Java Card 2.2 Virtual Machine Specification
标签: Specification Virtual Machine Java
上传时间: 2014-01-22
Java Card API,Development Kit for the Java CardTM Platform,在开发java卡片的时候,需要把JChome指向在这里
上传时间: 2014-11-18
This project uses the capabilities of LabVIEW and the data acquisition Card to measure the power spectrum of an audio signal.
标签: the capabilities acquisition LabVIEW
上传时间: 2017-03-21
Hearing test. It using music Card to test left and right ear seperately. It contains graphic iterface[*.fig] and m-file. It works fine with 6.5 version of Matlab.
标签: test seperately contains Hearing
上传时间: 2017-03-24
This is a source of 13.560MHz RFID Card reader for TRH031M as ATMEGA8-16AU MPU. The title is 3Alogics TRH031M 13.56MHz RFID Reader V1.0. project : RFID Reader V2.0 Target : MEGA8-16AU Crystal: 16.000 Mhz Input : TRH031M RFID 13.56MHz Output : RS232C 115200,N,8,1 Compiler : ICC-AVR V6.26C // Pin configuration for ATMEGA8-16AU TQFP32 // #30 RXD <--- RXD (SP3232) // #31 TXD ---> TXD (SP3232) // #32 PD2/INT0 <--- INTR (TRH031M) // # 1 PD3/INT1 ---> RST (TRH031M) // # 2 PD4 ---> D4 (TRH031M) // # 9 PD5 ---> D5 (TRH031M) // #10 PD6 ---> D6 (TRH031M) // #11 PD7 ---> D7 (TRH031M) // #12 PB0 ---> D0 (TRH031M) // #13 PB1 ---> D1 (TRH031M) // #14 PB2 ---> D2 (TRH031M) // #15 PB3 ---> D3 (TRH031M) // #16 PB4 ---> CSB (TRH031M) // #17 PB5 ---> LED // #23 PC0 ---> A0 (TRH031M) // #24 PC1 ---> A1 (TRH031M) // #25 PC2 ---> A2 (TRH031M) // #26 PC3 ---> ALE (TRH031M) // #27 PC4 ---> /RD (TRH031M) // #28 PC5 ---> /WR (TRH031M)
标签: 13.560 ATMEGA 3Alogi source
上传时间: 2017-03-31
heil for lib cf Card is c51
上传时间: 2013-12-23
s32440 sd Card 驱动程序,是学习sddriver的好方法
上传时间: 2017-04-02
A short discription for smart Card technology
标签: discription technology short smart
上传时间: 2014-02-15
Example Of Using SD/MMC Card with PIC
上传时间: 2014-03-09
shuffling Card game implemented using c language
标签: implemented shuffling language using
上传时间: 2017-04-06