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  • 通过提高保证成本的状态延迟控制和量子自适应控制的一台四轮直升机的控制策略

    Improved guaranteed cost control and quantum adaptive control are developed in this study for a quadrotor helicopter with state delay and actuator faults. Improved guaranteed cost control is designed to eliminate disturbance effects and guarantee the robust stability of a quadrotor helicopter with state delay. The inapplicability of guaranteed cost control to the quadrotor linear model is addressed by Combining guaranteed cost control with a model reference linear quadratic regulator. In the event of actuator faults, quadrotor tracking performance is maintained through quantum adaptive control. Finally, the availability of the proposed scheme is verified through numerical simulation

    标签: Control Helicopter Guaranteed Quadrotor Adaptive Strategy Improved Quantum Delay State

    上传时间: 2017-07-15


  • Energy-Efficient Communication Processors

    Engineers are professional inventors, researchers, and developers. Education imbues each engineer with discipline-specific knowledge. Combining the different disciplines allows engineers to solve more complex problems.

    标签: Energy-Efficient Communication Processors

    上传时间: 2020-05-27



    In a world where consumers,businesses and organizations are demanding faster,amerter and more seamlessly converged information technology and communization services,concepts such as Driverless Cars,Combining advanced automatic controls,artficial intelligences and automotive transport technologies are soon expected to become a commercial realty.At the same time,new blueprints such as industrial internet and industry 4.0 are driving the increased digitization of entire industries and economic sectors,boosting efficiencies and productivity.

    标签: ZTE-M-ICT

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • 极化码的编解码研究及仿真

    信道编码技术能够显著改善通信系统的性能,带来编码增益,提高通信系统的容量。一直以来,人们都在寻找一种信道容量可以达到香农极限的编码。2007年,E.Arikan提出了一种名为极化码(Polar Code)的编码技术,在二进制离散无记忆信道条件下,理论上被证明可以达到香农极限,并且编解码具有较低的算法复杂度,成为信道编码史上一个重大突破。极化码作为一种新兴的编码技术,引起了无线通信界广泛的关注,成为编码领域最受瞩目的研究热点之一。本文系统的阐述了极化码,分析了极化码的编解码原理,然后将其与Turbo码、LDPC码进行了仿真比较。首先介绍了信道极化现象(Channel Polarization),然后详细讨论了信道合并(Channel Combining)和信道拆分(Channel Spitting)的过程,以及信道极化的重要特性。接着重点介绍了极化码的编解码构造方法,系统地推导了极化码生成矩阵的形成过程,总结了极化码信息位选取的方法,并深入研究了极化码的错误概率的上下界限。最后,对极化码的编解码进行了仿真实现,探讨了不同的编码块长度、不同的编码速率及不同的迭代次数对极化码性能的影响。并将极化码与Turbo码、LDPC码进行仿真比较,分析了这三种编码的性能以及优缺点。关键词:信道编码、极化码、信道极化现象、sC解码、Turbo码、LDPC码本章中,首先简单地描述了数字通信系统,概述了信息传输过程中具体的信道模型,然后详细回顾了信道编码理论与技术的研究现况和发展历史,以及简要地概述了极化码的发展历程、编解码特点、硬件方面及其应用研究,最后简要概括了本文的主要工作,并给出了全文的详细内容安排。

    标签: 极化码

    上传时间: 2022-06-15


  • MT7628 Datasheet

    Overview The MT7628 router-on-a-chip includes an 802.11n MAC and baseband,a 2.4 GHz radio and FEM,a 575/580MHz MIPS? 24K% CPU core,a 5-port 10/100 fast ethernet switch. The MT7628 includes everything needed to build an AP router from a single chip. The embedded high performance CPU can process advanced applications effortlessly, such as routing, security and VolP. The MT7628 also includes a selection of interfaces to support a variety of applications, such as a USB port for accessing external storage.Features· Embedded MIPS24KEc(575/580 MHz) with 64KBl-Cache and 32 KB D-Cache·2T2R 2.4 GHz with 300 Mbps PHY data rate· Legacy 802.11b/g and HT 802.11n modes·20/40 MHz channel bandwidth· Reverse Data Grant(RDG)· Maximal Ratio Combining(MRC)· Space Time Block Coding(STBC)· MCM 8 Mbytes DDR1 KGD(MT7628KN)

    标签: mt7628

    上传时间: 2022-07-18


  • MT7628手册(英文版)

    The following table covers the main features offered by the MT7628KN and MT7628AN. Overall, the MT7628KN supports the requirements of an entry level AP/router, while the more advanced MT7628AN supports a number of interfaces together with a large maximum RAM capacity.Features· Embedded MIPS24KEc (575/580 MHz) with 64KBl-Cache and 32KB D-Cache·2T2R 2.4GHz with 300 Mbps PHY data rate· Legacy 802.11b/g and HT 802.11n modes·20/40 MHz channel bandwidth· Reverse Data Grant(RDG)· Maximal Ratio Combining(MRC)· Space Time Block Coding(STBC)· MCM 8 Mbytes DDR1 KGD(MT7628KN)·16-bit DDR1/2 up to 128/256 Mbytes(MT7628AN/KN)· SPI/SD-XC/eMMC·x1 USB 2.0 Host,x1 Ple Root Complex·5-port 10/100 FE PHY

    标签: mt7628

    上传时间: 2022-07-25
