, Tokens, and Integrity Levels Chapter 3 - Buffer Overrun Defenses Chapter 4 - Networking Defenses Chapter 5 - Creating Secure and Resilient Chapter 6 - Internet Explorer 7 Defenses Chapter 7 - Cryptographic Enhancements Chapter 8 - Authentication and Authorization Chapter 9 - Miscellaneous Defenses and Security-Related Technologies Index List of Figures List of Tables List of Sidebars

    标签: Windows Vista 编写 代码

    上传时间: 2016-01-07


  • radius协议源码÷The Radius Stack will connect to a Radius Server. This stack implementation is built upo

    radius协议源码÷The Radius Stack will connect to a Radius Server. This stack implementation is built upon the UdpStack which is available in the radius{version}/util directory. A minimal set of VSAs (Vendor Specific Attributes are supported by this stack). The Radius Stack should be used as a base class. In order to implement a larger set of VSAs, one will need to subclass from the Radius Stack and implement the functionality within the virtual function processVsa(). The Radius Stack supports mostly accounting messages. The authentcation messages will be supported in a future release. A test program has been provided in the radius directory. This program shows how to subclass from the RadiusStack and how to use the api.

    标签: Radius implementation connect radius

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • 风险财务控制库 Risk Quantify is an open source financial library, with a focus on managing the risk of fi

    风险财务控制库 Risk Quantify is an open source financial library, with a focus on managing the risk of financial instruments. The aim of this project is to provide people working in the financial industry with a good base to use in building their own applications. Risk Quantify provides pricing routines, term structure building and management, calendar routines, asset management routines and more.

    标签: financial Quantify managing library

    上传时间: 2014-01-25
