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  • 基于MS5534B的微功耗气压数据采集

    气压是气象监测中的一个重要参数,提出了一种气压数据采集模块设计方案,该模块采用数字气压传感器MS5534B、MSP430单片机MSP430F2272和带实时时钟(RTC)64 KB铁电存储器。通过低功耗软件设计方法以微安级整体平均功耗实现了气压数据的采集和存储,适合电池供电的连续高精度气压采集应用。给出了模块的软硬件设计以及MS5534B的性能指标和使用经验。 Abstract:  Air pressure is an important parameter in weather monitor.This paper futs forward a new design scheme of low power-air pressure data acquisition module.The module uses a digital output barometer sensor MS5534B,MSP430 microcontroller MSP430F2272 and integrated RTC 64KB FRAM,precision air pressure measurement and storage chip.Another point of this module is low power Consumption, so it is well suited for battery powered air pressure data acquisition applications. At the same time,the software and hardware deign of module is presented,And the speciaties and use notices of MS5534B are given.

    标签: 5534B 5534 MS 微功耗

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • C8051F320列车安全巡检仪的设计

    提出了一种基于C8051F320的列车安全巡检仪的设计方案,详细阐述了巡检仪的各个模块的硬、软件设计。巡检仪集信息采集、轴温检测、照明和记录存储等功能于一体,实现了对列车安全巡检工作有效的监督和科学管理。系统软件采用C51编写,对单片机进行有效的电源管理,保证了巡检仪的稳定性、可靠性和低功耗性。 Abstract:  This paper puts forward a design of train safety inspection based on C8051F320,describes all modules hardware and software design of inspection instrument.The inspection instrument has the function of information collection, axle’s temperature detection, lighting and records storage.It can supervise and administer train safety inspection work effectively.The system software using C51 can manage the power of single chip microcomputer, and guarantee the stability, reliability and low power Consumption of the inspection instrument.

    标签: C8051F320 列车 仪的设计 巡检

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 基于C8051F系列单片机的无线收发电路设计

    基于幅移键控技术ASK(Amplitude-Shift Keying),以C8051F340单片机作为监测终端控制器,C8051F330D单片机作为探测节点控制器,采用半双工的通信方式,通过监控终端和探测节点的无线收发电路,实现数据的双向无线传输。收发电路采用直径为0.8 mm的漆包线自行绕制成圆形空心线圈天线,天线直径为(3.4±0.3)cm。试验表明,探测节点与监测终端的通信距离为24 cm,通过桥接方式,节点收发功率为102 mW时,节点间的通信距离可达20 cm。与传统无线收发模块相比,该无线收发电路在受体积、功耗、成本限制的场合有广阔的应用前景。 Abstract:  Based on ASK technology and with the C8051F340 and C8051F330D MCU as the controller, using half-duplex communication mode, this paper achieves bi-directional data transfer. Transceiver circuit constituted by enameled wire which diameter is 0.8mm and wound into a diameter (3.4±0.3) cm circular hollow coil antenna. Tests show that the communication distance between detection and monitoring of the terminal is 24cm,the distance is up to 20cm between two nodes when using the manner of bridging and the node transceiver power is 102mW. Compared with the conventional wireless transceiver modules, the circuit has wide application prospect in small size, low cost and low power Consumption and other characteristics.

    标签: C8051F 单片机 无线收发 电路设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • 基于IC卡的新型供暖计费系统设计

    将现行的供暖计费方式由按建筑面积计费变为按消耗的热能计费是供暖计费方式发展趋势,为了满足这一计费方式变化的需要,设计了基于IC卡的预付费式新型供暖计费系统,通过测量用户采暖系统进出口的温度和流量,计算用户消耗的热能,利用IC卡记录用户预付费的金额和当年热能的单价,根据热能消耗和当年热能的单价计算用户采暖费,根据实际发生的供暖费用和预付费金额控制供暖的开停,这一计费方式的变化使供暖计费更趋合理。 Abstract:  It is trend that the mode of heat charging is changed from billing by building area to by thermal energy. In order to meet the needs of heat charging mode changing, a new system of heat charging based on IC card is proposed. The user?蒺s energy Consumption is calculated by measuring the user inlet and outlet temperature and flow,using the IC card to record the prepaid amount and the current price of heat. The user?蒺s heating costs is calculated according to energy Consumption and current price, according to actual heating costs and prepaid amount,the system controls the heating opening or stopping. It is more reasonable that calculated heating costs by user heat Consumption

    标签: IC卡 计费 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • PCF2116系列LCD驱动器芯片简介及封装库

    1 FEATURES· Single chip LCD controller/driver· 1 or 2-line display of up to 24 characters per line, or2 or 4 lines of up to 12 characters per line· 5 ′ 7 character format plus cursor; 5 ′ 8 for kana(Japanese syllabary) and user defined symbols· On-chip:– generation of LCD supply voltage (external supplyalso possible)– generation of intermediate LCD bias voltages– oscillator requires no external components (externalclock also possible)· Display data RAM: 80 characters· Character generator ROM: 240 characters· Character generator RAM: 16 characters· 4 or 8-bit parallel bus or 2-wire I2C-bus interface· CMOS/TTL compatible· 32 row, 60 column outputs· MUX rates 1 : 32 and 1 : 16· Uses common 11 code instruction set· Logic supply voltage range, VDD - VSS: 2.5 to 6 V· Display supply voltage range, VDD - VLCD: 3.5 to 9 V· Low power Consumption· I2C-bus address: 011101 SA0.

    标签: 2116 PCF LCD 驱动器芯片

    上传时间: 2013-11-08


  • MT8870D DTMF解码芯片

    Features• Complete DTMF Receiver• Low power Consumption• Internal gain setting amplifier• Adjustable guard time• Central office quality• Power-down mode• Inhibit mode• Backward compatible withMT8870C/MT8870C-1Applications• Receiver system for British Telecom (BT) orCEPT Spec (MT8870D-1)• Paging systems• Repeater systems/mobile radio• Credit card systems• Remote control• Personal computers• Telephone answering machine

    标签: 8870D 8870 DTMF MT

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • 看门狗电路的分析

    根据看门狗电路的原理,设计出简单适用、性能可靠的1TrL型看门狗电路以及价格低廉、性能可靠的微功耗CMOS型看门狗电路,同时还介绍了常用的uP监视器O型看门狗电路。关键词:看门狗电路;1TrL型;CMOS型Abstract:In accordance with the principle of WDT (Watch Dog Timer 1circuit,design a,IT.L type WTD circuit,it is a dimple an d applicable an d reliable on performanceo Design a CMOS type WTD circuit,it is low prices and mini-power Consumption。Also the article describes a common uP type WTD circuit。Key word:WDT circuit;TFL type;CMOS typ e

    标签: 看门狗电路

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • LPC1769 LPC1768 LPC1767 LPC176

    The LPC1769/68/67/66/65/64 are ARM Cortex-M3 based microcontrollers for embedded applications featuring a high level of integration and low power Consumption. The ARM Cortex-M3 is a next generation core that offers system enhancements such as enhanced debug features and a higher level of support block integration.

    标签: LPC 1769 1768 1767

    上传时间: 2014-02-20


  • 8-bit I2C-bus and SMBus IO port with reset

    The PCA9557 is a silicon CMOS circuit which provides parallel input/output expansion for SMBus and I2C-bus applications. The PCA9557 consists of an 8-bit input port register, 8-bit output port register, and an I2C-bus/SMBus interface. It has low current Consumption and a high-impedance open-drain output pin, IO0. The system master can enable the PCA9557’s I/O as either input or output by writing to the configuration register. The system master can also invert the PCA9557 inputs by writing to the active HIGH polarity inversion register. Finally, the system master can reset the PCA9557 in the event of a time-out by asserting a LOW in the reset input. The power-on reset puts the registers in their default state and initializes the I2C-bus/SMBus state machine. The RESET pin causes the same reset/initialization to occur without de-powering the part.

    标签: C-bus SMBus reset port

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • 水位监测报警系统原理

    摘要:本水位监测报警器使用5V低压直流电源(也可以用3节5号电池代替)就可以对5~15厘米的水位进行监测,用LED显示和数码管显示水位,并可以对不再此范围内的水位发出报警。主要采用CD4066、74LS86、74LS32、CD4511芯片,再加上数码管、蜂鸣器、发光二极管、电阻这些器件组成一个简单而灵敏的监测报警电路,操作简单,接通电源即可工作。因为大部分电路采用数字电路,所以本水位监测报警器还具有耗能低、准确性高的特点。关键字:译码电路    报警电路    监测电路 Abstract: The water level alarm monitoring the use of 5 V low-voltage DC power (can also use three batteries replaced on the 5th) will be able to 5 to 15 centimeters of water level monitoring, with LED display and digital display of water level, and this can no longer Within the scope of a water level alarm. Mainly CD4066, 74LS86, 74LS32, CD4511 chips, coupled with digital control, buzzer, light-emitting diode, the resistance of these devices composed of a simple and sensitive monitoring alarm circuits. Because the majority of circuits using digital circuitry, so the water level monitored alarm system also has low energy Consumption, high accuracy of the characteristics. Keyword: Decoding circuit alarm circuit monitoring circuit

    标签: 水位 监测报警 系统原理

    上传时间: 2013-11-05
