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  • delphi 写的delphi的程序 Handel is a free, standalone development tool created with Delphi 3 that enable

    delphi 写的delphi的程序 Handel is a free, standalone development tool created with Delphi 3 that enables you to create, compile, and run projects. Handel also supports Form Design Environments such as Delphi and can open and write units, projects, and forms created with Delphi 2 or 3. However, it is not perfectly compatible with Delphi.

    标签: delphi development standalone created

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • 是一个免费并开源的支持农历的月历控件

    是一个免费并开源的支持农历的月历控件,可以在日历面板上同时显示公历和农历,农历部分仅支持公元1900.1.31到公元2100.12.31;可以定制控件界面颜色和字体,类似TmonthCalendar,可以选择采用AAFont平滑字体边缘(有点慢);控件字体大小根据控件大小自动适应;支持鼠标和键盘或者代码选择日期;提供了公历转农历和农历转公历函数,支持干支年、月、日;原作者发布的仅有Delphi7的版本,由ccrun(老妖)移植到BCB6中,通过一点点修改(大概有3处),在BCB6中编译测试通过。 控件安装: 运行BCB6,打开BCB6\LssCalendar_BCB6.bpk文件,在出现的Package窗口中先Compile一下,然后单击Install。你可以在LssCalendar Tab下找到控件。

    标签: 开源 农历 控件

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • For build this project you can use ant (www.apache.org). Before build project rename file build.pro

    For build this project you can use ant (www.apache.org). Before build project rename file build.properties.pattern in build.properties and set specific for your machine parameters, then start build.bat (for Windows platform) or build.sh (for Linux) in root project folder. After compile process all binary files will be copy into build forlder. For additional information please visit web site http://www.m-g.ru/corba To subscribe on news about MT_DORB send e-mail with subject subscribe to corba@m-g.ru We recommend that you place the MTDORB_UCUtils.dll ( or MTDORB_UCUtils.so for Linux) in the Windows\System directory (or Windows\System32 for WinNT and Win2K and /lib for Linux). Main MTDORB author: Oleg V. Safonov <safonov@m-g.ru>

    标签: build project Before apache

    上传时间: 2016-08-20


  • 华为公司的编程案例和规范


    标签: 华为公司 编程 案例

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • "jsp下中国式复杂报表的设计及应用 包括Cell插件JSP中读取和保存数据库的代码示例

    "jsp下中国式复杂报表的设计及应用 包括Cell插件JSP中读取和保存数据库的代码示例,需要安装用友华表软件技术有限公司的Cell插件后才能正常观看,请先下载Cell插件。 Cell网站: http://www.cellsoft.cc/Cell/index.asp cell插件下载地址: http://www.cellsoft.cc/GL_Down/2008121321664295.exe 产品概述: Cell 插件用于开发B/S结构程序,使用Asp, Asp.net, Jsp, VbScript, JavaScript等语言开发,可以在浏览器中直接打印报表(非IE打印),带有国际化数字签名,让用户使用更方便,更安全。 · 具备Cell组件的所有特色功能,在浏览器中提供报表的显示和打印(非IE的打印) · 网络报表界面美观,大大改善了浏览器中报表的输出效果 · 带有国际化数字签名,让用户使用的更安全、更放心 · 可将报表文件另存为华表文件或者Excel文件,从而可以进行进一步加工 · 支持ASP、ASP.Net、JSP、VBScript、JavaScript等语言开发 在开发工具中将Cell插件引入至工程,然后将Cell插件拖至页面中即可开始报表设计。"

    标签: Cell jsp JSP 报表

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • 这本书几乎涵盖了CC++所有的函数


    标签: CC 函数

    上传时间: 2016-09-20


  • java应用开发指南完整版

    java应用开发指南完整版,. It explains how to use JBuilder’s IDE to manage projects and files, visually design a user interface, and compile, debug, and run your programs. It also shows you how to create a JavaBean component using BeansExpress. The User’s Guide contains the following chapters:

    标签: java 应用开发指南

    上传时间: 2014-12-22


  • Linux下的tree命令

    Linux下的tree命令,同window,功能更强大! 1、下载tree-源程序 2、解压源码到工作目录tar zxvf tree- 3、在tree-目录交叉编译:make CC=arm-linux-gcc 4、安装:make prefix=/home/xxxx/rootfs install Ubuntu下 直接 apt-get install tree 即可安装最新的tr

    标签: Linux tree 命令

    上传时间: 2016-09-27


  • CPU的code banking技术实例: This Zip file contains five (3) folders: FastChip Project Files * This

    CPU的code banking技术实例: This Zip file contains five (3) folders: FastChip Project Files * This folder contains a folder called "Bank" that should be moved into: <install_root>\FastChip\Projects Keil Project Files * These files are to be put into the directory of your choice and the project is to be opened from within Keil Hex Files * These files are the output of Keil. If you do not want to compile and link all of the code, these files can be loaded into FastChip directly

    标签: This FastChip contains banking

    上传时间: 2016-10-01


  • This a simple database management system. It doesn t use any other code (i.e. ODBC, ADO, etc.) and h

    This a simple database management system. It doesn t use any other code (i.e. ODBC, ADO, etc.) and has it s own database file format. I wrote it because I found the other DBMSs code too bulky and hard to debug. It s designed for small applications and I doubt it could handle anything on a large scale. A sample program included in the .zip shows how everything works. The database project is a library project, so you ll have to compile and link with the .lib file to get everything working. Pros: - You have the source code so you know exactly what it is doing - Database files are very small - Small and fast code Cons: - Can t handle large amounts of records (more than 65000ish) - Doesn t support SQL (you have to search the database by cycling through the records and testing them against your constraints) - Each database file can only have one table.

    标签: i.e. management database simple

    上传时间: 2016-10-02
