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  • Finally, after a great deal of effort and hard work, you have obtained the results you were trying

    Finally, after a great deal of effort and hard work, you have obtained the results you were trying to get for such a long time. You may be so busy (and tired) that you don’t even realize that you have indeed achieved a certain measure of success. Perhaps it will take a fewmore months before you can present your work at a Conference or submit it to a scientific journal.

    标签: you obtained Finally results

    上传时间: 2014-09-10


  • 点云数据平面提取算法matlab程序

    对[1]的matlab实现,有所改动,在计算新的点是否属于平面时用点到平面的距离替换MSE,亲测精度不变计算时间大大减少。 referenece [1]Junhao Xiao, Jianhua Zhang and Jianwei Zhang,'Fast Plane Detection for SLAM from Noisy Range Images in Both Structured and Unstructured Environments',IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics & Automation,2011:1768-1773

    标签: matlab 平面提取算法 点云数据

    上传时间: 2016-06-01


  • 改进离散二进制粒子群算法

    参考文献:M.Rostami Shahrbabak and H.Nezamabadi-pour, " A New Approach to Binary PSO Algorithm" 14th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, may 2006.

    标签: 离散 二进制 粒子群算法

    上传时间: 2020-02-16


  • High-Altitude+Platforms

    This book was conceived in such a special way. From our experience, and despite the increasing interest that we perceived amongst the research community in HAPS, there was not any book in the market entirely devoted to HAPS. We could only find some satellite communications books including only fragments related to HAPS, covering the ‘generalities’. A need for a reference book which could highlight state- of-the-art HAPS-related topics was therefore envisaged. Moreover, most of the information related to HAPS could only be found in technical reports, official recommendations, Conference proceedings and journal papers. 

    标签: High-Altitude Platforms

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Mobile+Technology+Consumption+Opportunities

    The growth of mobile technologies is remarkable. At a recent Mobile World Congress Conference, Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google predicted that within three years, smart phones will surpass Personal Com- puter sales. The number of mobile phones used worldwide has exceeded 4.6 billion with continued growth expected in the future. In fact, in the United States alone, the numbers of mobile phone users comprise over 80% of the population. 

    标签: Opportunities Consumption Technology Mobile

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Multicarrier+Techniques+for+4G

    At recent major international Conferences on wireless communications, there have been several sessions on beyond third generation (3G) or fourth generation(4G)mobilecommunicationssystems,wheremodulation/demod- ulation and multiplexing/multiple access schemes related to multicarrier techniques have drawn a lot of attention. We often met at the Conference venuesandrealizedthatnobookcoveredthebasicsofmulticarriertechniques to recent applications aiming at the 4G systems. Therefore, we decided to write a book on multicarrier techniques for 4G mobile communications systems.

    标签: Communications Multicarrier Techniques Mobile for 4G

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Ultra Wideband Signals and Systems 1st

    In this book we focus on the basic signal processing that underlies current and future ultra wideband systems. By looking at signal processing in this way we hope this text will be useful even as UWB applications mature and change or regulations regarding ultra wideband systems are modified. The current UWB field is extremely dynamic, with new techniques and ideas being presented at every communications and signal-processing Conference. The basic signal-processing techniques presented in this text though will not change for some time to come. Thus, we have taken a somewhat theoretical approach, which we believe is longer lasting and more useful to the reader in the long term than an up-to-the-minute summary that is out of date as soon as it is published.

    标签: Wideband Signals Systems Ultra 1st

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Intro To MEMS Eng

    A few years ago I stood before an audience at a customer’s facility explaining the merits of micromachining technology. The small Conference room was packed, and all ears were attentive. Everyone was eager to learn about thismysteriousbuzzword, “MEMS.”Although many in the audience were nodding in a sign of comprehension, the glazed lookson their facesbetrayed them. Thisexperience isnot unique, but one that isrepeated frequently in auditoriumsaround the world.

    标签: Intro MEMS Eng To

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies

    We are very pleased to introduce the proceedings of the First EAI International Conference on Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies (SmartGIFT 2016). This was the first SmartGIFT Conference, aiming to create a forum for researches, developers, and practitioners from both academia and industry to publish their key results and to disseminate state-of-the-art concepts and techniques in all aspects of smart grids. The 37 scientific participants had many fruitful discussions and exchanges that contributed to the success of the Conference. Participants from 12 countries made the Conference truly international in scope.

    标签: Technologies Inspired Future Smart Grid

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Advanced+Chipless+RFID

    The author’s group has developed various chipless RFID tags and reader architectures at 2.45, 4–8, 24, and 60 GHz. These results were published extensively in the form of books, book chapters, refereed Conference and journal articles, and finally, as patent applications. However, there is still room for improvement of chipless RFID sys- tems. In this book, we proposed advanced techniques of chipless RFID systems that supersede their predecessors in signal processing, tag design, and reader architecture.

    标签: Advanced Chipless RFID

    上传时间: 2020-06-08
