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  • spi协议英文详解

    In this presentation, we will look at what the Serial Peripheral Interface, otherwise known as the SPI, is. and how it is used to Communicate data to and from the PICmicro microcontroller.SPl is frequently used when few 1/O lines are available, but communication between two or more devices must be fast and easy to implement.In this presentation, we will discuss the following topics: We will first cover an Overview of SPI This section of the tutorial will introduce you to SPI and its concepts.Next, we will examine the use of SPI on the PICmicro MCU.The details of how SPI is implemented on a PICmicro device will be examined.Then, a Code Walkthrough will be given.The walkthough will explore code for both an SPI Master and SPI Slave. The example will have the Master generate data for sending to the slave.Finally, there will be a few resources given at the end of the presentation. These resources will allow you to explore in more detail the SPI interface

    标签: spi协议

    上传时间: 2022-06-20


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(25)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(25)资源包含以下内容:1. 嵌入式GSM短信息接口的软硬件设计.2. 数字PID及其算法.3. cpress鼠标固件源码.4. 修改MAC的软件.5. MM36SB020串行FLASH的简单例子.6. WINCE - CEPC.7. HOW TO Communicate with PDA by IrDA..8. 时间显示例子 1.9. 用于lpc2104的显示例子2.10. 可以在LPC2104上使用的显示的例子.11. lwIP-Softools-11Jul2002-alpha.12. 语音自动应答系统源代码.13. Wince 中ADO3.0的使用方法.14. pic单片板usb编程模板.15. CCDC01采集器测试仪软件:拼音输入法码表.16. 用PIC16C54控制的电话扩音器.17. 用2051播放音乐.18. CH451键盘显示芯片的控制程序.19. 44b0上开发的油蛇吃豆的游戏.20. 44b0上usb的驱动程序.21. 44b0上usb应用程序实例.22. 2407实验程序在CCS环境下运行.23. TI的TMS320LF2407源代码!.24. msp430开发的驻波表测试仪 数字显示的,国内没有的哦.25. 集成电路数据手册.26. 256色TFT.27. 8色TFT驱动程序.28. 2051模拟PS2键盘和PC机通讯程序 6M下.29. DS1620 - 12F675温度lcd显示.30. 介绍嵌入式系统的一些基础知识。.31. 对开放源码的嵌入式仿真环境SkyEye的综述。.32. 匣发光二术管的显示程序.33. 通过7路AD转换.34. 基本的时钟中断程序.35. 语音即录即放程序.36. 时钟的率调整程序.37. Protel DXP 常用库元件.38. 乒乓球游戏机设计.39. sdt文件移植为ads文件配置的改变.40. 44b0中断的处理.

    标签: 2.0 机械设计 软件

    上传时间: 2013-07-15
