标签: Cold
上传时间: 2013-08-19
Cold fire 仿真器简介 freeScale公司
上传时间: 2014-01-24
标签: Cold
上传时间: 2014-01-05
An Introduction to Cold stamping. Ppt 冷冲压概论.ppt
标签: Introduction stamping Cold
上传时间: 2016-07-07
This is GPS Matlab, this file performs Cold start acquisition on the collected "data". It searches for GPS signals of all satellites, which are listed in field "acqSatelliteList" in the settings structure. Function saves code phase and frequency of the detected signals in the "acqResults" structure.
标签: Acquisition acquisition collected performs
上传时间: 2013-12-28
This is GPS Matlab acquisition code. Function performs Cold start acquisition on the collected "data". It searches for GPS signals of all satellites, which are listed in field "acqSatelliteList" in the settings structure. Function saves code phase and frequency of the detected signals in the "acqResults" structure.
标签: acquisition collected Function performs
上传时间: 2014-08-07
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Abstract: This application note illustrates an intermediate 8V switching power supply for an automotive radio and infotainment system.The design withstands the complete automotive input voltage range (including Cold crank and load dump conditions), assuring a stable8V supply for common subsystems such as a CD driver, LCDs, and a radio module in modern infotainment systems. To avoiddisturbance in the AM and FM bands, the switching power supply runs at a fixed frequency of 2MHz, enabling an ideal solution forradio systems.
上传时间: 2013-11-20
Automobile electronic systems place high demands ontoday’s DC/DC converters. They must be able to preciselyregulate an output voltage in the face of wide temperatureand input voltage ranges—including load dump transientsin excess of 60V and Cold crank voltage drops to 4V. Theconverter must also be able to minimize battery drain inalways-on systems by maintaining high effi ciency over abroad load current range. Similar demands are made bymany 48V nonisolated telecom applications, 40V FireWireperipherals and battery-powered applications with autoplug adaptors. The LT3437’s best in classperformancemeets all of these requirements in a small thermallyenhanced 3mm × 3mm DFN package.
上传时间: 2013-10-15
Battery powered applications that have a signifi cantamount of time in standby mode, require electrical circuitsto operate with a low quiescent current to preserve batterylife. The LTC3835 synchronous step-down controlleris an excellent solution with its ultralow quiescent current(80μA). Other features make it uniquely qualifi ed tosatisfy the needs of automotive applications. A wide 4Vto 36V input voltage range protects the supply againsthigh input voltage transients and is compatible with lowvoltage Cold crank conditions. The constant frequencycurrent-mode architecture with high-side inductor current
上传时间: 2013-11-20