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  • 意法半导体运放稳定性

      Who has never experienced oscillations issues when using an operational amplifier? Opampsare often used in a simple voltage follower configuration. However, this is not the bestconfiguration in terms of capacitive loading and potential risk of oscillations.Capacitive loads have a big impact on the stability of operational amplifier-basedapplications. Several Compensation methods exist to stabilize a standard op-amp. Thisapplication note describes the most common ones, which can be used in most cases.The general theory of each Compensation method is explained, and based on this, specific

    标签: 半导体 运放 稳定性

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • 模拟cmos集成电路设计(design of analog

    模拟集成电路的设计与其说是一门技术,还不如说是一门艺术。它比数字集成电路设计需要更严格的分析和更丰富的直觉。严谨坚实的理论无疑是严格分析能力的基石,而设计者的实践经验无疑是诞生丰富直觉的源泉。这也正足初学者对学习模拟集成电路设计感到困惑并难以驾驭的根本原因。.美国加州大学洛杉机分校(UCLA)Razavi教授凭借着他在美国多所著名大学执教多年的丰富教学经验和在世界知名顶级公司(AT&T,Bell Lab,HP)卓著的研究经历为我们提供了这本优秀的教材。本书自2000午出版以来得到了国内外读者的好评和青睐,被许多国际知名大学选为教科书。同时,由于原著者在世界知名顶级公司的丰富研究经历,使本书也非常适合作为CMOS模拟集成电路设计或相关领域的研究人员和工程技术人员的参考书。... 本书介绍模拟CMOS集成电路的分析与设计。从直观和严密的角度阐述了各种模拟电路的基本原理和概念,同时还阐述了在SOC中模拟电路设计遇到的新问题及电路技术的新发展。本书由浅入深,理论与实际结合,提供了大量现代工业中的设计实例。全书共18章。前10章介绍各种基本模块和运放及其频率响应和噪声。第11章至第13章介绍带隙基准、开关电容电路以及电路的非线性和失配的影响,第14、15章介绍振荡器和锁相环。第16章至18章介绍MOS器件的高阶效应及其模型、CMOS制造工艺和混合信号电路的版图与封装。 1 Introduction to Analog Design 2 Basic MOS Device Physics 3 Single-Stage Amplifiers 4 Differential Amplifiers 5 Passive and Active Current Mirrors 6 Frequency Response of Amplifiers 7 Noise 8 Feedback 9 Operational Amplifiers 10 Stability and Frequency Compensation 11 Bandgap References 12 Introduction to Switched-Capacitor Circuits 13 Nonlinearity and Mismatch 14 Oscillators 15 Phase-Locked Loops 16 Short-Channel Effects and Device Models 17 CMOS Processing Technology 18 Layout and Packaging

    标签: analog design cmos of

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 微电脑型热电偶隔离双输出传送器

    特点(FEATURES) 精确度0.2%满刻度±0.5℃(冷接点补偿)(Accuracy 0.2%F.S.±0.5℃(CJC)) 高精确度冷接点温度补偿(CJC traceability<±0.5℃(0-70℃)) 热电偶误差补偿,与断线保护功能(Sensor error Compensation(offset) and burnout protection function)) 16 BIT 隔离类

    标签: 微电脑 传送器 热电偶 隔离

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • FP6291

    DC/DC 升压IC:The FP6291 is a current mode boost DC-DC converter. Its PWM circuitry with built-in 0.25 Ω power MOSFET make this regulator highly power efficient. The internal Compensation network also minimizes as much as 6 external component counts. The non-inverting input of error amplifier connects to a 0.6V precision reference voltage and internal soft-start function can reduce the inrush current. The FP6291 is available in the SOT23-6L package and provides space-saving PCB for the application fields.

    标签: 6291 FP

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • 基于P89V51RD2的功率因数测量仪设计

    设计一种基于P89V51RD2的功率因数测量仪,采用光电隔离器和专用数码管驱动器。该测量仪是以增强型单片机P89V51RD2为核心,大大简化系统硬件设计。而软件部分采用模块化设计思想,采用中值滤波和小数补偿算法,实现功率因数的高精度测量。实验测试表明,该功率因数测量仪测量精度高,运行稳定可靠。 Abstract:  A power-factor measurement instrument based on P89V51RD2is designed,which uses optical coupler and specific LED drive chip.The power factor measurement instrument uses P89V51RD2as a core of which greatly simplifies the system design.Furthermore,modularization software is developed in detail.The high precision power-factor measuring system is realized by the center value filter and fractional Compensation algorithm.Experiments manifests that the power- factor measurement instrument is high precision,steady and reliable.

    标签: P89 89V V51 RD2

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于ADuC841的膜片钳放大器系统设计

    为降低成本和解决现有膜片钳放大器系统中PC机的干扰问题,研究了一种基于单片机的膜片钳放大器小系统。该系统采用ADI公司生产的ADuC841作为控制核心,并且配置相应的液晶显示模块LCM3202401。模拟电路部分采用高输入阻抗的AD8627实现微电流信号的采集,并由后级电路进行信号的放大和电阻电容的补偿。它具有硬件电路简单、体积小、使用方便的特点。既可以单独作为小系统实现采集和显示,也可以通过红外方式和PC机进行通讯,在PC机上进行信号的处理。 Abstract:  In order to reduce cost and resolve the interferential problem with PC in existing patch clamp amplifiers, a small patch clamp amplifier system design based on microcontroller is studied. It adopts a new high performance microconverter ADuC841 by the ADI as the control core in the system, configuring a liquid crystal module LCM3202401. In the analog circuit, AD8627 with high input impedance is used to detect the low current,signal magnification, as well as resistance and capacitance Compensation are accomplished by subsequent circuits. It has the advantage of simple hardware circuit design, small volume and convenient operation. It can either be used as an independent system to measure and show signal detected or transmit to PC by infrared ray.

    标签: ADuC 841 膜片钳 放大器

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 用C51实现无功补偿中电容组循环投切的算法

    介绍了用单片机C 语言实现无功补偿中电容组循环投切的基本原理和算法,并举例说明。关键词:循环投切;C51;无功补偿中图分类号: TM76 文献标识码: BAbstract: This paper introduces the aplication of C51 in the controlling of capacitorsuits cycle powered to be on and off in reactive Compensation.it illustrate thefondamental principle and algorithm with example.Key words: cycle powered to be on and off; C51; reactive Compensation 为提高功率因数,往往采用补偿电容的方法来实现。而电容器的容量是由实时功率因数与标准值进行比较来决定的,实时功率因数小于标准值时,需投入电容组,实时功率因数大于标准值时,则需切除电容组。投切方式的不合理,会对电容器造成损坏,现有的控制器多采用“顺序投切”方式,在这种投切方式下排序在前的电容器组,先投后切;而后面的却后投先切。这不仅使处于前面的电容组经常处于运行状态,积累热量不易散失,影响其使用寿命,而且使后面的投切开关经常动作,同样减少寿命。合理的投切方式应为“循环投切”。这种投切方式使先投入的运行的电容组先退出,后投的后切除,从而使各组电容及投切开关使用机率均等,降低了电容组的平均运行温度,减少了投切开关的动作次数,延长了其使用寿命。

    标签: C51 无功补偿 循环 电容

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • XL6003 300KHz 36V Boost 3W LED

    The XL6003 regulator is fixed frequency PWM Boost (step-up) DC/DC converter, capable ofdriving 1050mA load current with excellent line and load regulation. The regulator is simple to use because it includes internal frequency Compensation and a fixed-frequency oscillator so that it requires a minimum number of external components to work. The XL6003 could directly drive 5~10 3W LED units at VIN=12V.

    标签: Boost 6003 300 36V

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • 基于ZigBee技术的无线智能家用燃气报警系统

    在研究传统家用燃气报警器的基础上,以ZigBee协议为平台,构建mesh网状网络实现网络化的智能语音报警系统。由于传感器本身的温度和实际环境温度的影响,传感器标定后采用软件补偿方法。为了减少系统费用,前端节点采用半功能节点设备,路由器和协调器采用全功能节点设备,构建mesh网络所形成的家庭内部报警系统,通过通用的电话接口连接到外部的公用电话网络,启动语音模块进行报警。实验结果表明,在2.4 GHz频率下传输,有墙等障碍物的情况下,节点的传输距离大约为35 m,能够满足家庭需要,且系统工作稳定,但在功耗方面仍需进一步改善。 Abstract:  On the basis of studying traditional household gas alarm system, this paper proposed the platform for the ZigBee protocol,and constructed mesh network to achieve network-based intelligent voice alarm system. Because of the sensor temperature and the actual environment temperature, this system design used software Compensation after calibrating sensor. In order to reduce system cost, semi-functional node devices were used as front-end node, however, full-function devices were used as routers and coordinator,constructed alarm system within the family by building mesh network,connected to the external public telephone network through the common telephone interface, started the voice alarm module. The results indicate that nodes transmit about 35m in the distance in case of walls and other obstacles by 2.4GHz frequency transmission, this is able to meet family needs and work steadily, but still needs further improvement in power consumption.

    标签: ZigBee 无线智能 报警系统

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 运算放大器稳定时间的测量

    The AN10 begins with a survey of methods for measuring op amp settling time. This commentary develops into circuits for measuring settling time to 0.0005%. Construction details and results are presented. Appended sections cover oscilloscope overload limitations and amplifier frequency Compensation.

    标签: 运算放大器 稳定时间 测量

    上传时间: 2013-11-14
